SOLVED Not Solved at all,it's a BIG problem - Forced Use of Bandwidth!! NO sit n go Racing!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MystaMagoo, Oct 19, 2013.

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  1. MystaMagoo

    MystaMagoo Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I'd really like to swear because how it is now is just wrong and so so BAD.

    I just wanted a quick race,that's all.
    Looked at the server list,I had the mod and I had the track.
    But because the server also had about 5 other tracks that I had not installed meant I could not join.
    That about sums it up for all servers.

    It's probably impossible now to be able to just jump into rF2 and have a quick race.
    Unless of course you've installed ALL available mods and ALL available tracks.

    This needs to be changed.

    Least of all because rF2 is nigh on forcing me to use my Limited Bandwidth for things I nor need or want.

    There was nothing wrong with the way rF1 did it.
    If I didn't have the next track I got kicked,no problem.
    I can understand if I don't have the mod/s but the track is universal.

    If the server has it installed and the player has it installed then they should be able to just race.
    No need for a vmod?

    vmods/rfmods should be used for what they are,basically links to download this/that mod and this/that track,getmod.
    I think it's meant for League Racing and with some tweaks would be great But it's crap for the sit n go Casual Racer.

    Nothing wrong with the way rF1 went about hosting the server.
    rF1 + getmod anybody?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2013
  2. MJP

    MJP Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yea lets bring back mismatches and no clue about what track/mod version a server is running, Im wearing my t-shirt!
  3. elbo

    elbo Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    I'm on team Mystamagoo on this one...vmods must die...things are unfortunately going to get worse before they get better with online players now being further fragmented as some people will also be on the 'unstable builds' and others on the latest official stable release...pick up gaming online on rfactor2 will be a mess for a while.
  4. smithaz

    smithaz Registered

    May 3, 2012
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    I blame the server admins for including 20x v0.1, waste of time tracks in their vmod and then having none of them in the rotation. Seriously though, why not ask the question in the Q+A thread?
  5. MystaMagoo

    MystaMagoo Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Our 1st fanboy.

    Do you not read?
  6. MystaMagoo

    MystaMagoo Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I didn't know where to post it tbh...

    Actually wanted to make a 'Poll' thread.
    Nothing against vmod/rfmod it's the necessity of needing to have ALL the tracks/mods that the server is running before I'm allowed to race.

    I HAD the same MOD as the server.
    I HAD the same TRACK as the server.
    I should be allowed to join and race.
  7. FatCity

    FatCity Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I totally agree with Mistamagoo
    If you have a track and mod, you should be able to get in server and pick up race.
    The fact that having to download a number of tracks just to get in is RF2,s biggest let down.

    As someone said , its good for league servers, but is a pain in the arse for public servers.

    How will this bring back mismatches, if you don,t have the right version of a track or mod now you still can't get in, this will make no difference if some one with one right track and one right mod wants to get in for a quick race.
    They get in and do their race and when the server switches tracks then they get kicked or at least get a warning before they get kicked.
  8. Jameswesty

    Jameswesty Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Yep this is a massive issue , personally I can put up with aspects of RF2 that I dislike for on-line racing , as it is now though its prity much 30 min time waist to get content to then be able to join a given server.

    I even used that torrent app to download every single track available for RF2 within 3 weeks half of them are out of date and I'm back to downloading 6-10 tracks just to join a server that's probably set up all wrong.

    Also the auto download hardly ever works and for ISI tracks I have had a bug where tracks download but then have issues and crash or car mods download with no sound so in many ways its worse than just manually getting the tracks.

    sperate to all that people need to try out the MAK-CORP F3 car it drives like something out of game stock car has better FFB and handles far better than any other car in RF2.
  9. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    The whole idea with the vmod concept is that rF2 auto downloads all content you need before join so that you don't have to manually go looking for cars and tracks. If the track wasn't enforced in vmod, then it basically means we are back to manual downloading of tacks, as in rF. I much rather let rF2 download a couple of tracks before joining than this. Then of course it's up to server admins to not set up a vmod with a ridiculous number of tracks, say 20.
  10. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    People do open server racing?!!
  11. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Nice to see you back here James. Although we had lots of disagreemants with regards to physics, ffb etc. it's still nice having those kinds of discussions/arguments. Can't wait to try the Mak Corp F3, and RF2 in general. I have been playing GT Legends and Game Stock Car 2012 pretty much exclusively (and some nk pro here & there) the last like year, maybe more, and havent actually driven RF2 since like high 100 or low 200 build, but I will be back at it soon (promised myself I would get into it the 4th update in the 300's, so 3 more to go, dont ask why, im just a total weirdo like that lol). Anyways nice hearing from you again.

    I agree with you, the online part is extremely frustrating, non-intuitive, and non-user friendly at the moment. Right before I took my RF2 break (around the time the Vette came out, maybe a couple builds later), I couldn't even join any online sessions. I would have the track they were racing on, the car, but I guess I didnt have other cars or other tracks that they MAY be racing with/on? Actually I think there were times when I did have the right tracks but I still couldnt join? I dont know, it was a mess. There needs to be more use of the auto download function. You want to join a server, it will ask you to download (or update) the mod (car, track, car series) etc. And every car, track, car series would have a long string of numbers and letters attached to it as it's sort of "ID" so that it can differentiate between, for example, John's Laguna Seca track, Marco's Laguna Seca track, and Marco's Laguna Seca track V1.32.9. That way there would never, EVER, be 2 tracks with the same ID and that way if you have John's Laguna Seca version 1.45678.34.5, but the version in use was 1.45678.34.6 the different "ID" for that slightly slightly slightly updated track would let you know you need the update (and the mod makers could also incorporate the name of the track, version number, summary etc, with the ID so that you can get more details about the track if you dont have it, or even better just have the auto-download/auto-update feature used). This would not only apply to tracks, but cars and series' as well (when I say series' I just mean mods that require multiple cars).
  12. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Blaming server admins is fair enough imo. it does make sense for them to limit issues as they get more traffic. unless they don't care of course.
    I think most League-admins will be on either route, instant access (when wanting more drivers) or not bothering with the public as they set things up fort heir community. or they lock servers.
    All good up to that point.

