Hello, I'm managing a dedicated server with very limited storage space, so I dont have 5GB to spare for a full rFactor2 server. For rfactor1 I created a simple installer script that would just remove all the unnecessary files for the server (models, textures, sounds, etc.) when I was installing new mods, which was very simple with mods based on "loose files". Is it possible and how to do the same without causing mismatches in the current architecture? I tried just deleting mas files that had only unnecessary files, eg. Mills_Maps.mas which only has textures, but that seams to break the whole Formula Renault and Megane Trophy mods (even if I delete a reference to that .mas file from the millsmetro.mft... which would probably cause a mismatch anyway). Another way I see one could do that is by opening .mas files and removing unnecessary files directly from them. The problem is rFactor2 checks the signatures of the .mas files, so once you remove something, the signature wont match what's written in an .mft... and changing the .mft will cause a mismatch. That said, even if it worked, there's no command-line mas tool (as far as I know), so you can't write a script that would do it automatically and going through all the .mas files by hand and editing them would be a pain. So, is it possible to make a light version of a mod for the server? And if not, are there any plans to make it possible? This is a big issue for me, as I cant host a server without it at the moment. Thanks for help. - mskrajnowski
I don't THINK there's any way, currently, to do this. This is probably one of those special case scenarios that we would have to add code to accommodate. I will bring it up with the appropriate person...