Internet thread: Share the fun!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by John.Persson, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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  2. Golanv

    Golanv Registered

    Nov 7, 2012
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    Field of View... The Horror! :eek:
  3. ZeosPantera

    ZeosPantera Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I couldn't watch. The whole thing is wrong. I'd have to offer my services.
  4. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Then go over here to fill in the form and send please:
  5. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Just finished watching it, excellent documentary and a very welcomed complimentary video to those i posted. Also features Dr Lustig and i would recommend it as an "apetiser" for the rest of Dr Lustigs core material. Thank you Jamie! :D
  6. Racefreak1976

    Racefreak1976 Registered

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Is this track available somewhere?

  7. Racefreak1976

    Racefreak1976 Registered

    Apr 16, 2012
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    This is really cool stuff man. We'll be driving the next generation of racedrivers online soon! ;)
    We probably already are .

    More cool stuff ;)

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2014
  8. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    The truth about Cholestrol and what is the real culprit. The false scientific data (in fact manipulated) and why you need to eat the eggs, butter and cheese on a regaular basis (provided it's good quality without growth hormones and antibiotics..e.g. organic, or else you're asking for a separate set of problems onto your health).

    this guy is brilliant.

    The Drink 8 Glasses of Water Per Day Big Fat Lie!

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2014
  9. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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  10. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Looks like a great event. I'd be more interested in this one than the real one. :p

  11. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Please read's an account by me and i am certain you will find it extremely interesting

    For those who watched (and did not watch) the video i posted earlier called Sugar: The Bitter Truth by Dr Robert Lustig of the University of California and the American Heart Association...I decided to put what his research evidence suggested to the test on myself (which demonstrate that sugar is responsible for weight gain and obesity and not the fat we eat or the lack of exercise and will power by over weight people, which he explains and demonstrates so beautifully. I know that sounds too good to be true but if you keep reading your mind is about to be exploded).

    Living in hong kong for the last 3 months i have periodically weighed myself on the scales and my weight has consistently been in the tight range of 90-91 kg (for my age and height i should be 70-75kg...i am overweight, i have a belly). I have been eating normal portions of rice and noodles with the meals and with the occasional sweets in my diet (i really like sweets but try to reduce it for other don't forget i didn't know at this point in time that sugar is the real cause for weight gain).

    I watched the video "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" 4 days ago and decided after watching it and being horrified by the fact that sugar is in fact poisoning us and responsible for the diseases that we have been lead to believe fat is responsible for (more specifically the fructose in sugars found in pretty much ALL processed foods but i won't go into why that is, you will need to watch the video if you want to find out why) plus the affects of sugars (i.e. all carbohydrates...even the natural kinds in rice which will cause sugar spikes in the blood after consumption) that causes us to over eat (due to the way sugar affects our hormones which affects our subconscious food intake drive, i.e. it has nothing to do with conscious will power) and worse yet sets our brain to think it is starving from the severe hormone imbalance caused from spiking our blood sugar levels; i decided to go absolutely carb free as i possibly could. So non of the carb specific and high concentrations foods like rice, noodles, potatoes, and the occasional sweets....all removed. In place of them i heavily increased my fat intake tremendously eating pork, chicken, fish, eggs and all the fats that came with them.

    As an example, for my breakfasts over the last 4 days i would eat 4 eggs (and fyi 1 egg has 60% of the recommended daily allowance of fat given by world health organisations...i was eating 4 for each breakfast which equates to 240% of my recommended daily allowance from the eggs in the breakfast alone!) and 12 mini sausages (which are comprised of at least 40% fat). As you can imagine, this was more than enough food and i was well and truly stuffed after eating these for breakfasts. For lunch and dinner i had similar large proportions of foods with a lot of the fats in them (but i should add they were pretty much all the natural fats...unlike processed foods which does turn them into trans and hydrogenated fats which are bad for other reasons). I did replace my portions of rice i would have for dinner though with extra amounts of chinese vegetables which are greeny and have pretty much zero carbs (if i had carrots it would be different as they have a fair amount of carbs in the form of starch because its a root vegetable which can relatively easily cause blood sugar spikes....I'm not saying that carrots are unhealthy though and it is very important to eat vegetables as they house a lot of micro nutrients, crucial to well functioning critical body organs plus veggies are high in the natural and correct fibre required for good health for other reasons i won't go into here though....but it's not common knowledge that the fibre added to cereals are nothing like the ones in natural foods). Furthermore, my meals were now tastier than they had ever been before.

