I already read the 'Missing DLC Tutorial' thread but that did not solve my issue. All my paid DLC is not visible via rFactor 2, Properties, Workshop. It only lists free Workshop Items I have subscribed to. In game however, all my paid DLC is available and also when checking the installed packages in game, they all are listen as installed and Workshop.
They have changed how the workshop displays things, not sure why, but in Steam, click on your name then INVENTORY from the drop down menu. That will, at least, display your DLC content.
Yes, ithey are all in my Steam rFactor 2 Inventory, but you cannot unsubscribe and subscribe from there. On Discord I also asked and someone showed a screenshot of the DLC also being visible in rFactor 2, Properties, Workshop. But for me all paid DLC is not showing up there. I also verified files in Steam and all is ok according to that.
Ok, NOW I see what you are asking. I checked my inventory vs the properties/workshop list and none of my DLC was on that list. All of S397's free content, all the mods I have installed, but nothing in regards to the DLC. I never gave that list a passing glaze since it was fairly long, I just ASSUMED all the cars & tracks were listed. hmmm. That would mean, afaik, that the only way to unsubscribe to dlc would be to use windows and delete the individual car & track folders located inside the INSTALLED folder. That is not a very elegant solution.
Are you looking for the individual items? Don't look for packs, they're only packs for the purpose of buying them.
I have only non DLC content. The BMW M4 Class 1 is there, but not the GT3. Another rF2 oddity I guess.
just checked again now, still seein mine; GTE's Karts; EDIT: on "NONE" version of game, if it matters.
@Goanna I'm also on "None". Checked after running rF2 just in case having it running somehow interfered, then restarted steam in case that would help, still can't see any of those. I'm sure previously I just scrolled down to the BMW and saw the GTE in there. Searching for them doesn't help, they're just not there. Weird.
My screens are from just starting steam and checking rF2 properties, while the kart sound updates download. Now the interesting part...started rF2 and it installed the Kart stuff, so exited the game and paid content still there....steam pops up saying it has a new version to install, say ok and now nada on the paid content stuff.... gunna reboot computer and see what happens... brb
So, just to clarify: As far as how it affects the uninstall/reinstall process: a workaround is to find the correct folders for your DLC in the Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\365960 folder, and delete them. Start rF2 and it will remove those now missing items. Then, you can verify rF2 files in steam and that will redownload the DLC. Start rF2 again to install them. Note that DLC will always be subscribed, as starting rF2 always resubscribes even if/when you could unsubscribe manually.