Probably something easy that Ive missed. Ive got a mesh with a group of trees with chroma setup in Max. Load in viewer and show correctly. Loaded the material editor and set to L2IBLVegetation, exported the jason file and modified the script as required by dev guide. Now Ive got transparency issues with trees in a group showing through each other. Any ideas why?
That sounds as if Alpha Transparency gets used now. To avoid this Effect with Alpha Transparency, there are Alpha Sort Values that can be set. But with Objects like Trees, they are useless and so Alpha Chroma gets used. In which Way did you edit the JSON File (Link to the DevSide with the Instruction?)?
Im using alpha chroma and I edit the jason file according to the guide; "dstBlend":"CUBEAB_INVSRCALPHA" "srcBlend":"CUBEAB_SRCALPHA" and adding "CUBEMAT_ALPHACHANNEL" I also compared their material sample. Also I would like to say it worked fine using the older rf2 shader pre IBL and it still works with it if I change it back to using stamp vertex shader
So Ive got it working You have to add the RED highlighted script to use chroma transparency. }, "refName":"", "shader":"L2IBLSTANDARD", "sortOffset":0, "srcBlend":"CUBEAB_ONE", "textures":[ { "AnisoLevel":0, "ChromaColor":0, "Flags":[ "CUBETF_CHROMAKEY", "CUBETF_OWNEDBYMATERIAL" ],
Yes you were, your advice triggered me to look in a different direction and that's why I worked it out, cheers