VLN is planned. Münsterland Pokal is last weekend in october, so it should be the perfect location for the autumn trees.
Hello world !!! Frankly big thank you to "tosh and djc" as well as "plecair" for the wonderful work you do for Rf2 !! Take you a lot of time to do "the green link". This is not a criticism, because when you release a circuit I always enjoy the beautiful work you made !!! But better to take his time to make beautiful thing !!
I'm dreaming of a Green Hell Christmas With all the racers zooming by And even beaten by AI In a quick blink of the eye While drinking my wife's spiked eggnog I'm dreaming of a Green Hell Christmas Hoping the guys release Nurburgring Before the new year's ring Or we'll whip them 'til they scream Cause I can't wait to drive my Venom mod Merry Christmas everyone!
A GPL Christmas by Joe Shaw 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, And All Through The House, Not A Creature Was Stirring, 'Cept My PC Mouse. I Was Surfing The Web, For Setup Advice, For The Right Lotus Toe-In, I'd Cash In My Wife. My Line Through The 'Bolica, Was Awfully Poor, My Top End Pathetic, With Throttle To Floor. I'd Spent All My Earnings, I'd Made Every Deal, For A P3 Four Fifty, And A Force Feedback Wheel. When Out On The Lawn There Arose Such A Clatter, I Sprang From My Desk To See What Was The Matter. A Strobe Of White Light, Through The Window Did Flash, It Looked To My Eye, Like A Giant Clock Smash. I Threw Open The Sash, And What Should I See, But A White Bearded Driver, In A Red Ferrari. He Stomped On The Clutch, And Feathered The Gas, Then Lifted His Goggles, I Could Tell He Was Fast. He Pulled Down His Scarf, And Flashed Me A Smile, And Tossed Me A CD, Labelled "Lo1 File". "Remember," He Said, "The Ones With The Fame." And With Eyes To The Sky, He Called Out Their Names. Now Jimmy, Now Graham, Now Denis, And Jochen, McLaren, And Pedro, Ginther And Irwin. "Enter Turns Slowly, And Exit With Speed, And You'll Get All You Can, From Your Trusty Green Steed." Then He Shifted To First, And Out Popped The Clutch. "I'm Off To Zandvoort, And The Grand Prix That's Dutch!" He Peeled Out In First, With Wheelspin Galore, Looking For Brabhams, That Still Had A Door. And I Heard Him Exclaim, With Great Holiday Cheer, "To All A Good Night, Have a GPL Year!" Happy holidays to all... nothing but the original does it for me sim-racing wise. Uwe
Nice prose guys! We've made good progress over the weekend but DJC's bugreport was long. No promises.
Better than any Indy 500 ;-) Actually looks like there are about 500 of them chasing each other. Good one, Tosch.
Nordschleife 24 Hour Nurburgring Here at long last we bring you Nordschleife 24 Hour Nürburgring (Test version) Nords + GP combined Sorry for length of time and lack of posts, I've been doing this while doing a full time job. This version is a beta test version to get your feedback before we release version 2.0. These things could be anything from force feedback to performance issues etc. A big thank you to mianiak for permission to use his GP track. Would not have been even possible without it. I managed to fit it without too much problem. The download does not include any other layout, so for now hold on to your Tourist 1.81 version if you still wish to drive that layout. Don't worry, in future versions we will add this layout back in. It has not been easy, we did bump into a few problems along the way. One problem we found straight away on the GP part is with Z-flickering, where objects like ad boards would flicker in and out of the surface they are attached to. We found the problem is greater with objects further away from centre of the track 0,0,0. In the case of the GP track it's 4km's from this point where Z-flickering is at it's worst. So a lot of time was used up, me moving objects away from each other or even in some cases just deleting the problem object. I even had to hollow out the bridge that crosses the start finish line as it was flashing the in sides of it in and out, was not nice looking. The problem is still there but a lot lot better than it was. You will thank me greatly if you saw how it looked before. A lot of work was done with the vis-groups removing objects at lower track detail levels, so if you can not run track at full track detail level try lower settings, that should hope bring you some extra performance. Would be interested to know whether people with just 1meg video cards can run track, and like to know if you have to lower texture detail to get track loaded. Remember it's 2 tracks in one. Tosch did some extensive texture recolouring and replacements. Think he did the road like 3 times now, changing stuff like material settings, spec maps and all that nice shiny stuff we all like to see when the sun is low . Big changes to grass on both the GP and Nords track. modified armcos. I'm very happy what he has done. Tosch bought 3dsimEd3 and set himself a mission to reduced the height of the last of the stone kerbs on the Nords part of the track. All a lot better now. Believe me, that was no small task he did there. He joked “1 million mouse clicks later” I had to change mianiak GP track to match the 24 hour layout, changing the 1st few corners and making big change to the NGK chicane. Needed to also modify the pit entrance as with this track you pit from the front not from the back. I swapped out a good number of trees and replaced them with Pleclairs on the GP part. Happy to say, Tosch did his magic on making all the AI way paths, this includes a left, right path and block path. Special paths were also made for 370z and Clio cars. 100+ garage and grid spaces, 40 pit boxes. He also updated the road side TV cameras with the GP layout. See picture here the route to follow to start a timed lap without having to do a full lap of the Nords track. You need to do lap of GP track first... We did try make the AI follow this route too but bumped into a few issues so AI have to do full lap of full track before their timed laps start, but no biggie. Don't be tempted to use pitlane for shortcut, it will not work. I'll update 1st post later when I have time. Full change log click-> HERE Nordschleife2_v1.99beta.rfcmp [561MB] 25/12/14 Again, a lot of work was put into it, hope you all enjoy Happy Christmas all, happy playing. DJC and Tosch
Damn you! No time between the holidays to test it. I am looking forward to the first reports. Thanks for all you efforts. I am dying to try it out!
THANK YOU!!! Both of you, really, thanks a million. We all know how much you worked on this and how much effort went into releasing this by Christmas, as some of us were whining about Merry Christmas!!! PS: cut it out and setup a donation button already. Yes, others have contributed and maybe some of that needs to go to them but you two have blood, sweat and tears shed to see this to fruition and deserve to be rewarded. I'm ready to pitch in.
Wow! Merry Christmas David and Tosch! Thank you very much I'm sure I can give you some feedback but tonight I'm just gonna enjoy the track. Thanks again! Great work.