Low FPS on certain parts of Monza when time of day reaches 8:00 PM

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Patrick Craenmehr, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. Patrick Craenmehr

    Patrick Craenmehr Registered

    Nov 5, 2016
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    On the new build I see much lower FPS on Monza than before when time of day is near 8:00 PM and later. I have steady 59FPS (capped) until that time with only 60-70% GPU utilization and then the FPS suddenly drop to low 40's (sometimes even below 40) on some parts of the track and GPU load becomes 100% at that time. On the previous build FPS also dropped around this time, but always remained above 50 FPS.

    I have a GTX 1070 running on 3440x1440 resolution with most settings on High. Is there a specific graphics setting that will help increase FPS when time of day reached 8:00 PM and later?
  2. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    It has nothing to do with Monza (I think).

    But I take this opportunity to alert @Paul Jeffrey that there is at a certain time an unreasonable drop in FPS, which depends on where the circuit is located.

    For the Nurburgring it SEEMS to me it's AROUND 08:00 PM (S397 have to check the time), but I don't know what exact time.

    I think S397 should do some testing.

    In fact, it is a bug or big defect in the day-to-night cycle optimization, but at a specific time (not tested in the morning).
  3. Paul Jeffrey

    Paul Jeffrey

    May 21, 2016
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    Thanks gents, will check this out and try and find some sort of reoccurring scenario that we can investigate.

    Many thanks
    Patrick Craenmehr likes this.
  4. Patrick Craenmehr

    Patrick Craenmehr Registered

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Thanks Paul for looking into this.

    Some more information. I was driving against 29 AI, with a mix of GTE's and LMP2's. I was driving the C8R. Weather conditions sunny to light cloud. 30 minute race with 48x acceleration, to simulate a 24 hour race in 30 minutes. GPU load jumps from 70% to 100% at 7:45 PM and then FPS drop to values below 40 on certain part of the track (e.g. start/finish until approaching the first chicane).

    Graphics settings:
    - Window Mode : Fullscreen
    - Resolution : 3440 x 1440
    - Refresh Rate : 60 Hz
    - Vertical Sync : Off
    - Post Effects : Medium
    - FSAA : MSAA 2X
    - FXAA : Off

    Display settings:
    - Circuit detail : Full
    - Player detail : Full
    - Opponent detail : High
    - Texture detail : Full
    - Texture Filter : x16 Anisotropic
    - Special effects : High
    - Shadows : Medium
    - Shadow Blur : Optimal
    - Soft Particles : High
    - Rain drops : Off
    - Road reflection : (SSR) Medium
    - Environment reflection : High
    - Visible vehicles : 20
    - Mirrors : On
    - Steering wheel : On
    - Vertical FOV : 44
    - Auto detail FPS : 0

    My system:
    - Alienware 15 R3 laptop
    - nVidia GTX 1070 (driver version 457.09)
    - Intel Core i7 7700hq
    - 32 GB RAM
    - rF2 running from NVMe SSD
    - external ultrawide monitor (3440x1440)
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2021
  5. Highlandwalker

    Highlandwalker Registered

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I have found there is an overall drop in performance with the new build and it can be quite bad at certain times of day and on some parts of the track. Also there is a problem with the sound as well dropping in an out, setting it to 64 sound effects does not cure it. I reverted back to previous build and got back to good performance and the sound problem cured as well. S397 needs to investigate the performance drop and the sound problem. I can't understand why this problem wasn't picked up by the beta testers there seems to enough of them. I don't normally have any problem running rf2.
    pety100 likes this.
  6. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    just for kicks. set the time accel to half that, then half again, then zero.
  7. Patrick Craenmehr

    Patrick Craenmehr Registered

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I tried at 48x, 12x and zero (set time to 8:00 PM) and results are the same. 100% GPU load constantly and FPS drop to low 40's and sometimes even a bit lower.
  8. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Wow, I wasn't expecting that. I thought the superfast time of day changes may have at least partly to blame for the fps hiccup. Guess not!
  9. Patrick Craenmehr

    Patrick Craenmehr Registered

    Nov 5, 2016
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    It's not an FPS hiccup. GPU load becomes 100% over the whole circuit and on some parts of the circuit FPS get to low 40's and sometimes even below 40 for several seconds.
  10. Patrick Craenmehr

    Patrick Craenmehr Registered

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I have done some more testing with the SSR Display setting. I set the time of day to 8:00PM (fixed). When I set SSR to Off or Low, my GPU load is between 90-100% and FPS is 59 (I capped FPS on this value to force G-sync) around most of the circuit and sometimes a little dip to 57-58. But as soon as I set SSR to medium, GPU is back to 100% all the time with FPS between 40-50 and sometimes even between 37-40 on certain parts of the track.

    So any SSR setting of medium or above has massive effect on my system when the time of day is 7:45 PM or later.

    What is the difference between the different SSR setting by the way? What am I missing with the setting on Off or Low and how does this compared to the old environment reflection settings?
  11. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    For your info, I experience this problem even with X8 timescale.

    Good evening.

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