New AMD Catalyst Driver 14.1 (inc. MANTLE) - massive rF2 performance increase!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nand Gate, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. spizone

    spizone Registered

    May 27, 2013
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    13.12 (WHQL) here and after a while absent of rfactor2 (last year DEC), i tried those settings spinelli suggested, i don't have have more FPS, but a much more smoother experience. Before when i was monitoring the in build FPS counter, when it would dip from 60 to say 45, there was a major stuttering, which i just could not tolerate and gave up, now when it does the same now, there is no stutter, much smoother and very playable. Also the flickering in the distance is gone now, which was a major immersion breaker for me, i think that's due to the 4x super-sampling i have now.
    I will say going from multi to super was a major breakthrough for me, the visuals are way better. Only other major change for me was i took V-sync off altogether and cap my frames 60 in the ply file.
    This is all on the 13.12 drivers, and im hesitant to try the new 14.1, but a bit scared of beta drivers :eek:
  2. Gearjammer

    Gearjammer Registered

    Jun 11, 2012
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    It is possible that AMD has implemented multi-threading in the new driver release, or it might just be that those seeing the most gain really needed to do an uninstall in order to get things right with their systems. Will hold off installing until I am sure of the reasoning behind the improvements.
  3. Led566

    Led566 Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    I'm currently on 12.11 beta11, since it performed much much better than 13.11 (some 30% better on "our benchmark").
    So for me is definitely possible that I wouldn't see any performance improvement with this update...maybe just back to 12.11 performance.
    Anyway I will give it a try when I'll have some time. ;)
  4. Fohat

    Fohat Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I just installed 14.1, and the increase in FPS is amazing. I have a 7870, and on the worst tracks I have gone up from 50 to 80. That's 60%!! On the better ones I run 120-140, where I used to have 80 so this is by far the best drivers I have tried.
  5. xAcid9

    xAcid9 Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Just benchmarked 14.1, slight increase in performance with tonnes of micro stutters.


    and this is AC with 11 AI, BMW E30 race. Near max setting except AA at 4x and no Post-AA.

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2014
  6. Luc Van Camp

    Luc Van Camp Track Team Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Still a big stutter each time I move over a text field in a GPU accelerated application (rF2, 3ds Max, PS) that has been there in every driver beyond 13.4. Makes it hard to work smoothly, so I had to revert to 13.4, yet again. Wonder if they'll ever fix that.

    Happy to see the new beta driver includes proper multithreading to unlock more hardware potential for most people and narrow the gap to NV ... and undoubtedly a brilliant marketing ploy to let this coincide with Mantle's introduction to maximize its effect :) .
  7. sFactor

    sFactor Registered

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Went from dirty 13.12 stable to 14.1 beta. Full Uninstall (From Control Panel) reboot and install 14.1. Triples @ 5760 x 1080 with 7870.

    I did not see any significant gains. Possibly a bit smoother but frame rates maybe ~5% increase, still lots of variation between min and max FPS.

    A small step in the right direction. I am about ready to just throw down cash on a 780 and move on. But when we fully adopt RF2 to replace RF1, that means 6 card swaps just to play RF2 in our race center, plus a bunch of ATI cards that are really still good cards for any other title that I will have to put on ebay.

    Wait a minute.... that ain't happening any time soon. :(

  8. Marvin Morgan

    Marvin Morgan Registered

    Jun 2, 2011
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    So what's the word for crossfire people? Just curious to see what is going on. I'm in heaven with my GTX780 but if you're telling me my two 7870's sitting will perform better I'll make the switch. Keyword TWO as in crossfire.
  9. RustyM

    RustyM Registered

    Mar 21, 2012
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    This is what I've been waiting for.... now my meager machine will run rF2 like it does rF1! Eureka!
  10. speed1

    speed1 Banned

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Good Morning,

    little update on the 14.1 driver performance with the 290 on my pc. The overall performance is a lot more stable but not fully stutter free. I don't use sync or fps lock in rf2 but the dynamic vsync with RadeonPro where i lock the fps at 120 with and even the monitors aren't refreshing with 120hz it reduces the stutter some more and decreases tearing as well. With little compromises i finally can ride with 20AI cars. Setting compromises track details low, shadows high, shadow blur fast, particle low, reflection off, competitor detail high, AF 4x, AA 2x CCC
    The result with 20AI on LochD are min 40-45 max 120 locked with RadeonPro dynamic sync on triples and max resolution in use.
  11. marvelharvey

    marvelharvey Registered

    Apr 25, 2013
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    Is there a software switch that need to be flipped for Mantel to spring into action? I've a 7970 and haven't noticed a single fps difference with the 14.1 drivers.