    But especially in public racing there are much more quick-servers and people not fully aware of even bothering to see what's best.
    So the old rf1 problem remains in public racing for rf2: you don't get to race (whether its due to mismatches or now due to join reject, the song remains the same)

    I suspect, with todays modern internet attention curves even people whom are able to download extra content on a server which is setup correctly, they would be leaving anyways. because the nature of pickup racing is just that, a quick game here and there.
    And this will only increase when those people allow content to be downloaded and then there is some issue anyways which stops them from joining. faulty vmods or d/l links, a few things can go wrong. and when you encountered this a few times the next time you will just quit right away and look for another server without waiting to see if it might work.

    I've been ranting a bit previously about the sometimes unnecessary complexity of rf2, especially for novice users, in this case novice admins. I do feel it should be made more fool-proof, less prone to issues that need to be fixed and much more aiming towards simplicity (within the current system)

    Fully agree with the above, if we have the mod and the track that is running at that moment, let us join. and have the server kick us out again when its moving to a track we don't have installed.

    And maybe ISI can provide a single official isi-vmod that comes with the sim which enables anyone to use all ISI content online, both for clients and admins.
    So it would function as an online all-track&cars mod, easy to setup. includes direct links to mods and track on the isi servers or mirrors. mod gets updated by isi every once in a while. maybe even a special icon in the server list that a server is using this vmod.
    That would really help in public racing, instant access on content that was designed by isi themselves. how can that go wrong? (it probably can!)

    And its not just in the pickup racers interest either. ISI would benefit from better online activity and Leagues/communities would as well, as a large portion of the pickup racers will end up in communities at one point or another anyways. we need pickup racers to have fun, learn rf2 and then come join us. and we (also) need ISI to help us in that respect.

    Restricting vmods to only allow 1 track, that is not a good option imo. that only limits things and I suspect most peeps don't want that either. I suspect it will always be a bit of an issue, the question is, how can we limit the most common problems on forehand?
    Once things get more crowded we will see better designed vmods of course, as with most things rfactor its the community that needs to fix it. and people (admins) will probably learn to get it right, if they want.
    But there are hurdles that maybe should not be there in the first place, or be less of an issue. atm rf2 is as challenging as a program as it is challenging as a sim. in an ideal world it should be mainly challenging on-track :)
  13. MystaMagoo

    MystaMagoo Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    It's not server admins fault or problem,nor either vmod/rfmod problem.
    It's an rF2 problem in the fact we need to have installed every single track that the server is running.

    Fair enough if I don't have a mod installed if server is running more than 1 mod.
    BUT if it's ONLY running 1 mod then why I cannot jump on and race if I have the currently running track is wrong.

    League admins can PASSWORD their server and run it how they like but there's another bugbear of mine,I don't want to see passworded servers!!!
    There is of course a filter for this BUT it doesn't work.
    Is it really that hard to hide passworded servers?
  14. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    A server cannot run multiple mods, or at least not along side each other. they would have to be integrated into 1 new unique mod.

    Its the extra tracks that are the issue and in the case of a novice admin thinking more tracks=is more awesomeness. that's when you (we) run into this issue. so in that respect it is an admin-issue.
    And don't forget Leagues will also use unpassworded servers for recruiting. so a simple lock sometimes is just not an option. finding new members is a never-ending-activity.

    As for the server browser, I believe the browser is going to be updated so I suspect and hope this will be fixed in the future.
  15. MystaMagoo

    MystaMagoo Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Thought you could add whichever cars you wanted to make a vmod/rfmod?
    i.e All Mods and Tracks option like in rF1.
    I gave up on hosting servers when it became so convoluted and such a pain.

    Whether a server has 100 tracks or just 5 is for the most part irrelevant.
    100 tracks for sure makes it far worse as rF2 is now but in a way emphasises that it needs to be changed.

    I won't be holding my breath for the password filter to be fixed..........rather a moot point as I won't be going online any time soon.
  16. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Yes, you are right. my bad!
    either its just me or it displays the confusion about all this. dunno which yet :)

    But how often do you see this? I don't do pickup racing much but I assume the 'multiple' problem is more on tracks then combined mods?

    I think it is relevant. you even mention this in your first post. ideally its 1mod+1track in a vmod, that's the best way to grant easy access and less people moving on out of frustration. 1mod-1track download is much more manageable. and that is still up to the admins.

    so 5 or 100, I thinks its the same in terms of not able to join more easily. it should be just 1. (only in terms of easy access, i'm sure people would disagree for other reasons)

    I know you're speaking out of frustration but in all seriousness, a bunch of locked servers is such a deal breaker for you?
    Its probably the combination of issues for you, but avoiding locked servers is not that big of a deal, especially since there are only a bunch of servers with activity most of the time. not difficult to filter through manually imo.

    I'm still positive the browser will get a good update. not for nothing they postponed this for so long, as it might not be high up the to-do list and not a game breaker.
  17. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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    Please don't misuse thread tags. People might not even bother to read your opinion, because you tagged it as solved.
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