Looks fantastic! Thanks a lot. Can't wait! Really really great job. Also, have you figured out how to fix purple patches in near black places? Will be freakin' sweet!
That would be super freakin' sweet. Right now it could be fixed if you put "PostGamma=2.3000" in your custom profile
Enough about HDR and builds......... I would like to see more trackday/night Nords rooms. You can fit 25 cars into a mod you know.
And what if anyone would like to do a recon lap from pits for even more immersion? personally i like the idea of recon lap + full formation lap
That is why I asked, if you could do it with an extra layout, so you have got the choice of both I like the idea as well, but a lot of times I have seen people spin or crash on a formation lap and that wasnt on the longest track in the world Just imagine you did 30min of recon lap plus formation lap and someone hits you on the last part of the Nordschleife just before the start. I probably would smash my monitor
Ha, you took the words out my mouth . I've seen some nutters . Think you just have to wait for us to get the 'Fast Rolling' start working, sure that is all you need? What's possible (maybe) is to set the start location of this to where you ask (döttinger höhe), I'll have to confirm with Tosch. What you ask about Safety Car picking up the field, there is nothing we can do to get that to work. DJC
Thanks with Safety Car I mean a human driven one. As the in built rolling start doesnt work really well we have used the following procedure in the past. Set the server to standing start and everyone spwans on the grid. One driver will have a modded Safety Car and go to the front of the field and then the field starts moving behind the Safety Car. At the end of the straight the leader would slow everyone up and the SC driver would enter the pits and we have a pefect rolling start without any no green flag or super slow SC issues
See here.... http://www.nuerburgring.de/en/news/artikel/baeume-mussten-aus-sicherheitsgruenden-weichen.html they chopped the 100 year old trees down from the historic paddock. That is the area just before the Dorint hotel . Does this mean I'll have to take my chain saw to mine too? What you think guys? lol DJC
Unless you want to use the wood to build yourself a house mho would be please leave them where they are. We still have got the esc button so no safely issues here[emoji6]
Nordschleife Tourist v1.81 + [REL]24 Hour v1.99 Amazing accomplishment. Impressive performance. Insanely beautiful. Attention to surface is unsurpassed. Many thanks to all involved for what must be nothing less than a Herculean effort
I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't tried the 24h layout yet. First I was just waiting if version 2.0 would appear soon but after that i just haven't had time to test it. Reading so much positive comments over here, I must test it soon. But is release of 2.00 near?
Nice picture Paul Loatman. No camber changes. Apart from fillings in a few holes and texture changes, it's just as Pleclair left it. We hope to get a newer version out within next few days with all 4 layouts included. 24hr, VLN, both Tourist Summer+Autumn. Watch this space .
I made some camera changes, a couple fov issues fixed with notepad. http://www.mediafire.com/view/6rlkni953x2c4by/NrCamChanges.txt Four group2 & one group3 (Brünnchen ?).
Thanks boblevieux, I do know Tosch has made already heavy changes to the Camm file already so whether these clash with his or not, I don't know. We best ask that to Tosch. Tosch has made a camm group 4, where all the camms are high, wide and static. Looks great, it's like a screen shot generator . + Thanks all DJC