    To add, i have not been active or even left the apartment for the last 4 days because after watching the video i have been watching other videos all to do with it and researching it all non stop. Therefore my caloric expenditure through activity/exercise level has been pretty much non existent these last 4 days, other than when i go up to get food from the kitchen, go to the toilet and go to bed.....pretty darn sloth like.

    Now like all the other times i weighed myself in the past, i would always do so only first thing in the morning after waking up and before i go use the toilet in the morning to do the you know what ;). I step onto the scale...reading comes back with 86.7kg. WTF?!?!? I had lost 3.3kg from sitting on my butt all day for 4 days and eating no carbs but instead eating way more fat with my protein and not using any portion control whatsoever (i.e. i allowed myself to eat as much as i needed to feel full and satiated and ate again whenever i started to feel hungry again like i normally do). Don't worry i checked the scale 5 times and then tried another but the reading was the exact same.

    This is truly insane and i will be continuing this further and will report back the results. If all the above is true and carbs (sugars) are responsible for weight gain, then this has tremendous implications as for the reason for the obesity, pandemic!, because it is a global issue now and even the World Health Organisation has listed obesity as a disease now that it is so prevalent and on the rise. The severe majority of our foods in shops are highly processed which most people consume and rely on as a food source on the regular basis has resulting in increasing our sugar intake some 20-50x what they were for our ancestral diets (i.e. before industrial sugar production and addition into consumer foods, before table sugar was invented, before grains were ever used to make break so very very long ago). Our physiological for food really hasn't changed in any meaningful way over the last 100,000 years. Carbs (i.e. basically sugar) was not a part really even a part of our diet for 99% of the history than homo sapiens have existed on this planet. The modern day diet of the world is so far from what our ancestral diet was that it's not even remotely comparable anymore.

    If any of what i said has peaked your interested, you really should watch this video. Below are two of them (essentially a part 1 and part 2 separated by 4 years) but if you don't want to watch them both because of time or for whatever reason, at the very least watch the first one.

    Little teaser, after doing my further researching, not only is fat not the culprit but it is essential to good health. Do you know what all the cells in your bodies are made from? Fat, cholesterol, collagen. This crazy concept of reducing to removing fat from our diets to avoid getting fat (which is incorrect) is causing problems of their own relating to things like skin problems, joint problems, etc, etc. What we are being led to believe (the dogma of why people are getting fat and getting chronic diseases) is completely bat **** crazy and the root cause of 99% of our modern day pandemic medical problems. The concepts of how the body works and what it needs that we are being told by the medical health organisations are not only oversimplifications of how the body works but also mostly but severely wrong. Please watch the videos and do the research for yourself and for those you care about!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2014
  12. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    I avoid most packaged foods ( stick to fresh veg / fruit & lean meat and fish ) , MSG & sugar (both the processed types of course)
    is to be avoided AT ALL COSTS, it's very easy to be strict with oneself once one gets into the routine of a good healthy diet.

    don't trust the food industry with your health & for that matter your future
  13. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Yes i agree with what you said as a whole (but not everything) but with those guidelines you have a very good diet and when i met you last christmas i saw that you were a very physically fit person and no even remotely over weight.

    Without going into too much detail, i don't agree with the MSG being an issue entirely (because MSG is actually a type of salt and whilst in the west it's been linked with health problems the japanese have one of the highest sources of msg in all their foods but they get it from natural sources in their diet and pre changing to the western diet they had the highest longevity in the world with the least amount of health diseases and lowest obesity rates....just an example. To support the hypothesis that msg is the casual factor of health problems the west is claiming it's linked to, does not fit with the well documented yet controversial wide spread japanese diet case study).

