Latest Roadmap Update - January 2020

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Marcel Offermans, Jan 31, 2020.

  1. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    LOL... happens more often than you'd think. "League Edition" car sets are exactly that!
  2. Paul McC

    Paul McC Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Then why not just race the same fecking car for fecks sake!!! My fecking god I am literally going to go out and kick a baby in the face now!
    McKiernan likes this.
  3. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    yes, unfortunately, there is rarely any notation that any particular skin works with version
  4. whitmore

    whitmore Registered

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Now a select few (invited participants) are the focus of the developers. The boat has really sailed on this sim.
  5. LokiD

    LokiD Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    That's what frustrates me the most the ai only need a few little tweaks as you mentioned not to mention better rain pit strategy. It is awesome when it works on I find small tight tracks. Atm stay away from tracks with long straights. And yes I bought lemans lol
  6. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    League editions are mostly used in cases like F1 or historics where difference between cars is too big, the fact that there is something called "Balance of Performance" alone makes using same physics unecessary (if you are doing a series that has it IRL), heck with a bit of knowledge you could BoP historic cars too for a league

    Aliens are the only way to BoP, the average Joe cant do it, they'll always think a car they dislike is the fastest and the car they like is not fast enough. But you need an alien that can adapt to any car and have setup knowledge to find the flaws, not all aliens are like this.

    Yes, this. At least make 2 BoPs one for top speed tracks like Monza, another for everything else (which happens in GTE cars, they dont have 4 BoP tables IRL, they are boped from track to track and then have a LM specific BoP, S397 also made this). Then leagues can use success ballast easier
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  7. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    Yep, certainly, you can get the BoP to work if you are allowing a large enough tolerance as in real world. The problem as @davehenrie pointed out is that sim racers quickly figure out which car is a couple of tenths faster under given conditions and given tracks and then the complaints start and the field becomes homogenized. In real world drivers are under contract and don't jump back and forth between cars.
    Geoff Crammond's legendary Grand Prix series had single player physics in use for all different F1 cars. Anyway, I think you misunderstood my point, I didn't suggest they just remove all physics differences in the base game, it was just an idea to have a single locked set of physics for official events if BoP cannot be worked out. If everyone chooses to drive the one fastest car in the series, then that is the same thing as single physics anyway.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  8. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    This looks like it more and more as time goes by. I have started worrying a while ago that this what the "mysterious" competition system is going to end up being, and probability of that is increasing. What I am dreaming of is very flexible and well working online platform for various sorts of usage, and with some kind of statistics leaderboards to pursue (positions, race craft - incidents avoidance and so....). But I will not be surprised if it is going to be WIP sort of thing that will hold several online races per month which only aliens will participate, and others will be just able to pretend like they are participating by trying to qualify by doing hotlaps, and never actually racing. And it is of course going to be 95% gt3 cars at six same tracks. To me it would be extreme reduction from what simulation could offer, but it would be nothing new, because it already was like that in simracing world and in rF2 especially.
    Emery and VirusGR42 like this.
  9. Enoneado

    Enoneado Registered

    Apr 20, 2019
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    I will wait for this summer, take all this content mixed with qualities of 2015-2019 years, dx11 and dx9, etc... and try to put it like a modern and finished game, like AC, ACC, etc... i don't want more tracks of Monaco or Formula E of 2 km of lenght, i don't want the same version of one car every X months like AM Vantage, porsche or formula E, i don't want 1 laser scanned track per year and 30 mod tracks with old textures getting dirt... plz, FINISH THE GAME, and them, try to add new content. If the politics of the studio doesn't change i'll uninstall the sim from my steam account.
    Marc Brink likes this.
  10. Sebastien Sestacq

    Sebastien Sestacq Registered

    Jan 11, 2016
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    that's why I don't like the championship on iracing (everybody take the same car at 80% with the same setup that we buy from the most famous teams...), where people change car at each race to get the best on this or that track, like in reality we should choose a car for the whole championship and deal with its qualities and flaws
    Akela_DE, Russell lowe and Will Mazeo like this.
  11. Adam Helyes

    Adam Helyes Registered

    Feb 8, 2017
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    About BoP
    There is a "weight table"? How many kilos the BMW, Aston? etc
  12. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    These championships should be like a career mode, you have some virtual credits at the start of it you buy the car, spare parts, pay transport fees, make some extra virtual credits buy finishing races so you have more for spare parts or chassis. Everyone would probably go bankrupt before the end of the season but hey it'd be fun :D (may help to promote clean races if you arent getting new stuff every time you hit esc)
    Maybe one of S397 leagues should be like this @Marcel Offermans, FCY, budgets, no new parts every time we go back to garages, hardcore mode. I'd join this one for sure
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  13. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    I always find the comments interesting on these roadmaps. It's like people forget the state rF2 was in when S397 took over from ISI, the amount of content that has been released etc.. They fixed the join lag in this road map, and people complain about them not fixing bugs. That was literally the most game breaking bug for online racing. People saying that they only do stuff for the aliens, while in their road map they said that the challenge series will have multiple splits so everyone can join. What more do people want? They are Implementing bit by bit, testing stuff out.

    AI indeed sucks, but that is a compromise S397 has to make with their relatively small team. They can't fix everything at the same time.

    But if it really isn't your cup of tea yet, and you can't wait, go to a different simulator, until you find this one better again. Tonight I will be driving the Bathurst 333 in Raceroom (which funny enough has the same join lags). Next week I'll be back in rF2 driving the VEC, enjoying it to the max, because the racing is awesome.
  14. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    I think there is a way to create a solid BoP that doesn't require hours and hours of testing from aliens and is quite often overlooked. And that's simply by using AI, but with player physics as this would give you the most controlled way of testing. You could even let this happen without any human interaction. One could make little adjusments and arrange test runs throughout the night, while you evaluate the results the next day and make adjustments accordingly. There are even parameters like the AI limiter that could be used to aid the whole process. Another thing that could be used as a result of this are special BoP settings that would be shipped with the upgrades for a certain type of track or simply the option for league admins to adjust weight penalties and similar variables on the fly with the new UI. I think AC allready offers this, so I am fairly sure that this would be a possibility. Anyway, I think it would help S397 to get a good baseline and leave the rest of the BoP up to the leagues. All this back and forth is taking lots of time and I suspect evaluating this approach in a scientific way isn't as easy as it sounds, especialy the more cars, human error and track types are involved.
    Balazs Magyar likes this.
  15. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    AI respond more to weight changes than humans. I started modding after testing one of the SCC mods and always found the same car worked it's way to the front.(Saleen) Turns out the team had given that car about a 2kilo weight reduction. That is all it took. Weight would be more of a deterent to humans if it had a greater effect upon things like the brakes. Nothing like running out of brake pads with two laps to go....
  16. Russell lowe

    Russell lowe Registered

    Jan 30, 2020
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    The mic has been dropped, well said sir
  17. Enoneado

    Enoneado Registered

    Apr 20, 2019
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    yes, this title is so big for this small studio, if they can't finish it, leave another bigger studio to do it.
  18. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    That happens to aliens too. And by the way what i meant was that S397 tried to Bop the lap times compared to the real cars and not the cars under each other and thats stuff in my eyes to use aliens for like i said because they don´t drive like real racing drivers in many aspects.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  19. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    The part you should have paid attention is this tho, not all aliens are worth using when BoPing
  20. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I forgot the word real and added it.

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