    To confirm the drivers were installed correctly, I gave the Mantel setting in BF4 a quick test and wow, it worked better than I ever dreamed (+40%).

    Obviously the same Mantel/D11 switch doesn't exist in RF2 (yet) but is there anything I need to do to get it running?
  12. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    rF2 doesn't support it. If it ever does you'll hear about it and know what to do, if anything, to switch it on.
  13. marvelharvey

    marvelharvey Registered

    Apr 25, 2013
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    Indeed, but some here have noticed a significant framerate increase and I'm wondering how.
  14. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    If it's a genuine increase then something in the driver has changed - multithread appears to be an early candidate. Definitely not Mantle, because a developer has to put in code to support it, and ISI hasn't.
  15. Murtaya

    Murtaya Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Multithreading to coincide with the first mantle release increasing the benchmark scores significantly more than if it was just mantle being enabled, increasing the fanfare of mantle and hopefully getting people interested on the dev side and the customer side. As been said already - marketing strategies ftw.

    That or they just fixed what they broke between the 12.11 and 13.12........
    The 290x should be as good as the 780ti if you look at the hardware specs, if it isn't AMD or ISI still have work to do. A x-fired pair of 290x should be the best most smooth system you could have considering they don't need a bridge. Shame when you buy all this stuff you discover you are a guinea pig in a silly two horse race. Best thing that could happen right now is some crazy dude at Samsung deciding the pc gaming gfx card market is where it's at. Imagine that, overnight you would get quality properly tested products at a more reasonable price, like what is supposed to happen in a free market.
  16. goerekt

    goerekt Registered

    May 24, 2012
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    No performance boost here. HD7850 1GB.
  17. Murtaya

    Murtaya Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Might be helpful if people said which driver they were on previously, state whether they get a performance increase or not. If they do get an increase, a before and after benchmark would be good along with ccc settings if any. Otherwise you're just sort of saying "wow massive performance increase" which is not helpful as clearly a lot of people are seeing no improvement.
  18. TechAde

    TechAde Registered

    Oct 13, 2010
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    I'd hazard a guess that the more CPU limited a system is the less improvement it'll see with the 14.1 drivers and vice versa.
  19. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    TechAde, I would have thought the same but I have an i5-2500K and in rF2 I am no where near maxing the CPU and I saw no improvements going from 13.11 (I skipped 13.12) to 14.1. I am on a very old card though (HD5770) so that may have something to do with my results.

    My biggest problem right now is constant stuttering. I am getting 100-150fps but to my eye it looks more like 20fps.

    Last night I found a combo that almost entirely cured my stuttering:
    Max Framerate="60.00000"
    Steady Framerate Thresh="0.00000"
    I also have Sync set to None. If I set "Steady Framerate Thresh" to 0 but leave "Max Framerate" at 0 I still have stuttering. If I leave "Steady Framerate Thresh" at the default setting and "Max Framerate" at 60 I still have stuttering. It's only when I set both values that the stutter goes away. But the only way to 100% remove my stuttering is to turn off the mirrors. I am not an offline racer so going without mirrors isn't an option.

    I really need to ditch this AMD card. I spend more time messing with settings than racing. It's getting really old.
  20. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Techade I'm on a i5-3570k overclocked to 4.2ghz with my HD7850 overclocked 1150core 1450mem and saw no difference between 13.12 and 14.1, past drivers I have seen increases albeit small ones. If I was to jump back to 12.X then I'd probably see a big difference, anyway cant see the CPU holding me back at all with the driver, I simply dont see a difference. Maybe there is a leap if running crossfire.

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