[REL] [Open Beta v0.3] Classic Cars Mod

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by Petros Mak, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Yarach

    Yarach Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    U like it? :)
    1 person likes this.
  2. Vince Klortho

    Vince Klortho Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Great !!! :D
  3. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Sorry if I'm making the same question again, is there any news about the Peugeot Maxi?


    It would be perfect to drive this car at MuontainForest or at Croft!:)
    1 person likes this.
  4. Kknorpp001

    Kknorpp001 Banned

    May 5, 2012
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    Are u kidding? I won't be able to sleep now!
  5. Kknorpp001

    Kknorpp001 Banned

    May 5, 2012
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    +1 !!!
  6. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    hey petros mak is it true what i read about you guys that you have not released a mod for yrs?????????????
    if so why not???????? if true mayb you will have to convince me and others that your actually going to release something.
    maybe something in WIP form would be the way to go. IF NOT WHO CARES WE WILL SEE IF OTHERS ARE RIGHT ABOUT.. MAK CORP
  7. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Hey coops. Yeah its true, what about it? CTDP have only released 1 mod in the last 6 years, all quality producing modding groups take their time to perfect mods, they don't release them quick just to appease people and then watch them complain that the quality is bad.

    We released our 2007 mod in 2008. We had other mods like the GP79 mod which we released the demo to but then the mod was hijacked and released by a member with their own group name. We had the 1991 mod which was also hijacked and released by another group, but the community didn't give a **** to support us did they?

    So we decided to stop helping groups who wanted to bring their mods into our group because in the end, we were getting screwed over. We decided to just run our group and concentrate on our own things and no more bringing in mods by others to help them finish them.

    MMG 2006 F1 Mod we cancelled to do 2007 because we felt there was no point to compete with CTDP who were more then capable of producing a great 2006 mod (and they did). 1994 Mod we had a few key guys leave the group and so we were not able to continue that mod, though I would love to someday get that season done as it is my favorite F1 season.

    Initial D mod. The main modeler who worked on that mod left the group. Since then I've not been able to find any modelers interested in re-creating those versions of the cars.

    2007 We released which was our first release and was a majorly popular one. We then released the BMW Sauber F1.08 alongside ISI which was also quite popular. We may not have released much, but what we have released has been quality.

    After that we had a decision to make. We knew rF2 was anywhere between 6-10 months from being released in beta form. So we had to decide, do we continue working on rF1 or do we boycott rF1 and begin working on content for rF2 onwards with a 6-10 month period of development before the game comes out. We knew boycotting rF1 would get us flack from the community because nothing was coming out, but we felt the overall benefit would be what we could create for rF2 during that time.

    And we stand by our decision. By boycotting those months in rF1, we were able to concentrate on expanding the group and developing a team of hard working artists, to re-shape the group into the form it was meant to have, and we have developed many many things you all have yet to see which will be released on rF2.

    As we all work around the world, its not easy to do things quickly. Timezones are an issue. One person will send a PM or an Email requesting a piece of their work to be reviewed, the other person will get it when they wake up the next day and review it, leaving the sender having to wait an entire day. A day waiting here, a day waiting there. It all adds up. These things can't be done quickly.

    Our aim has been to develop content for rF2 and to release it for rF2. If you are a sheep and want to follow the idiocy that exists in the MMG Haters club, then its your loss. When this mod at least gets its first open beta and expansions coming in, that alone will begin to shut everyone's mouth. We don't sit there working on all this stuff, showing it to you all so we can just turn around and say, screw you all, we're not releasing. If we wanted to just showcase our work, we'd be doing it at places like CGSociety and other 3D Art showcasing sites. But we're not doing that, we're showcasing them here because these mods WILL be released.

    ADUBZ made the mention of a beta within the next one to two months. I didn't make that statement and I am holding him to that chaotically. I hate giving out timeframes because things can and often do go wrong, but I stand by him and his decision because he is the in-game guy and mod director and I will ensure that he reaches that target.

    The aim is to have an open beta by the end of November to first week in December where we can allow all of you to play a vital role in helping us shape the mod's physics and other aspects to the majorities liking.

    We're not perfect, we do the best we can, like you all, we have real life things to contend with, modding is our hobby, not our job. Our lives come first, modding comes second.
    1 person likes this.
  8. ADUBZ

    ADUBZ Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    WTF Coops?
  9. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Damn I wish I`d learned to do 3D moddeling etc... it`s something I`ve always wanted to learn but never found the time to do so... yet...

    I will though and then be in a position to offer help to modding teams if needed.

    I can only take my hat off to all you modders as it`s very time consuming work and as you say Petros Mak, you all have real life stuff to contend with too.
  10. perdy450

    perdy450 Registered

    Sep 16, 2012
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    look fantastic :cool:
  11. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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  12. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Hey mate. Model is being updated, the reason its taking slightly longer is because the guy updating it has to focus on exams for another 4-5 weeks. But its being done :)
  13. jtbo

    jtbo Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    I don't think any modder or modding group owes anything to those using mods, I would think it is other way around.

    Many have chance to work only at weekends, not even whole weekend, there are jobs, families etc. to attend to, so as Petros explains, things take time, even though I think in MAK Corp they are progressing really fast pace compared to many others, so if anything you should be grateful they are sharing their progress with you and are working as hard as they are.

    Sorry to mess your topic Petros, but I felt that just had to be said.
  14. JJStrack

    JJStrack Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    WOW! for my taste that model already was superb. i am soo looking forward to this car (and more cars like this)! once i have my first testtrack ready, i am planing to start and do some tarmac rally like stages or circuits. these cars would be perfect for that!
    BTW: how are you guys doing and getting all the physics on these cars!? that must be an awful lot of work...
  15. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Ok great news mate and good luck!
  16. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Thank you. Just beautifull.
  17. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Yes physics are a lot of work, we could use more help there. And about you doing tracks, that would be so awesome, we'd love to be able to work with you there to ensure the cars work perfectly on them if you decide to do that. :D
  18. Rony1984

    Rony1984 Registered

    May 10, 2012
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    Thanks for this great effort guys! How are you tackling the new tyre model?
  19. JJStrack

    JJStrack Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    :D thx mate, but i am at the very beginning of learning how to do decent tracks. it will take me quite a while to match your quality in the easier business of track-making...but then i'll let you know ;)
  20. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    If you need any help, tips or advice, be sure to contact me and I'll get you in touch with some of our track modelers who would be more then happy to answer any questions you have. I wish you all the best of luck in your modeling endeavors and can't wait to see what you produce. As long as you remain patient and dedicated, you will no doubt develop great tracks so keep at it! :D

    I'll have to ask our physics coder and let you know. There are new hurdles to overcome which do make the job longer to do but its all a part of what we must do. Physics have become more intricate and the community may have to forgive us if first builds are not too great. The idea is to provide a base and then build upon that base with the feedback given by all of you. Of course we'll have to weigh in the feedback and act accordingly and that may not make some people happy, but you can't please them all. I think the main good thing about this is that the community has a more vital role in how the physics are shaped as all of you will be given the opportunity to state your opinions and give us feedback and actively see us listen and work the mod accordingly thanks to all of you. In a way, this project will turn out to be a community project which involves all of you. :)

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