Ok, I didn't quote only the bit I meant, though the words I used implied it. Let me try again. You said, "Is there a known number of how many copies of LMU were sold?" And I said, "If there is, then what?" Let's say it's 3000. Then let's say it's 20000. Then let's say it's 80000. What's your next step? What do those numbers do for you, as far as determining their prospects?
It's as ready as rFactor 2 is. Most of the issues have been related to the anti-virus needed to have a direct exception for LMU's folders and some V-Sync issues which are puzzling, given that they did not have these when implementing rF2's new UI. ie. LMU's UI, for some, acts just like the sad mess that the white, blue and orange UI was throughout its lifespan. As for the content, it will never have rF2's content, but what I said is still true: LMU's success if RF2's only chance of survival.
Thanks I fixed the brake pedal by recalibrating in Game now I could race and it felt good withGTE I would say close to RF2 but FFB is too light with HyperCars and prototypes I will need to play around pithouse and in Game parameters I am also still having this grainy almost cogging feeling around the wheel center that is not nice increasing smoothening helps but then it reduces track details sensation anyway on business trip for a week so will do more testing when I come back decided to keep the game because I have no UI or performance issues in less than 30s I am on track which is heaven compared to sims like RRE for example thanks again for the feedback and tips
I wonder how much rF2 player counts will drop as more people will be driving in LMU instead of rF2. Or perhaps LMU could actually increase rF2 player numbers by attracting more people ?
@nolive721 Pleased to here you fixed the pedal issue. Now we need to fix Alex, make him understand that rF2's future may depend on LMU's success
I think playercounts won't drop that much. I allready read a few comments by people saying that they never gave rF2 a chance due to simply reading bad stories about it and now that they tried LMU, they will try it. And people who allredy like rF2 and LMU will keep playing both because of the limited scope of LMU. Granted, the content in rF2 doesn't look and sound as nice as LMU out of the box wich propably helps alot to make the on track action very good for most people and evens out the issues that people are having right now. rF2 is alot more stable wich helps ofcourse and people might find their way to get going with rF2 after trying LMU alot easier. Time will tell. I also think that with the release of this EA and the generaly good perception S397 and MSG are in a safer spot now when it comes a prospect for the future. There were a few people who jumped onto a bandwagon and tried to bomb the reviews on Steam after release, but it went from 60 % negative to allmost 80 % positive rating within a few days and even people like Random Callsign reviewed their review and are driving it now. It was in the Steam topsellers in the last couple of days, so I guess the future isn't looking as dark anymore and MSG/S397 refreshed their image. People are suddenly suprised that the people working on this from MSG and S397 aren't evil.
I wont wait for 4 years to have LMU fixed with the same rF2 features, for the moment rF2 is far better, so much more content. About steamchart, LMU players = rF2 players now, the hype is gone. I didn't get the hype for LMU when rF2 does a better job, I'm hyped for rFactor 3, but won't happen. rFacor 2 is endgame for the moment, with simucube 2, 4090, oled ultrawide, I don't need something else. I can already race Oreca7/GTE with rFactor2 at Le mans, it's more than enough for a boring track.
The Company reported a net loss for the third quarter of 2023 (“2023”) of $3.5 million, or $1.28 per share, compared to a net loss of $8.5 million, or $7.29 per share, for the third quarter of 2022 (“2022”). Don't hold your breath, and open source rF2, we will finished it, the AI, the safety car, the shadows, don't worry MSG the $5 million reduction in net loss was primarily the result of the Company reducing its marketing, development... We all know LMU won't be finished and with the massive CTD i really doubt Max Verstappen will come back The increase in revenue was primarily driven by the release of the NASCAR Heat 5 DLC Is it a joke ? This game is a massive fail....
ISI created a great physics model - except, they completely bypassed including an actual drivetrain model. I realize relatively few players actually care or even notice such things but, anyone fortunate enough to use a motion system probably does. RaceRoom / iRacing / BeamNG stand out in that way. Just pointing out that there's more to physics modeling and other titles may excel in other areas. And now might be the opportunity for this physics engine to catch up in other ways.
Tried driving HY, they are fast, fun, very challenging to drive, and murderous on cold tires. If you struggle with the beasts don't run on a green track, and don't skip the formation lap to be able to gain heat in your tires. I feel sorry to be positive, I consider I got a lot for my 30 €, and I won't ask for a refund. Cheers.
Question: A lot of users have commented on the light feeling of the FFB on the Hybrids. Does the tire heat contribute to that? Does the FFB resistance increase as the tires warm up?
I've been around rFactor since about 2007 and experienced the development cycles since. This seems a little different than the launch of rF2 in both execution and code readiness as a beta test. Fantastic start I think this market will be a hit as the GTP era was to many the pinnacle of motorsports and has the the right chemistry to return to the peak. Given the magnitude of bug fixes, improvements and new features its a daunting task but well worth the effort. I'll guess about 3 major feature adding releases with bug fixes in between than following up with an IMSA extension I know Doonan would be on board with that.
A recent interview with an LMU exec said they would naturally look at Asian and European Le Mans since both those series are administered by the ACO.(the license partner with MSG.) Even at that, he suggested they have a lot to do with LMU BEFORE they can think about adding series. IMSA, I thought, had already signed an agreement with iRacing. so if that is true I would really doubt we'll be seeing the USA series anytime soon.
I suspect it won't be ready for primetime until June, even then with bugs. IMSA doesn't have an exclusivity contract with iRacing and avoids them in all promotional ventures.
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