SOLVED Multiview Broken

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by not_him_59, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. not_him_59

    not_him_59 Registered

    Jan 20, 2017
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    Today and only today have I seen this, I went to switch back to triples from using my Rift. I've reset my triple monitors to a single span and changed my graphic settings from the Launcher option and reactivated Multiview. But when I get to the garage sat in the car instead of the line between the two posts at each side of the garage entrance is not 180 degrees, but more like 140 degrees meaning the view displayed on the side screens is further forward than it should be. Hope that makes sense. Looking from above if you drew a line from left post to centre of car to right post you would get a rather flattened V shape. I've been doing this since I got my Rift and not seen this problem before. Any ideas how to fix?
  2. not_him_59

    not_him_59 Registered

    Jan 20, 2017
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    somehow the FOV had got changed and it just needed to be reset to my value. All good now. :D

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