I installed the latest drivers 460.89 recently and I lost 30-40 FPS with these drivers. So I reinstalled version 457.51 and got back the FPS. The comparison was with exactly the same game settings, cars and track and nvidia control panel settings. I have a 1080TI graphics card, the new drivers may not work that well with 10 series cards but may be OK with the new 30 series cards. If your computer installed the new drivers automatically, you can go to nvidia site and down load the older driver manually. Install manually and set it to clean install to remove the old driver. Hope some of you may find this may useful.
The latest NVIDIA drivers seems often to brake performance not limited to rF2. Up to 456 performance loss could be fixed with nvidia profile inspector but when I tried 460 my current profile settings would not fix it. For me newer drivers fix other things so staying on an to old driver is not an solid solution either, I'm on 1080TI SLI, triples so that might have some impact as well. Going back to 456.71 returned state as before update.
After last rF2 update it seems my system crash when using GPU sync, if not GPU scaling stays around 50% and low fps. With GPU sync, GPU scaling is good but crashes after a short drive. AMS (rf1) worked fine after fixing in profiler. Tried 460.89 same result with system crashing and AMS did not work (low fps). Reverted back to 442.59, GPU sync (g-sync enabled) and scaling is good again, AMS works fine as well. If remember correct, this behavior started around version +450
I think the latest drivers in general work fine and should be used when possible, however for my setup +456.71 required manual tuning for some games and since latest rf2 update, cause crash to desktop when GPU sync is used (only working option). Using ddu, clear settings and modify the nvidia profiles from scratch makes no difference. Latest 460.89 had same behavior. However, I'm using two 1080TI in SLI, with g-sync 1440p triples, both SLI and g-sync are sometimes prone to cause issues. (for SLI sync must be used to get good GPU scaling and non-stuttered view)
If other people have same or different experiences, please post here! I can't tell, I recently come back from VR to 1080p screen, so.......... But with my gtx 1080, in 1080p in full ultra exept opponent on low, I must deactivate rain, rain drop and environment reflection to have almost 75 fps in all circumstances. As mesfigas said, interesting topic! Please share!
I have RTX 2070 and switched from Driver Version 457.30 to 460.89, without any Performance Difference. Maybe the "older" Cards slowly loose the NVidia "Driver-Support", because they want to sell their newer Products?
I read the new driver benchmarks on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/ & https://www.reddit.com/r/allbenchmarks/) specific to my card (Pascal 10XX series) before deciding to update. Those with a 20XX or 30XX GPU may indeed benefit with the latest 460.89 drivers whereas those with a Pascal 10XX GPU are encouraged to remain using the 456.71 driver. Few benchmarks use sim racing software so results may vary. At least one can roll back to an earlier Nvidia driver if FPS tank.
Not this Sim related but I've rolled back to 457.30 and getting much better FPS in MSF2020 than the latest drivers, can't say I notice much/if any difference in RF2 as I always maintain 90fps (VR).
What does this do either way? Added an internal option to the player.json to turn off multi-threading in the UI. Defaults to “on”.