If you make click in the Mark Forums Read menu, when you are in the General Discussion subforum, the whole forum ismarked as read, instead of the General Discussion subforum.
I think you need to be in one of the general sub forums for it to give the choice of all or just the sub forum you're in....doesn't do it from the main heading ie just general....don't know whether it's supposed to work that way or not.
The rest of subforums work how you're saying, but the General Discussion subforum works as it it where the main forum. It's easy to check here. https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?categories/general-discussion.109/
@lagg No, the rFactor 2 section works the same way as you've described in this thread. What you're looking at there is the General Discussion 'Category', which comprises New & Notifications, Official Competitions, and Off-Topic. The rFactor 2 Category (with General Discussion, Third Party Content, etc) also only gives the global option. If you go into any of those actual subforums you get the option of global or that sub forum only.
Ah! it's true. And in Pre-release and Archives is the same. In that case the bug is in all the main subforums. I.E. It does not make sense that you mark the rFactor 2 forum read, being into the Pre-release forum.