I had a quick test, and the areas around the pits were lighting up, but the light globe objects didn't seem to be. Definitely not like it used to be
Thanks, that led me to Le Mans 1967 archive footage which is longer and gives more of a spectator's view. The knitwear and heavy coats tells me it was a lot colder than when I've been to Le Mans, particularly 2010 when it was 40+
Thanks Mantasisg, and thanks Seven Smiles, I hadn't seen that archive footage video before. At least not in full. I've seen clips of it in other videos. Some good stuff in there! Also, the race start at the end of the video isn't '67. Two easy ways to tell without picking any of the cars: The armco inside T1, and the built-out structure around the ACO tower.
The opening footage might have been April test day? I can't think of a way to tell the difference between April testing and LeMans weekend.
yeah, i think the start was some test day (weekend?) footage. And yeah, you see tents in some odd places, so i'd say yes, marshal tents in those instances
It seems it was cold. From the Motor Sport report: https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/archive/article/july-1967/13/le-mans-24-hours Maybe that was an early French speed camera with gendarmes huddled inside?
a small update a couple of days ago on the steam workshop v0.60 - texture/material tweaks - mesh tweaks - fixed/improved some night lighting - minor changes to the camber of some corners - garages and grid increased to 62 cars (to accommodate the 1954 mod)
Does it mean that the exhaust was being sucked into the cockpit through the slots in the rear window, hence the tacked on extensions to the exhaust pipes?
Thanks for the update but still only 55 cars. I extracted my download and edited AIW and GDB files to 62 cars and repacked and my version now works with 62 cars. Thanks again for the update
That's interesting. I tested it again just then and was able to add 62 cars into the paddock, and then onto the grid. I did notice it was still set as 55 in the gdb, but I think that's only a statistic rather than a operational limit
How bizarre. I would have thought it obvious that the exhausts needed to be lengthened when the lengthened the tail.
Anyone help trying to find the lemans track and also the pack or however I edit the branding on the signs am new to this sorry
A long time ago there was talk of a Bugatti Circuit. Are their plans to make a Bugatti Circuit from this track? Thanks in advance!
That was quite a while ago! Besides your question there hasn't really been any demand for the short-track. Which seems a reasonable reflection of how popular it was for the '67 GP. Any time I can put into working on the track in the near future will be dedicated to the full layout. If the short layout were to be worked on, it would probably wouldn't be started for over a year from now. It's just a victim of time, priorities, and my sheer lack of bored, even-tempered personal clones willing to do the work. So "maybe one day", sorry
Workshop Updates! Le Grand Circuit UPDATED to v0.80, as well as an update to the 1967 Endurance cars (v2.50, now including some 1966 cars for fans of the Hollywood movie). A 13min vid showing the '67 AI driving around LGC