66. But I'm revising this amount. Good news: 8 hours race test passed. No crash. Funny thing is the AI controlled car keeps running after race ends... :-D So it runs alone for more 3 hours. 11 hours racing straight away with no issue. The problem is one of those guys: Nightlights Night_glows Animated Marshals Car Cube Reflections Planar Track reflections Now I'll reinserting one per time to isolate the problem and understand what is really wrong with it. Hopefully the issue is the same that crashes other rF2 tracks.
I guess, this amount can`t be the problem. Not sure about the hard limit, but above 100 seems working. //Edit: just found the thread i was thinking about:
No retreat, no surrender lol... If all tracks crash, I wouldn't bother to study the issue. But it's a well determined group of tracks which crashes. So, I can't settle in that. Jüergen, I think even if don't be the cause of crash, omnis are a source of GPU processing drain. I like to race night time so I think the less omnis the better. Also reduced headlights to 16 tops in my PLR file. I've seen some Forza tracks that uses a technique which the objects textures seems to have an additional map which controls a non-uniform emissive light amount; this map makes the objects artificially lightened based on time of day instead of presence of near omnis. It's not a "real" light but when you racing the result is close with a percentage of GPU usage. For La Sarthe version I'm considering to use visgroups to load / unload versions of the same object with fake night light with omni = false. Maybe I include one grandstand with attempt in Bugatti v1.0 as well to you guys check out if it's acceptable. I don't know if it can possibly be understood since I suck at English.
Glad to hear you're possibly making some progress on the diagnostics. AWESOME perseverance. Much appreciated.
Ok guys, another 8 hours test passed last night, now with animations inserted. The multiple bitmaps materials and 3D track marshals were not the problem. Today I'll insert night lights and glows and the last test will have all together with reflections. Either night lights /glows or Car/Track Reflections 100% sure will make the game crash Nvidia driver. It's a matter to find out which one and dissect.
Very nice work, it's just weird that it's very much 900-series dependant, even with same driver - and still kinda random, and never happen to others. I'll try to get VEC/9xx users to test another LeMans91-update soon.
There's few reports 600 series having this issue, but I wouldn't know if they're more rare because there's less hardware like this being used. And I've seen just 2 AMD reports. Say, 90% of complains is about NV 900 series. It seems 1000 series are also free of this video driver error. On my side I jump from 580 GTX (never got one freeze) to 970 GTX (a lot of freezes) and now 980 GTX (even more crashes than 970). Are you working trying to fix this issue in LM 1991-1996 as well?
I've got a gtx 680 from pov and I haven't got any problem with your track. I drive I always and for hours because it's my fav. Hopefully you will find that boohman; ) Gesendet von meinem GT-I9301I mit Tapatalk
Good to know Nitro, are you using reflections set all maxed? If you have some time, try to have a run during night and let me know if it crashes (you can leave AI running if you like).
Of course I can do. I run some races at night, lemans, nords, Sebring, oulton etc and up to now my pc didn't crash. But to be honest the races were most time not longer as 1h30min. I have everything at max. Full HD resolution. Gesendet von meinem GT-I9301I mit Tapatalk
Just want to add to the report: i`m getting allways from roll out of the box and entering the s/f straight, too, a yellow flag, wich stays till the dunlop bridge. I can see some objects popping up very late, sign (Total?) heavy flickering, some buildings heavy flickering and some strange flashes. Settings: everything max, but track details middle, shadow blur fast and reflections low. 24 AI`s. With this setting i get no crash so far...
No not currently, but we ran some tests prior to our finale in june, unfortunately unsuccesfully. I'm not a VLM member, it was just a league version for that specific race, but I'll let Dennis Grebe know if we find a solution.
Are you using the correct pit road exit? You should keep at right road uphill and join to main track at T1. If you direclty enter to S/F straight you'll be penalized and yellow flagged. I think you track detail = middle is capping the cones that inform you shouldn't use the first pit exit. Thanks for this info, I'll change the cones visgroup to make them visible in all track detail settings. Aside the Motul board (fixed to v1.00) the other flickering is being caused by onboard clipping cameras, usually open-wheelers. Do you have flickering using EGT cars (ignore Motul board in your version because it's really defective)?
Just did a test with your track. 20 ai controlled group c cars at night. No problems detected with the gtx680. Gesendet von meinem GT-I9301I mit Tapatalk