Monster Build Box 4xTitans only does 15-50FPS in rF2

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Kristoff Rand, May 18, 2015.

  1. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Yes, we got 130 fps in game with 3 monitors and the two reflections turned down to low. I believe it was road and environment reflections... So much better now.

    Also, just wanted to say thanks for those links in your signature... the rF2 testing and notes on settings were awesome not only for his rig but mine too. and that uninstall guide for video drivers is the best I've ever seen. I felt like I had gotten a bath for the first time in years... Nvidia and ATI should pay you for that and offer it up in ever video card box they sell. Really great work... Thanks.
  2. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    I'm 41 and my first computer was an Apple IIc... so I've been around long enough to know the differences in benchmarks and software. I run some of the most demanding software out there and do renderings that take hours to bake... Believe me I know difference... It still doesn't discount the usefulness or industry acceptance of said benchmarking.

    I was absolutely not butt hurt... I know because not once did I try to hold it or massage it. In case you didn't know, trolls drop into threads and make outrageous comments written so as to draw debate and don't try to offer any helpful advice or criticism. Comments like "but rF2 won't be the only game you'll see a loss of performance when running 4 Titans." I mean come on... It's ludicrous on it's face... Any game that has issues with sli is undoubtedly an old game that has survived the years because of fan base and has been hodgepodged together on top of old physics engines. Such as Lock on/Flaming Cliffs I, II and III/DCS... All the same game from like 2002 that has some how survived all this time. It doesn't do sli because sli wasn't a thing when it was made. Well, not a mainstream thing at least. Much like this engine... And these issues need to be addressed. Especially for all of us running 3 monitors.

    Now if you were simply saying that sli is the whole problem and not that I should just accept that a Titan can't max any game on the market, then sorry for misinterpreting your post. I did at least try to end with some comedy which I see you caught.

    What I actually expected from this post was to be asked what track and car we were running to test and to be told that it was some thing more to do with bad track and mod migration than physics or rendering in the game itself. Or that some portion of the graphics engine was not fully ready for use yet. Not to be told it's expected...

    And to be clear... I didn't call you a troll, I asked if you "troll much?". Much the same as telling someone not to act like an ass as opposed to calling them an ass. Subtly is my forte you see...
  3. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    I have not seen it Spinelli... Can you link me?
  4. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    If your friend wishes to offload the 780, I am just 4 business days of shipping away :p.
  5. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    I will definitely tell him of your offer and your convenient location... lol

    Right now someone just offered him 400 for each of the 3 780's with a water blocks... From my knowledge that is top market dollar... So don't hold your breath.
  6. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    $400 for a 780 non-Ti with a water block? I'll do $400 if anyone wants an ASUS 780 Ti DC2 Overclocked model if my current buyer doesn't come through :)

    Thank you for the kind and appreciative words. Having helped someone/people is a good enough form of payment :)
  7. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Proving your point I suppose...

    I installed 2 770's and got better FPS with 1 card that with 2 in sli.

    GTX 770 = HDR off and reflections at low. 95-105 FPS
    GTX 770 = HDR and reflections on and everything all the way up. 64 FPS

    (2) GTX 770 = HDR off and reflections at low. 55 FPS
    (2) GTX 770 = HDR and reflections on and everything all the way up. 25 FPS

    I have 3 580's... i need to try them in order, 1, 2 and 3...
  8. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    I miss days of Voodoo 2 SLi and a GF2 TNT2Pro in same box, if one did not work well any sim the other did.

    Last good SLI I had with ISI was 9800GTX+ rFactor was great at least 70% scaling anyways by my accounts.

    Technology can suck you want to run Intel750 or similar you need X99 for lanes. lol

    SMS has Nvidia on their loading screens for years and their SLI profile still reads " Not recommended "

    What do you have to do, kiss their butts.

    Is all this DX12 significantly reducing GPU workload bs or what ?
  9. WhiteShadow

    WhiteShadow Registered

    Feb 16, 2015
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    I am wondering why does ISI not submit the latest build of the rF2 executables to Nvidia so that an updated working SLI profile can be created.

