Hi, i have on our root server a problem with the MAS2 Tool. When i start the Tool, doesn`t matter with shortcut or direct, it takes up to 2 Minutes, after clicking on "Create New Mod Package" to open the next Window where i could enter the Name of the Rfmod. Other Programs and Tools are starting and working without any delay. Any ideas/hints/tipps? Build660 Windows Server 2008 x64, AMD Opteron 3280, 16GB RAM
What is MAS creating? The delay happen before select files to use, right on the first click. However, on my local PC it`s much faster, without delay.
I had this on my old Windows XP computer. Would take many minutes. Only when I formatted Windows it fixed it's self. No idea what the problem was.
Hmm. 1. Open folder: Users/YouNameProfile/AppData/Roaming/~MASTEMP 2. Launch MAS2.exe 3. Choose Create the package file 4. Watch on your folder ~MASTEMP I think it problem with your hdd (rf2 need more time for create temp mas files).
I have the same issue with my dedicated server, running in XP in a VM. Takes for ever. I get round it by creating the mod on my desktop PC (takes seconds) and uploading the rfmod to the server.
Im on my desktop and same issue ,it takes forever to load once i select create new rfmod .. guess its just system bogdown ..
Click Icon, wait, click create new package, wait. That takes me about 10 seconds. ( W7-64Bit and Black Sata, Operating system on SSD ) If I start it again ( cached ) it takes 2/3 seconds or as quick as I can click Create . However I have had it run a lot slower then that on occasions for seemingly no reason, still nothing like 2 minutes.