Released January RC Update #2 Released

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Feb 3, 2023.

  1. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Did you delete "localstorage" like the posts suggest?
  2. ´goggo1peter

    ´goggo1peter Registered

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Yes delete ore renamed all involved folders . Crasy is that normal version runs fine ????
  3. Petethepawn

    Petethepawn Registered

    Nov 15, 2019
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    The missing driver Id logs are annoying.
  4. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Did you upload the correct trace file as that is showing build number 1131 not 1132.

    I'm still unable to get the RC started.
  5. ´goggo1peter

    ´goggo1peter Registered

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Ohh you right

    Attached Files:

  6. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    To all the people who don't like the new controller settings, if you set your device type to wheel, it'll disable them.
  7. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Maybe it is just steering mismatch an issue that I have with various cars. Try alternating [Rotation Limit Mode: Device Driver and maximum wheel angle mode: Custom] with [Rotation Limit Mode: software and maximum wheel angle mode: automatic] back and forth loading car in track for each and checking if steering responds as expected. Why ? I have no idea why, but it seems to help often.
  8. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Ok, we'll look at it. A bug may have slipped in.
    fenderjaguar, turtleCZ and ling like this.
  9. Devin

    Devin Member Staff Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    A few things about the controller steering, so we can figure out whether there is in fact a bug or not, as internal testing showed significant gains:
    Filtering is only active if your device type is not a wheel. It does not, however, use steering rates, but rather raw direct inputs. The smart filter is basically just a smart version of speed sensitivity - instead of limiting your steering to an arbitrary value, it uses slip angles to determine how far you want to be able to turn. At 100% steering aggression, it allows you to turn in at a 10° slip angle, which should be way more than enough to overdrive just about any tyre, for example. At maximum countersteering, it will aim the tyres towards the direction the car is going, to correct slides. Meaning if you keep the stick neutral, it will stay in-between those two possibilities, which usually is not fully enough to correct slides for you. It does, however, result in small steering movements reacting to your car - similar ones to what you would experience if you were to let go off the steering of a real race car, in fact.
    If, and only if, your controls are digital (dpad, keys, etc), it will additionally use steering rates which were fine tuned to be as unintrusive as possible, however, they were hardcoded.

    There is one known "bug" (less so bug rather than design problem) where if you use the wheel setting to disable all filtering, not setting your steering angle to the same as the max allowed steering angle in the settings will result in rather broken feeling steering, so make sure that's not the case here.

    Either way, with analog controls, steering movement should still be absolutely instant, just within a certain range of slip angle of the front wheels.
    Internal testing actually showed slower steering was preferred, but untofrunately introducing actual steering rates to limit it turned out to make it too tricky to catch slides (either you'd be unable to correct them or you'd simply overcorrect and crash, and it would generally feel detached) so we decided not to use them for now. As you can see, ironically, for the exact reason that is being complained about.

    While a steering rate setting would have been ideal, unfortunately actual steering rate systems meant for racing games are far too complex for a single setting to control them, and we don't want our users to require a degree in rocket science just in order to set up their controllers.
    The Grand Prix series of games found a pretty nice way to solve it, which happens to use slip angles too, and due to this happens to have similar steering behaviour as our system where the steering wheel snaps back when you let go. They are a great example for how complex steering rates would get, and allow very limited adjustment for that reason. If you've played those in the past and find this does not apply at all, please let us know (ideally with a video showing controller input and actual game steering) and send us your controller file to investigate.

    There's a reason we decided to keep the wheel option filter free. If yours is definitely not filter free, please send a recording and your controller file our way as that would have to be fixed ASAP.

    I am not in my office right now but once I am, I will record and post a video how it's supposed to look. Either way, a game that wants to be taken seriously needs an easy way to make gamepad controls work for more people than hardcore enthusiasts. We found this one to improve controls and laptimes significantly, even for advanced players, to the point where it was no problem to get within a second per lap of even esport times without much practice, and without feeling intrusive. So yeah, as stated, if it doesn't do that, please let us know.
    davehenrie likes this.
  10. micro-impact

    micro-impact Registered

    Feb 3, 2023
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    The whole "smart" thing is a joke. I have no intension so mess around with settings which were perfect for years.
    They release tracks like Dirijah, without any tracklights (no time for that ?) , but have the time to add ingenious ideas like a smart filter. I can´t remember reading one single thread with someone complaining about the controller driving in RF2.
  11. Devin

    Devin Member Staff Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    There were hundreds of players actively being scared off by the complicated controls and near impossible default controller setup. Your sample size of 1 isn't exactly the reality of developing a product, unfortunately.

