Released New Release Candidate Update - Client 7969457

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Dec 15, 2021.

  1. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    The purpose of the RCs was to test them before launch, not to create expectation.
    Although i expected a RC with more new features and/or improvements too. :(
    Binny, mesfigas, Nieubermesch and 2 others like this.
  2. Andrew Hollom

    Andrew Hollom Registered

    Mar 14, 2019
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    I remember chatting with Paul Jeffrey in Discord about my preference for a HUD mode that showed position on track, and how this would be a way of not needing the harder to implement vehicle labels, and he mentioned that this was being discussed internally. I reiterated this, and other things, to Marcel (again in Discord) and he seemed positive. Yet, we have vehicle labels, that apparently don't even work in VR, so we still have to keep using SimHub to get this basic functionality.

    Regarding the vehicle labels having car numbers rather than position, in some leagues the car number is needed to report incidents, so without it you have to examine the replay, which is often too late to report the incident to the live stewards.
  3. Christian Wolter

    Christian Wolter Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    I'm personally a little disappointed about the scope of the RC, but you are already the drama queen number 1 here (and I think not only here). Otherwise, I thank the developers for their work and hope that there are really great things coming and please update the driver labels for VR, thank you.
  4. Corgan

    Corgan Registered

    Dec 24, 2018
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    You are absolutely right, sir. The purpose is to test them, but it leads to expectations, doesn't it? And what you get with RC, you get it with PB. So the expectation goes for the RC first, I think. Anyway, it just saddens me, that they always overshoot the mark with the hype. Be transparent, tell us what we can expect, and don't do promises you can't keep.
    But honestly, sometimes I feel sorry for them, because of the pressure userbase put on them. Though at the end of the day, this is their job. As they say in my country: if you can't stand being f*cked, don't become a wh*re. Okay, it's not too PC, but there's truth in it.
    Nieubermesch likes this.
  5. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    I understand this, so why not creating a key (TAB in this case) in scroll mode? Like pressing it several times to change from driver number to position, to ping, off, et�
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2021
  6. ebeninca

    ebeninca Registered

    Sep 7, 2016
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    I don't understand what Marcel is doing anymore, everyone wants a decent Relative time screen on mfd, seems he don't care for what the community wants.
  7. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    are you saying there were no comments from users wanting the labels back? None?

    I have this vague memory, and these are always suspect so don't expect I got this correct, but the relative time issue dates back to every prior ISI release. I think somewhere Gjon stated ISI was going to add that for fF2, but that it would take a big code change due to how rF2 handles timing. ISI obviously did not achieve that. S397 has not achieved it either. Yes it is something MANY MANY people want, but to shout to heavens that labels are unwanted step-children while EVERYONE wants relative timing(available via several different 3rd party apps btw) is just being mis-informed.

    What happens if they DO get the timing thing done? Will users awaiting yellow flag improvements scream? What about puddles? What about AI Rain Tires? There is a huge list of things that need doing. Some we will see...most we may never.
  8. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Sorry, but no.
    I don't want a relative (decent or no)
    I don't want the labels either.
    AMillward and Manfredk2 like this.
  9. Yoann Kerjean

    Yoann Kerjean Registered

    Oct 12, 2020
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    At some point I felt like you, and then I remembered that the player base is roughly 1k players, and we're less than 20/30 to complain on this thread.

    Risto Kappet has been asking them, for a whole year, to apply the GT Pro BoP into the game so that all players could enjoy the best gt3 experience. They aren't even listening to him.

    To put things into perspective, I once wrote on the Raceroom discord about the time trial spawn point on portimao being badly positionned (forcing drivers to do 1 more lap just for 0.1s at the end of the straight). 2 Weeks later the spawn was changed.

