League Settings

Discussion in 'Wish Lists' started by Jimmy, Jul 9, 2019.

  1. Jimmy

    Jimmy Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    i think rFactor 2 can have few upgrade settings for League Racing...

    1) Cutting Multiplier.
    Now you have only 2 warnings and penalty - without reset count. Any other cut is next penalty. I think Track Limit settings is good way. Like iRacing. If you have good set track limit (like Jimmi´s VEC - 0 tolerances) you can have more warnings for long races and little warnings for short races - our choise. Dont forget - you can get Cut Penalty for Collision with other car :(

    2) Automatic Race Number
    I dont like iRacing, really, but few thinks is good. Much people has problem with skinning. So if we have FIX place for Numberplates, sponsors, or Category stickers on cars and then game automatic PLACE league number stickers and number on cars with Skin Transfer.

    3) Few update for Dedicated Server
    - Now if i can change START TIME of the race, i must restart dedicated, or load new track. Why?
    - Set rules for next races - Rotation TOP8, 10 for second race.
    - More Qualification sessions. Why can i set this in INI files?

    Thanks for thinking.

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