Hello, this track is just awesome. Quick question: i can only have 29 drivers defined. How can I define more then 29 ?
Ja Jürgen bei dir crashed das Dashmeter bei mir Rf2. Aber ich gebe zu anhand deines Posts bin ich auf die Idee gekommen.
Nee, ich habe geschrieben, dass DashmeterPro rf2 crasht ;-) Habe den Fabrice auch schon angeschrieben, er will sich das anschauen. Nope, i wrote, DashmeterPro is crashing rF2...
The number of AI is limited by the rfm file. I could simply post a replacement of the "all tracks and cars" file but I think it's a good idea to explain how you can easily adjust the file to your own needs (pacecar for instance). It's the first step to become a modder. The file "ALL_TRACKS_AND_CARS_10.RFM" is packed inside "allcarstracks_10.mas". You have to extract the file, modify it,create a new mas file and replace the original file. First step: Run MAS2.exe. You can find the file at "rF2DATA\Support\Tools". 2.: Click "file" - "Open..." and open the allcarstracks_10.mas file at "rF2DATA\Installed\rFm". 3.: You will find 3 files (2 dss and 1 rfm). Tag all files, rightclick the selected files and select "Extract...". 4.: Extract the files. Which folder doesn't matter as long as you remember the location of your files. 5.: Open "ALL_TRACKS_AND_CARS_10.RFM" in notepad or your favourite text editor (notepad++ is a nice one). 6.: Modify "Max Opponents =" to 103 or a lower number. You can also modify the default safety car if you have the replacement car installed (SLSSAFETYCAR01.veh, Clio_PC.veh, C6RPC.veh). SLS seems to destroy your mirrors atm. 7.: Save the file 8.: Open MAS2.exe and drag all 3 files (the modified rfm and the two icons) into the MAS2 window. 9.: Click "file" - "Save as..." and save the new mas file at "rF2DATA\Installed\rFm\allcarstracks_10.mas". 10.: Enjoy! 11.: Warning. This works only with allcarstracks_10.mas because the file is not protected by a manifest - mft file. If you would like to modify another mas file you have to create a new component (the little box icon in MAS2.exe), but that's a different story.
We have z-fighting issues with this track because of the huge dimensions. I've found a work around for the TV cams (large front clip plane) but it doesn't work for cockpit view. The flickering you notice is a second surface behind the bumper (especially Bayro) for damage visualization (fall off parts). The gfx engine can't decide which surface to render because they have the same value in the depth buffer.
Thanks Tosch - the problem is much less prevalent - in fact hardly noticeable - with a gridfull of Nissan GT-R 1s if that helps.
Thanks Cosimo! I'll add the track to rf2 Rank in a minute. I have no idea why my lap time didn't register correctly. Uwe EDIT: Looks like it did, maybe I used the wrong directory or something. The track promotion has been changed to use the new track.
Nordschleife Tourist v1.81 + [REL]24 Hour v1.99 ... meaning that Ales from URD is key to solve the issue? Would be a pitty if just the URD vehicles having an issue on that superb track. Is it that simple that he just needs to use different values for the depth buffer value?
So going forward all car modders should be careful to avoid this problem? I think it also affects some scenery (billboards and certain buildings textures).
Just made my first laps on the 24 hour layout ... WOW, you guys (all involved and regarding the 24 hour layout DJC and Tosch especially) are heroes! The track looks great and runs supersmooth, many many thanks
Tosh, have you played around with material offset values (0 to 4 for tracks, above that is reserved for cars...) to conquer z-fightning issues..? Cheers!
No, I haven't touched the offsets. Is there any documentation how to use these? I see z-fighting on most tracks. It's not only related to Nordschleife, but it's more prominent here. A lot of cars have flickering lights in TV cams (taillight 370z, most headlights). The Clio has a flickering side mirror. If these material offsets work like they should, I wonder why nobody makes use of them? Is it possible that the accuracy of the z-buffer could be improved by the graphics driver? Is there a difference between Nvidia and AMD cards?
There is some information about offset values on ISI's Track Tech doc (page 19). Default material offset is 0, which means all elements (like alpha blended trees, track paint, car's windshield) get drawn in same pass. Let's say track paint line flickers in trackside camera. If you change paint material offset to 1, it will be drawn on NEXT pass after everything else and therefore z-fightning is cured on that case. However, be careful with this and use it as last resort. All car modders SHOULD use material offset 5 and beyond on their cars (as 0 to 4 is reserved for tracks), but I've seen many times this is either forgotten or not known. Some 3rd party car could make a z-fightning mess because of this, but all ISI cars should be ok. Personally I never needed to play around with offsets on my projects, but I can imagine huge track like this it might be needed. Cheers!