    Version: 353.06 Heroes of the Storm -SLI disabled

    Any thoughts ?
  10. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    I don't know why they don't... Maybe they have some reason they don't incorporate sli tech? I know that most people with 3 monitors are always looking for more power and sli is a fast way to get it.
  11. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    So I realized something... I should be, we should be, testing on one track only... Preferably an ISI or other high quality, well developed track. FPS between various tracks changes dramatically. At Vandzoort I'm getting 255 FPS in SLI and at Mills I'm getting 150. And this is in SLI... So to keep a good experiment going as you're doing your settings you should stick to one track.

    Why did my FPS suddenly boost? I have no clue... I downloaded 353 from nVidia yesterday and after installing I went to make Spinielli's 3D setting changes or to make sure they weree still set. I found that I couldn't save any changes I made. After doing some research the interwebs said that I should remove my driver completely and reinstall. So I did... Right afterwards I run rF2 and bang... Much higher FPS. 3D settings are still broken... can't save any changes. Sooo at a losss as to why there is a sudden improvement.
  12. WhiteShadow

    WhiteShadow Registered

    Feb 16, 2015
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    2- way SLI EVGA GeForce GTX 780Ti Classified Kingpin. I get 20 fps at mills. HDR, Multiview on, low shadows, reflections off. 3 way SLI is worse it is 9 fps :(
  13. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    have you douched your drivers and installed 353 and used Spinelli's 3D settings?
  14. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    HDR is a killer... I don't use multi view... It feels wrong the way it points in 90 angles... I like just forward.

    This is from before my second 770.

    View attachment 16908
  15. WhiteShadow

    WhiteShadow Registered

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Yes 3D was fine with Buld 930 and before. New single-pass HDR for multiview build 946 is killing my fps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2015
  16. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    If you're monitor angles are at 45 degrees then try using the real-life FOV for your setup. Or adjust your monitors accordingly if possible.

    Multiview looks perfect and wonderful when setup properly. You should really try using it. No stretching like with multiview off, and you also get increased peripheral vision compared to no multiview.

    Use a FOV calculator like on Pixsim's site to figure out your correct FOV. Just google "rFactor fov" (without quotes).
  17. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    So I've been trying everything to figure this out and speed up the FPS... To no avail...

    Everything I did either went backwards and hurt FPS or did nothing. Finally, today I installed rF2Lite to my main system SSD and started rF2 from scratch with one mod and nothing from my original install. Results?

    fresh installed rF2 Lite with 1x GTX 770 @ 75FPS

    Reflections = Low, FXAA = Off, HDR = Off, Shadows = Fast, FoV = 20, Multiview = On

    fresh installed rF2 Lite with 2x GTX 770 SLi @ 110-150FPS

    Reflections = Low, FXAA = Off, HDR = Off, Shadows = Fast, FoV = 20, Multiview = On

    Here are my settings in Nvidia Inspector. If anyone wants to give the profile a try, let me know...

    View attachment 16945
  18. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Here she is doing 146FPS... Very fluid... Not that it's 146 all the way around of course...
    There are spots it gets low, during wrecks it goes to 40FPS.
    I would say it stays around or above 90 most of the way around Zordloaf or what ever it's called.

    View attachment 16946
  19. baristabrian

    baristabrian Registered

    Dec 23, 2010
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    Its likely the SLI issues and its now compounded x4. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I just went from 2 GTX 680's in SLI and was having aweful stuttering issues with the last 2 builds. Finally got fed up with it and took out the 2 680's and replaced with a SINGLE Titan X and now Im gold. FPS as hi as 290 with most things at max but more importantly everything is smooth as butter. No more jitters or micro feezes. And this is pushing triple monitors in Nvidia surround.
  20. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    We're going to try the fresh install with the Titans... Did you do a fresh install? Did you do Spinelli's tips? Did you do the sli settings for nvidia CP?

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