solution is a 5th pair of glasses and a 6th arround your neck so you can find the 5th (if you can figure out how to use them)
Today I somehow got in nikos' way at Belgium. I think nikos saw a bird in the trees that I couldn't. Or maybe, it was the other way around. That's what happens when your behind an old codger on a Sunday drive. (I couldn't really help it, somewhere I lost a front wheel) So it was the wheels fault not mine. (a likely story)
Well..I was wearing ALL my glasses last night so i really did see that bird (owl?) but then I didnt see you all over the track, so...Im puzzled, Belgium with or without glasses? Perhaps if I reach to the monitor and try feeling things with my hands?
Greetings, I just picked up rFactor2 yesterday. Going to setup my wheel today. I am a old GTR2 guy + many other racing and sim games. Sometimes it is fun to just run around the tracks with your online freinds and not worry about who wins. Trying to find older mature folks to game with can be a challenge. There is a relaxed online community that tailors to us older folks called DigitalThemePark. It is based around the VoiceOverIP software called TeamSpeak3. There is no website or forums(by design) in order to fully support and not take anyway from the various clubs that exist there, since they have their own resources. Anyone is welcome, and due to the fact they meet and greet each person and have admins online(I am one), it draws a much more mature crowd. Very relaxed and non threatening to newer or older gamers. The admins are there to walk you through setting up TeamSpeak, making sure you mic works and such. For me, I enjoying flying in MS FSX, and several want to start checking out a simulation level racing game. We looked at GTR3, but it seems a ways out and looks like the physics engine may be brand new version 1 vs the tried and true ISI engine. I am looking for a few things here: Mature folks to run around the track with, build friendships, learn the game, and have fun. Again, I just picked up the sim and since DTP has plenty of resources, I want to setup a 24/7 server on their servers for us to have fun in. If this sounds interesting to some, just download TeamSpeak3 client and connect to Hope to meet you soon.
zoolander, the guys ure looking for,usually race f3s or f2s 60s and there are a lot of them hanging around in the rf2 servers, especially F3=FUN server (closed ATM, will open again soon).TS too.
Good to know. I will check out this server. For the guys that connected to TeamSpeak today, good to meet you. I have learned a lot. Now to get the game going and controllers tuned!
Being a bit of an owld git meself, I might dip me toes into an owld gadgies multiplayer pond. I dont normally do multiplayer because of the age thing but quite fancy having a go alongside similar aged people.
Wowee, what did I start here. Already I have made several new freinds and last night I met Randy and Cliff on their server. Randy complimented me on my 70 year old pace (F.Dave) with his setting around Belgium Spa track with a car (F1) that I have hardly raced before. The lap was 3.28 as I recall. So it seems that for all those interested, it is possible to organise a mature series here, once we get a server set up to give good pings. I think though that we may all be premature in expecting too much while the game is still in beta? When the time comes, I will gadly organise it on the same lines as I did many times in 'Live For Speed' on my Schumie server. We all started with '' and their guys were good and fast racers. Persuading them to come over to here is another thing................ Keep the interest going guys please and we will all benefit in the long run. We are currently using the 'F3=Fun' server (Off line atm) and enjoying good respectful racing with some great racers most of whom already contribute to this thread.
g7usl, mate feel free to pop into the ~ora server. These posts have been enlightening to say the least, I thought our club had all the Oldies I think I'm the youngest at 53, well almost, this doesn't bode well for our future of course and the attrition rate will gather speed faster than Spa dries out on a 2 hour scripted race but while we are here we do have some great times on track.
Right well! umm... What was I gonna say? ^~ oh yeah! hehe.. Well I just turned 50. I bookmarked the TS3 link and will make myself known in a coupla daze lol. Good to see some mature folk right amongst it. Keep on rockin guys!
G’day All, I’m 60 and hooked up with a couple of months back while playing BF3. All I can say is, you will find a great collection of mature people to share your gaming interests with here. Have made many friends since joining them and am sure to make many more. They also have their own rFactor 2 cloud hosted server running the 60’s mod 24/7. Hope to catch up with some of you in the racing channel. cheers PS: or in FSX/BF3/A10warthog/rise of flight/SC2/GuildWars2 channel lol
Greetings All, FYI: DigitalThemePark now a dedicated cloud server running rFactor2. The name of the server is "DigitalThemePark". The TeamSpeak 3 is at -Zoolander64
Howdy from the AZ/Mexican border... I'm 53 as well... Dave's group is a fine bunch. But they need they're beauty sleep. (I'm just saying that they're getting ready for bed at :30pm our time.) If you're looking for an older crowd running the 60s cars. Check out "F3 Fanatics! With Weather!" on Match Maker. Hope this helps! Bryan
Okay, getting back into rFactor 2. I do like the Skip cars. A little skid-ish, but getting used to it. Anyone that wants to meet up with us, again we are a slow going group, join us on TS. No drama and just have fun. btw: I should also mention that we have the resources for any group as well that needs a cloud server for both TeamSpeak and rFactor 2.
Hmm this looks an interesting place to hang out, I'm old enough to not be exactly sure how old I am without working it out...and then lose track of the numbers. Definitely over 50 but not yet sixty is as close as I can ever bother to get. Been married for longer than that whipper snapper F1 2004 has even been alive...much longer. Sim Racing is a fairly new thing in my life, just over a year. I have a full rig, triples and Fanatec Elite. Sitting on my hard drives are just about every Sim of the last eight years and I enjoy them all. Member of Gone Broke Racing where I race rF1 and sometimes iRacing, Founder member of 2O2R (2Old2Race) where I race in Race 07 and sometime racer over at sr4l. Also the odd race at Race2play under the GBR race a busy old racer. I enjoy racing with folk using TeamSpeak as it adds to the social side though my team mates at GBR have been known to use my habit of crashing if I am distracted by an interesting topic to their advantage...not that they need to, I am not the fastest guy on the block. Known universally as Knight, (I do dress in armour and sword fight for money) that is probably more than you needed to know. So greetings fellow Geezers and remember age is just a state of mind.