[WIP] Indycar 2018

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by Navigator, Jul 7, 2018.

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  1. jymp

    jymp Registered

    May 26, 2013
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    Looks like the chrome on the wheels could be shinier, mod looking ok so far, when release ?
  2. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Aren't the physics being done based on the current DW12? I mean that's basically what happened IRL they just moved the downforce from wings to the ground effects (and overall the car has less DF now)
  3. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Sorry, but these last two messages give an indication of whats wrong with this game/community these days; it has to look absolutely stunning but physics from another mod is okay.
    How much the wheel shines in a pre pre pre video and even (in another topic) there is a remark on how bright the rainlight is.......

    I dont know if I can live up to these expectations but was trying to make the physics outstanding.
    ........but that doesnt seem to be nessesary?

    This is a simulation, right? So; whats more important?
    When far away from finished and getting comments on whats not good, what I should do........ doesnt get me motivated.
    Also; a physics guy doing a conversion is another thing than a graphics guy doing a conversion; it seems to me the first one isnt all that wanted and thats strange for a simulation.

    If I have to live up to the graphical standard; end of 2019 probably?
    Motivation is getting pretty low at the moment.
    rubennaatje and Emery like this.
  4. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Gosh sometimes I forget how Navigator can be such a drama queen even answering a very innocent question. You could have said just "No, I prefer to have one from scratch".
    I think your comment shows what is wrong with many modders.
    Anyway have a good day.
    jymp likes this.
  5. jpalesi

    jpalesi Registered

    Sep 15, 2011
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    That's the risk you take by posting WIP pictures or information : criticism from people that nitpick far more for free mods than they do for paid stuff from developers. I have been there.
    ede78 and Navigator like this.
  6. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Dont start of with name calling mate; I have spend a LOT of hours on this mod and have to do a lot more hours; when people start about every little thing and how shiny it is in the very first picture or video; yes, I may get a bit agitated.

    It was the combination of the two messages and not directly pointed at you.
    Duppy_ likes this.
  7. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    You are so right. Takes the fun out of doing a mod though.
    But people like to nag and call names and than whine there are not enough mods.
  8. Duppy_

    Duppy_ Registered

    Dec 25, 2017
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    If it has stunning physics, I wouldn't mind if it was a rectangle on wheels to be frank.
    Navigator likes this.
  9. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Thanks; thats the aim anyways.
    Duppy_ likes this.
  10. Duppy_

    Duppy_ Registered

    Dec 25, 2017
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    You're welcome
    Navigator likes this.
  11. jymp

    jymp Registered

    May 26, 2013
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    Right, if the physics suck, if the wheels are squares, say so and move on, no big deal....
  12. Filip

    Filip Registered

    Feb 9, 2017
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    It is too curvy for a rectangle.
    Otherwise mod looks great
  13. kpf480

    kpf480 Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    You guys that are giving your opinions already are looking just at pictures and not the real thing on your computer. You guys are hard to please. So I took the pictures down. I have been in modding for all kinds of games in my life and the community is never happy. Now here is the thing, this hasn't been released yet and still has some work to do on it. Now I thought about investing into these models. https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/car/racing/indycar-2018-road-and-oval-model to see what could be done of it for rFactor2. I have been in contact with the designer jvr3D and we have talked My opinion the models are well put together. We shall see.

    Vitor has been putting mods out for along time now. So Navigator figured he would ask Vitor to let him convert the mod and release it. I already had my friend convert this so I could paint skins, helmets and have fun by myself. I had no plans to release it unless gotten permisson from Vitor. Navigator and I crossed paths and now you are seeing what has been done so far. The pictures are no way near close to what this mod looks like in person. All the cars that have raced this year in Indycar are in the mod, and separated according to their tracks they raced. There are alot of things behind the scenes being done now too. So all I can say is hang in there. We'll see what comes out of it.

    Now as far as this model and tires goes to Vitor who created them. So what you see is what he has done for the model and tires part of it. So complain to him. So right now this mod is in wip mode until more work gets done. Believe me alot of work is being done on this behind the scenes. So stop complaining for something that has not been released. I also want to add this We are not being paid or by no means charging for this mod like other modders that do. So stop being judges and let us have fun with this. We do things like this because we enjoy doing it for the public and we can have fun too.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
  14. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Can someone post where all the complaints are? Cant find any in this thread at least
    Schumi and Filip like this.
  15. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Would you stop trying to piss off people who DO try to contribute something?
    Your ‘contribution’ is pissing modders of and when they respond; you just go: ‘modders think they are all Gods’ and such. (Yes, people can see that when they search on you)

    Your contribution is zero; the opposite actually.
    What you get done is people withdrawing their mods.
  16. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Not trying to piss off anyone. Just showing that you guys are exagerating a lot. But good luck with the mod anyway, never wanted bad for any of you, on the contrary I'm trying to help. Again good luck and good work, the mod does look nice. :)
  17. KittX

    KittX Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    gosh, better to have constructive criticism even if it is too much for you, than the flock of "yes men" floating around you.
    Yes men mean literally that they give props to your mod today, and tomorrow they will move on to next shiny thing. The people who criticize are often the ones who are considering the mod as more long-term thing to put their time into. No wonder they want things perfect, by their own means. You collect feedback of them all and choose what is worth spending time on improvement, what's not.
    Having spent hours of frustration on the project you're working on it's easy to get very defensive though, I totally get it.
  18. kpf480

    kpf480 Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    For a mod that hasn't been released yet, When the time is right and when the beta gets ready close to a release We will be calling out for beta testers to give their inputs on physics, among other things too, so we can make this mod a really good one. All the car skins are done for all the cars that have raced this year. If anyone that has different expertise wants to devote their time and efforts for different things like tires, and some modeling things, and some tweaks for this mod. Please message either Navigator or I "kpf480" and give us your background credentials for what you have done for sims and we will consider adding you to the team for your expertise.

    Thank you
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
  19. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Feedback is good; never had problems with that. But not on the very, very first pictures, just to have an image to go with the writing.
    When testing comes; soon enough.

    But it all started when I thought out loud; strange that a bit of a shiny part in a pre pre pre picture and thus the graphical side seems more important than physics in a simulation.
    And I really was worried if I can live up to the expectations as I saw for instance that a rainlight was not bright enough in another topic; I’m not that good, I’m just a physics guy. I really do wonder if I can get it good enough.
    But then you’re a drama queen.......
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
  20. KittX

    KittX Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    By shinyness of chrome parts people often mean actually lack of contrast in cubic reflections. In some hard cases some even say it's because the engine is bad or uncapable. In fact, you have just to crank up the cubemap blend percentage, as well as edit the cube fresnel values. By default, spec and cube fresnel values in rF2 are made the "usual" fresnel standard - when you look at object/polygon at angle, it has more reflection/specularity than if you look at it directly (top-down, or directly facing to polygon). This is quite natural for many surfaces, works well for things such as car paint etc, but for chromed part you have to crank up cubemap fresnel min value, or even make it the same as max value, or very close to it. This way the reflectivity of chromed parts will be the same, both faced to camera or at an angle.
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