So I currently have the MoTeC plugin from The plugin and the data is all working fine. But is there a way to have live telemetry in MoTeC i2 while driving using telemetry monitor or T2 server?
That must be very dated as the post is from 2015? Take a look on this one instead: not sure if this link can help you with Live motec use
You could be very right here, don't think that the plugin expose the data. But it might be an good idea to upgrade the plugin as the linked one is from 2014.
I updated to 2015 one, but is there a possibility to log the files to ACL manager? Because in MoTeC i2 there is an option called get logged data and it uses ACL manager....
actually i didnt read your post and gave the link to help the guy Rfactor2seminoob but it seems we post same time cause i was sure i was the second post in this thread and only the original poster has a post haha
@rFactor2seminoob for some real time telemetry i use Z1 Analyzer but i m not an expert you can try it here for 15 minutes per time you open the program
Hmm... will definitely give it a try. When I was researching about live telemetry, I came across it as well. Do you happen to know why under the Open New Log File submenu, under devices, it says ACL?
@rFactor2seminoob I don't know why yours does, but mine doesn't. Presumably you have ACL manager installed. You'd still need something to feed it data.
Dear all, I'm looking for the log data <steered angle @ front wheels>, I have checked all channels Info, but I can not find it. neither <Steering input> nor <Steering Wheel position> is the right data, which im looking for. I'd appreciate some help. thanks.....
Although it's not clear, your question would be better placed in the plugin thread: Since we're here though, it doesn't log "steered angle" because the game doesn't provide it, so the plugin could only calculate it from other data - so it's better to do it yourself, saving a little log file size (and plugin processing), and giving you the opportunity to customise the calculation as you see fit. For a simple working value, just get the average of FL toe and FR toe. ( (FL toe + FR toe) / 2)
Years ago when I was more young and raced every night I was a motec fan and spent a lot of hours in analize my data for a tune the car and improve my driving technics. I tried several times in investigate this with no luck. I contacted with a company dedicated to this for the possibility of develope a plugin for rFactor with no response from him. I give you the link of his web, I hope you have more luck for this in these boom days of eSports...