    What's your problem then? You can already disable it. If you hate accessibility, then sorry but at that point just make your own product and make sure no one can access it. No one is forcing you to use this, and since you asked for raw inputs and that is exactly what you can have, I really struggle to see your problem. There is no need to be so disrespectful about it.
  12. ling

    ling Registered

    Jan 24, 2023
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    rF2 as steer and brake assist (i all ways turn them off )
    the controls were perfect before it was the best thing about the game.
    fenderjaguar and turtleCZ like this.
  13. Devin

    Devin Member Staff Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Steering rate was already inaccessible for years though. Deadzone, linearity, a new version of speed sensitivity that actually isn't completely arbitrary, all that exists. If you disable the new speed sensitivity by switching the device type to wheel, you get the old system minus the arbitrary steering cap at high speeds.
    The steering rate settings of the controller file no longer apply because they are also inaccessible through the UI, and in their old form there was a good reason for that. It would have to change significantly before it would be accessible through the UI, which was not part of the update. So realistically, the only thing that is actually gone unless we're talking about modifying files is the old speed sensitivity.
    Either way, things that are inaccessible through the UI aren't considered supported features anyway, and for a good reason.

    Aside from the speed sensitivity, absolutely nothing changed. That said, a LOT of testers (and now users) seem to consider this perfectly fine if not a big improvement so as I said before, please don't sell your opinion as a fact[/QUOTE]
  14. micro-impact

    micro-impact Registered

    Feb 3, 2023
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    Just make an option in future releases to enable/disable this ingenious invention, than the discussion is obsolete.
    fenderjaguar, turtleCZ and ling like this.
  15. NIsmo97_

    NIsmo97_ Registered

    Feb 4, 2023
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    A friend of mine made an assist for BeamNG to allow for a better experience on Gamepad with tons of customization so each person could fine tune stuff to their liking.

    As I said before, I like the current implementation but I wish I could tone down some of the recentering/counter-steering forces, it really feels like playing on a wheel with 200% FFB.
    My friend's BmNG mod feels just fine while still being able to catch slides without much of a problem. Granted, the game is different and BmNG's cars have more inertia, but maybe some of the math could be used in rF2.

    Right now the new steering assist harshly punishes players who do cadence steering and for players who don't, like me, it still feels like I need to fight the steering a fair bit, especially exiting turns. Increasing steering aggression helps reduce how much I need to fight the steering, but it's still not perfect.

    Oh, and another thing, Xinput devices still can't press the throttle and brake at the same time, it would be great if this was fixed too!

    (If anyone on the dev team is having a dejavu, I submitted a ticket talking about the same stuff)
  16. ling

    ling Registered

    Jan 24, 2023
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    were did i say i was saying this as a "fact"
    my opinion is the controller setting were perfect before and that is my opinion and feed back to the developers never used the word fact but i think you are wrong when you say "Aside from the speed sensitivity, absolutely nothing changed" because for me the game is total unplayable now and that is my opinion
    fenderjaguar and turtleCZ like this.
  17. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Devin is part of S397.
    ling likes this.
  18. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I don't know if you're on Discord, but Devin insinuated on there it's not his decision. I'm sure (based on, basically, quick fixes being rare) these things are discussed and agreed upon by a team of people before being implemented.

    I wonder, if everyone gets used to using the new 'smart' system, will it fail to continue to reward more skilled drivers? Is it possible that the backlash is mainly because there's a forced change, even if that change leads to more realistic inputs from gamepad drivers? (note the 'if', please)

    I think at the moment there's a bit of a kneejerk reaction from both sides, and no doubt the unexpected change here is largely to blame for kicking this off.
  19. micro-impact

    micro-impact Registered

    Feb 3, 2023
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    It basically countersteers for you. So indeed you can have faster laptimes, You can accelerate full throttle out of corner, you couldn´t before. But you could add god mode too to get faster laptimes. But that´s not the reason we are playing sims.
    I don´t play racing games just to see my car manage for me to get around the corner.
    fenderjaguar and turtleCZ like this.
  20. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yeah, based on Devin's description earlier if you're not at full steering lock on your controller, the steering will help counter steer to some extent as the other direction will adjust based on car movement. So compared to before it will be easier in that scenario. The intention is to mimic what FFB would do for you on a wheel (where that corner-exit oversteer will push the wheel into counter-steer).

    It's important to remember the physics aren't being changed. Your ultimate laptimes aren't improving, but it'll be easier to get closer to it. There should still be a performance advantage for more skilled players (just like TC makes a car easier to drive for everyone, but fast drivers are still fast) but everyone gets closer together.

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