Hello Sim Racers, As you may be aware, we have been working on an all-new “competition system” for some months now with a small, but passionate and dedicated development team - and we’re really looking forward to sharing it with all of you. As part of our final checks before we bring this new system to a public release, we have been running a small “alpha test”. This has been a very small group of people who have been invaluable in allowing us to find bugs, user experience issues, and give other feedback that we have greatly appreciated in helping to improve the experience. We are now looking for motivated and passionate volunteers to expand our small group of testers for this “alpha” phase of testing. The requirements are primarily confidentiality, along with a commitment to give detailed feedback and bug reporting. And in return you’ll get a limited addition badge gifted to your rFactor 2 account once our new system becomes publicly available. To register your interest: CLICK HERE! Please note; we have a specific number of users that we’re looking to join our team throughout this private testing period, so submitting your details is NO guarantee of acceptance into the programme. Apologies in advance if you are not accepted! However, if you are successful in joining the programme, you should expect to hear from us within 2 weeks of receiving your request. Public access is coming soon for this re-engineered online experience, and we look forward to sharing it with everyone in the coming weeks. We hope you’ll enjoy it! Happy racing!
No replies, eh? Not sure why. Maybe people have lost faith. Personally I'm really pleased to see this. The competition system had/has potential, but personally I've always struggled to subscribe and sign up (it works, but only after a few restarts etc) and of course it hasn't been well populated. I've signed up as a tester and am hopeful that it can provide the sort of it-just-works system that rF2, along with pretty much all the sims, badly need.
Pretty sure you're supposed to fill out the form in the link provided and not actually respond to this thread.
And when there are not yet any details, a private sign-up, and the first requirement is confidentiality, there really doesn't appear anything to talk about
Exciting times I'd sign up but I don't think I'd have the time to commit to ba very useful tester. Looking forward to the official release though
Fair enough. But to see a potentially game-changing feature in this forum and not see rampant opinions on whether it will be good and what it should/could include ... surprises me. Anyway, I'll go quiet now and hope for a test invitation.
The "new CS" has been in the works for some time, possibly mentioned more on discord than here. So this test isn't the first news - otherwise I think there might well have been 20 pages of opinion
Well, it should be easier to reward with a badge than with full DLC content https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/release-candidate-server-test-request.73734/
When working on the multiplayer system, please let the api publish stats like session type, time left, race length, car classes, etc. This way its easier to see what you can join and at what state.
Thankyou, so will that mean the forum 1 day will be shut down and we will all have to move over to discord ?
Here's an idea: try using discord. It's not a religion or competition. You can have both the forum and discord. If you choose to confine yourself to one, despite being told you can get additional information on the other, that's on you.
The forum should have remained as the number main source rF2 news... IMO Discord is just pure chaos and the fact is it's often used by members as tool for bulling other people around.
Just out of interest. Is there something top secret going on in discord, that it can not be read without to be logged in? I don't say more about it, to avoid to get banned again, like it happend the last Time, when i did speak against the Move to Steam.
Yes, there is a private channel for the test, but I assume it will be made public when the test is made public as well.