    The other is avoiding fat, again because you probably believe (like 99% of the world as did I before 4 days ago) that fat is what makes people fat and needs to be limited as much as possible. However this is completely wrong as shown by the research evidence now coming to light by mutliplie university (including the univeristy of California, Sydney, Oxford, etc) research institutes (key point here being that these top universities have no conflict of interests with their research by having no associations, affiliations or funding by the food industries.) Not only is fat crucial in our diet (as well as the right types, like mentioned avoiding hydroginated and trans fats which you won't find in natural foods but only in the really crappy processed foods.) When we eat fat, it does not just turn to fat in our bellies. It actually takes a lot of work by the body to break it down and transform it into glucose (via a process called glycogenesis which is why you can survive without eating a single carb in your life because your body will convert fats (and proteins but the body prefers doing this to fats in fact) into glucose that is required by all the cells in your body for energy (yep, funnily enough sugar is what all our cells use for energy which is a contributor for us thinking that we need carbs in our diet at all as well....the glycogenesis process takes a heck of lot of energy to convert fats into glucose thereby heavily reducing the net calories from the fat vs eating carbs that turn straight into glucose without much if any effort required at all thereby you get the full carbs calories.

    It's when you eat carbs (sugars) that it royally f**s up your hormones that govern fat gaining (and equally the possibility for fat loss...yes, it is fundamentally our hormones that govern the outcome of fat burn or fat storage!!! which can be made to do only fat storage with sugar intake causing insulin to spike leading to blocking leptin hormone receptors in our brains that is in charge telling our brains if we are starving to full of energy that then dictates whether to burn fat and raise you normal metabolism giving you energy or to force your body into fat storage and lower your metabolism making you tired all the this has nothing to do with peoples lack of will power to eat less and exercise is biochemically determined whether we lose the pounds or not, not by our conscious will power to eat less and exercise more) as well as increased and continued hunger afterwards from the sugar spike (but it's more complex but completely understandable to anyone and it's all explained, demonstrated scientifically in the video how this process works, so please watch if you haven't yet).

    What it actually means is that not only is fat not the problem but it's also part of the solution which flies in the face of everything we've been ingrained to think and know about weight gain and loss problems. This is dogma and you could actually eat almost entirely fat and not gain weight at all. In some countries this is the case where their diet consists of 80-90% animal fat, yet you don't find an obesity epidemic there....figure that. There's another medical doctor called Peter Attia M.D. (who was also on ted talks some years ago) who tested this all on himself of removing all carbs from his diet and eating a diet of around 50+% fat and the remaining from zero carb veggies and some protein. He did that for a long time and then started to train to do extreme sports like triathlons whilst continuing the diet and he was perfectly capable and healthy of competing with the other extreme atheletes who although ate good diets too, were consuming carbs and doing a lot of carb loading.

    If you look him up online, Peter Attia, and you can find out about all that as well as the organistaion he is associated with called NuSi (Nutritional Science Initiative) over at
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2014
  14. Racefreak1976

    Racefreak1976 Registered

    Apr 16, 2012
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  15. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    yes MSG and sugar are naturally occurring in foods (msg forms from protein & sugar in fruit etc) they are of no concern, it's the processed added msg & sugar which is best avoided.

    ( I don't believe the Japanese add msg , on the whole their traditional diet is very natural )

    p.s thanks I do my best to stay fit/healthy & enjoy running and cooking etc
  16. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Just in case of any possible accidental misinterpretation, i not said the japs added msg, you are right it is naturally sourced from the foods they eat. Every tried the japanese soup that they use for every meal and drink many of? It's so damned salty you wouldn't believe's naturally formed msg salts from the sea-weeds. The levels of consumed msg in this fashion is more than the levels of msg the west were intaking at the time of the studies only 10 years ago.

