Anybody know the actual state of progress with the 24h version? I only discovered this track today, and it's bloody brilliant! It would be a dream come true to be able to race on a 24h version of this quality. Fabulous, fabulous work!
After a heads up on another forum, I discovered the donation button on the first page of this thread. So lets give this guy a bit of support to enable him to get the job finished C'mon all of you, if this track was payware anybody would be glad to pay for it. I'd bite the guys hand off if it was finished! Click to donate>> PayPal
Is it just me or DX11 seems to have no light effect except on the objects? The road does not get illuminated...
try it first with an S397 car with lights. The Enduroracer mod 'may' have used a funky light source. But that does look odd.
Hi, any chance for a cut detection update? Actually is pretty easy to cut all the corners without a penalty..
It's in to do list when I start the DX11 adjustments as well as a number of other fixes. Then I will restart the La Sarthe version which was already driveable but I've lost my HD (thanks Seagate). Taking the opportunity to replace all disks for SSD unities.
Hi! I love this track so much. Good looking and challenging track. I hope the whole Le Mans track is coming to rf2. Any news for the track?
Hello, I'm sorry for posting this question here, it's about a year since the last post and I was just wondering if the La Sarthe circuit was still on going or if the project was dead ? Still in love with the Bugatti one Thank you
Too bad, his work was top notch, absolutely professional! Such that I'm addicted to his Bugatti one. I understand that it's a lot (by a big margin) of work for not that much in return except the joy to share something brilliant. And time is precious as well. Thank you for your reply Pixel Trax.
Hy Dufrene, I have a half-baked 24h Le Mans version but I have never finished. Maybe someone with time for it would like to take from current state. All in all there is a 24h version out there, not sure how accurate it is but seems to be functional. Actually the modding system seems to be changed a lot from this track building era, Max 2010 plugins support (my version) seems to be discontinued and they buried gJED, which was not perfect but it used to be very handy. Also, a number of shaders and track technologies has changed without proper documentation, so the modding process is more than the hard work of modelling and texturing, the main part of labour is trying and error guessing how the things in-game work. Very tireless. I'm currently creating airports and scenery for X-Plane 11, it would be very fruitful if S397 staff have a look on how Laminar Research put their modding system together. If rFactor2 had a similar system I'd be happy to come to rF2 modding back. In addition, their shaders are OpenGL readable and achieve amazing visual results with good FPS (flight sim deal with much more polygons then race sims), it's also worth to have a look inside. rF2 needs to modernize, at least to provide a decent WYSIWYG editor with the same in-game shaders being updated by Steam at same step when the main game core is also updated, if they really intend to have a fraction of mods that rF1 use to have. The DX11 Scene viewer is a bad band-aid. I fell a bit sad seeing the new S397 DLC excellent content as the newer GT3 car competitors pack being used in a dated and confusing GFX engine. I can't barely imagine how that content would perform in Unreal Engine for example. Sorry, trashy English as usual.
Wonder what is your opinion after the release of documentation This is the most beautiful 3rd party track together with Nogaro (even tho I hate Nogaro layout lol), and from the first party only Sebring and LM looks better, imo. Would love to see these 2 with PBR and using their recent grass and sand