    I'm completely KEKW right now because I wouldn't be surprise that there are more people working on the sim than people "pressuring" them online. So don't worry too much about them.
  10. Tomislav Leskovic

    Tomislav Leskovic Registered

    Apr 14, 2019
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    When bugs are not fixed for 2+ years, I think it's pointless to talk about pressure. And the thing is, some bugs can be fixed in the matter of minutes, and I even offered to provide fix for them (a simple string change in veh description), all they had to do was include it in their next release....but all I got was...we will investigate it. And we are talking about payed content. I don't see a pressure here...not by far.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2021
    dylbie, Atsuki, avenger82 and 2 others like this.
  11. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    There are many of us who want labels, those who do not want them by clicking on the tab deactivate them and voila, I also want the relative, although at the rate we are going and virtual reality abandoned, the more you wait from studio 397 the less you receive ... and of the 40,000 thousand mistakes to correct, go forgetting yourself, unless they change their ideas, because the promises are blown away by the wind .... damn competition system ruined all the repairs
    avenger82 likes this.
  12. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    I’m going to say something unpopular. I believe that Studio397 should concentrate their efforts in the Offline game. In the last 3 years they tried hard to make rfactor2 “ the rival of IRacing “ but they did fail. The online is empty!
    The competition system has failed…. Go for the AI improvement, Physics, Sound…. Offline championship…. It’s just my opinion.
  13. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    The online is not "empty" and i don't think the solution will be the offline mode as rF2 still being used in several important leagues around the world. What they should do (and they already know) is to focus on the bugs and improving physics, that will make rF2 more close to a final product and that will bring players in...

    Of course having a competition system, annoying bugs and slow development isn't a success formula for it to succeed...
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2021
    lagg, juanchioooo and Mauro like this.
  14. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Sorry, but who has said that?
    IIRC S397 said exactly the opposite. They said that rF2 has his niche and the target of the CS wasn't to be rival of iRacing.
  15. Mauro

    Mauro Registered

    Oct 14, 2011
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    The only things rf2 needs is fixing bugs/physics and modding support
    dylbie, lagg and Rui Santos like this.
  16. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    1. Fix bugs
    2. Improve current physics and add new features (powertrain, Hybrid tecnology, etc)
    3. AI
    4. Update content to latest standards
    That would be a good base to continue with much less presure.

    • The order of 2 and 3 depends on the preferences.
    • Those are not my preferences. This is what i think that would be good for rF2 and the userbase.
  17. ebeninca

    ebeninca Registered

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Ok lagg, we have a long list here, since the ISI days, the problem that I'm trying to address here is the direction where are we going in this last 5 years, for me is more than clear that it isn't the direction which the community wants.

    I remember of my iRacing days, with all the problems they have, but at least they have a section on the forum to community suggestions, and they have been fulfilling the majority of the desires in the last years.
    lagg likes this.
  18. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    I agree that something has to change, but i'm not sure what the comunity wants.
    Some years ago, the old UI was "the worst thing around the world" and now we can see a lot of people asking for the return of the old UI.

    I think that first, they have to fix the bugs to make rF2, more usable and easy than nowadays.
    Otherwise all the work of the last years will have been for nothing.
    ebeninca likes this.
  19. ebeninca

    ebeninca Registered

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Dave, you know that I'm exaggerating a bit...

    What you are saying about how rF2 handles time doesn't make sense to me, Simhub has a HUD that shows a very detailed relative time screen using the in memory data from rF2. It's just a situation of format this data and draw in the screen.

    We already have problems with stuttering, and we need crewchief, simhub, etc, etc... external software to have a decent experience, which can cause more performance problems, it's insanity.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2021
    lagg likes this.
  20. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Actually there is a part of the forum called "WISHLIST" on the S397 forum.

    Nothing indicates that S397 reads it regularly or is interested in it, it is even apparently the opposite.

    It turns out that I am probably the person who used this part of the forum the most, with the nickname pilAUTO, but previously "DrivingFast" and more formerly "dadaboomda".

    I made a lot of proposals, often extremely detailed, to propose ideas that were often very good, and of course *sometimes less good ideas*.

    Although English is not my mother tongue, I have made a lot of efforts to come up with very detailed and very "structured" ideas in the way they were written, giving a *partial* but in my opinion essential overview of that the userbase wants.

    It's supposed to be valuable to a business, normally......

    I never get any feedback from S397, ever, it's amazing and pretty dismal to be honest.
    Elcid43, lagg and ebeninca like this.

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