Tyre temps are in the game default HUD. (The Multi Function Display - MFD - shows them, if you cycle to the correct page) Pedal positions you'll want to use TinyPedal or Simhub. Those will give you many other options as well. Only downside is you need to run in windowed/borderless mode, not fullscreen.
Some users claim there is a tiny bit of controller lag when using the two window options. I'm not aware enough to notice tho.
Borderless per se shouldn't be an issue. But when you overlay something on top of the borderless it messes up the g-sync.
It's still windowed, so you lack flexibility on resolution and refresh rate, and it definitely adds some input lag.
@Gadget11 also if you have a second monitor connected near your main monitor install this "second monitor" https://gitlab.com/winzarten/SecondMonitor/-/releases https://gitlab.com/winzarten/SecondMonitor https://gitlab.com/winzarten/SecondMonitor/-/raw/master/_githubStuff/SecondMonitor.png