Hi all Has anyone any experience using the new Lenovo G2 VR headset with rf2? For me and a friend who has a similar setup, it is running really badly. I use FPSVR to monitor whats going on. The framerate is bouncing all over the place anywhere between 50 and 90 fps. Im running an Nvidia 3080 with an i7 7700k, 32gb ram. For testing im racing 16 cars at Silverstone, twilight start time. No matter what I seem to set the gfx up, it always runs like this, can only describe it as "gloopy" Ive also changed the headset resolution down to no effect. The GPU is only maxing out at 40% on the last lowish settings i used, and cpu only around 35% Im wondering if its something to do with windows mixed reality and how it works with steam vr
Well, after spending endless hours trying to resolve, I give up. Nothing changes, no matter what you do. Changing processor affinity, priority etc makes no difference. Pretty clear to me that the problem lies within the poor coding of RF2. There are so many threads about poor performance with this sim to confirm it. I jumped into PC2, having reinstalled it for comparison. Set everything as high as it would go. Ran a test race with about 16 AI at Spa, night time race, thunderstorms, rain, the lot. Flawless. Pretty much 90fps all the way, You feel like you are actually there. I love rf2 for the feel and they physics, its light years ahead of PC2, but this really needs fixing as its got to be fixable.
Which headset did you use before the "Lenovo G2 VR headset?" What kind of fps were you getting on the previous headset? What are the in-game settings differences between your old and new headset?
I have had exactly the same experience with my 3080 and HP Reverb G2 on Rfactor 2 , wasted 2 days trying everything i could find to try and get a solid 90 FPS , my 3080 barely performs any better than my old 2070 in VR at the moment. I am really hoping this is all because of the Nvidia drivers SteamVR bug which gives constant random dropped frames. Hopefully they will fix this soon so i can get the full power from my 3080 in VR
Well, ive kind of sorted it now. The solution ive found is to force the game to use 45fps with motion projection in steam vr. Makes no sense at all though, as now even with all settings on max, im only using 60% gpu and around 30% cpu. Put it back on 90fps, knock the graphics right down, same sort of gpu and cpu usage and it looks like treacle when there are lots of other cars on track. But, it looks great now, even at 45 fps. Personally i cant see much difference between that and 90, so happy for now. Like David said, hopefully the driver issue might improve things over time.
I am sort of interested in the G2, which is why I ask about your previous headsets. I'm running a Lenovo Explorer on a Vega 64 and I can get a consistent 90fps in the FormulaEs with car/track/driver/filter etc set at full/16x (I have high impact things like reflections, shadows and rain off). Note that I cannot get 90fps if I change to the Orecas at LeMans where I have to start adjusting some of the full settings to high or medium. My expectation would be that with the G2, I should be able to get the same performance with identical settings. So I'm really curious about your settings pre-G2 on whatever your previous headset was.
I was using a rift cv1 before, on a 1080ti. Had settings mid to high, and got 90fps no problem. Dipped down to 45 on busier tracks.
Out of curiosity, try the 60FPS setting. It's in the Windows Mixed Reality control panel setting. You can let Windows choose, 90fps or 60 fps. I've been experimenting with 60 fps lately.
For me i cant use anything less than 90 FPS , at 60 FPS i can see a lot of flicker and it drives me mad so unfortunately for me i need to get 90 FPS smooth. You would have to turn down Steam SS for the Reverb G2 to achieve the same level of performance as your Lenovo explorer as the G2 has 2160 x 2160 panels and the steam default 100 % SS is like 3000 x 3000 so pushes your graphics card a lot more.
So you see poorer performance with the G2 using the same settings as you had with the Rift? I wouldn't expect that.
So much trouble with the g2 is it the sim rf2 is not optimized enough for VR ? As i see ppl playing other sims with not as much problems. Also ppl saying they sending them back that have tried rf2 and using their g1 instead.
Tried the 60 setting, it doesn't work for me at all, lots of flickering. Probably different for different people. 45 works much better for me.
I think it's the SIM. There's enough evidence to show that, there are other Sims that work so much better in vr. Doesn't seem to be of interest to the Devs unfortunately. Just glad I've found a workaround because rf2 is the best one for me.
I'm not sure that's what I'm trying to say. Now I've found my fix, it looks stunning in the G2 compared to the CV1 and wouldn't switch back.
I didn't like 60 either. There was stutter. I used the exact same settings in-game with both 60 and 90 in the control panel and found 90 much better. I didn't expect that and it comforting to know someone else tried it and didn't find it was an improvement either.
I have to admit i had never tried with motion reprojection on all the time as i didn't like 60hz and thought 45 would be worse. Well i have enabled it and i can't tell the difference to 90hz , it now runs smooth and i was even able to put the steamVR beta SS back to 100% which on my setup is 3600 x 3500 (approx) With the SS at 100% it looked really good , the motion reprojection works well and i am happy i can now just enjoy using it.
I've been looking at getting a G2 but have been waiting to find out how others found it on RF2 first. I have a RiftS at the moment and am running a 3080 and found most of the issues to be linked to SteamVR. For me using OpenComposite made a significant difference but from what I understand that's only a solution for oculus headsets. Regarding the 45fps and 90fps and the GPU occupancy. If your G2 works like the RiftS then at 45fps the GPU provides one frame and the VR hardware the other, interleaving them. So effectively you get 45GPU frames per second and 45 interleaved frames per second so 90fps in total. Now if you are at 60% GPU at 45FPS then assuming it's fully scalable that equates to 120% at 90FPS which obviously isn't going to happen. I suspect if you can get it to run at less than 50% at 45fps the it should run OK at 90fps if that makes sense.
Yes, i think cos 45 is half, its less weird on the eyes. Glad you got it sorted, the hassle trying to get it working..............
Makes sense, but it doesnt work in rf2 You can turn everything down, leave it on 90fps, still the same gpu usage and cpu,, when you would expect it to drop, but it doesnt The maths just doesnt seem to work like that. I still say the game is the problem
Interestingly, I set SteamVR to 45fps and RF2 was unplayable on my Lenovo with a Vega64. There were artifacts all over the place, even in the load screen. It runs smoothest at 90fps. 45 is unplayable, 60 is "stuttery" and 90 is fine but I have to turn relections, shadows, rain off. Also, when I go to Steam VR and look at the applications settings, RFactor2 is not in the list. IL-2 and Eleven TT and a bunch of steam "junk" apps are in there but not RF2. I had to go into the config file to make the change.