    Now, whether natural vs manufactured msg is any different i do not know for sure, but to give an example i don't think so and if that's true why it doesn't matter is because table sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup are toxic to us because of the shear insane quantities they are found and consumed in processed foods by pretty much anyone who is overweight to obese (just think of the soda alone that so many people drink with their much HFCS). In that example (which again is all explained in the video) it is not the processing that is the problem but the fructose in both. At which point you might be wondering "but isn't fructose the natural sugar found in fruits? is it poisinous in the processed foods but not in the fruit?". The answer is that in fruits the concentration is so very low and fruits have a **** ton of fibre which naturally stops the intestinal tract from absorbing some 70-80% of the sugars in the fruit in the first place, thus lowering your overall sugar consumption/absorption into you blood stream from the already low concentration of sugar in the fruit significantly so that it doesn't become a remote issue at all.

    Please watch the video Adrian....i'm pretty certain that someone like yourself would absolutely LOVE it even more because your interested in good health and nutrition.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2014
  17. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    yes I'll take a look cheers,

    the way I see it :

    natural sugars naturally formed in food (such as fruits for example ) are perfectly fine as they are naturally balanced with the other natural attributes the food has ( eg vitamins / fibre etc )

    processed sugar added by food manufactures/processors ( in breakfast "cereals " cakes/ soda ...the list could go on )
    are very bad due to the original extracted sugar being heavily processed and are presented to the body in an unnaturally unbalanced way ( not combined with other essential attributes ) the body struggles to cope & uses resource in an attempt too, this also leads to medium to long term severely increased risk to certain health problems

    manufactured MSG ( we could call this processed also ) although common to sugar in the points as above it's has a more powerful effect in some areas :

    "crave-ability" (food industry will generally use this term as oppose to addict-ability) MSG is an incredibly good flavour enhancer,
    almost a miracle , some say it dosnt do anything for flavour but it's like a drug that tricks the brain into thinking that the victim
    ( lol ) is actually eating something wholesome etc, people will come back for more thus repeat business & good for profit etc, people basically get hooked.

    food industry (processors -that's most things pre-made and sold in printed packaging) & fast food outlets including Pizza Hut / other pizza outlets/various eateries -can use cheap tasteless ingredients & buffer up the taste with MSG ( if the stuff is good in first place why add MSG ? )

    there's lots of conflicting studies on MSG, to me it's not natural (the non natural version) & it's bad bad news

    I've worked for some large food companies (with my business) & sat in during some of their meetings, their marketing ploys & claims bear no relevance to the reality of their food, they only make sure they don't put themselves in a position where they could be prosecuted, they also don't care about the health if their customers whilst they will always claim the opposite
  18. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Watch the video and then get back to me. You'll see why although added sugar to foods is bad for multiple reasons, it ha nothing to do with the way it's processed and hence why processed sugar is no worse than natural sugars (e.g. Raw cane sugar) because they are both chemically identical in that these sugars are made up of 1 part glucose and 1 part fructose. Any slight variation in how these two are structurally joined (eg reined table sugar also called sucrose is exactly the same as raw unrefined cane sugar but there is a slight variation in how the 2 parts are physically joined in HFCS). It is the quantity that it is consumed in (as little as possible to non at all and anyone would be doing a great service to your health already) that leads to high sugar spikes and the mentioned problems that brings (including weight gain) but also the toxicity that comes with that due to how specifically fructose can only be broken down by the lover and how it does so is exactly the same as with ethanol (alcohol) and the problems that that brings with. So basically people who consume high fructose amounts are being loosened in the exact same way as alcohol poisons the body only without the alcohol mind bending effects that alcohol has on the brain.

    Again, all explained in the video. I look forward to your thoughts after watching. :)
  19. ZeosPantera

    ZeosPantera Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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  20. Racefreak1976

    Racefreak1976 Registered

    Apr 16, 2012
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    I think Japanese have a better lifestyle in general. Compared to us in the western world. Maybe, I'm a little overromantic about Japan because I watch a lot of 60s-70s-80s Samurai movies lately. :)
    Still that way of life is very appealing to me, apart from all that Seppuku stuff. Even though, Seppuku makes perfect sense when you know the background of it.

    Extremely very good movie. Brilliant story, not much fighting. There's also a remake of this movie, which is equally good.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2014
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