I downloaded b880 dev mode, installed it to the same drive and folder as rFactor 2, didn't touch nothing just clicked next. RF2 launchwer still doesn't light up for dev mode. I couldn't find a page or thread with dev mode info and/or instructions, just the page full of download links. Help please.... It seems to have installed fine because the folders are all there in the C: program files rfactor 2 folder, also, the other files are in the my documents rfactor folder as well P.S. What is with so many new games and installing themselves partly in 2 completely different folders simultaneously? I mean why do half the files go to C: program files rfactor 2, and the other half go to C: My Documents rFactor 2. I've noticed this with a ton of modern games. With rFactor 1, every single darn file get's installed to C: program files rFactor AND THAT'S IT! None of this switching between two completely different locations crap! It's like saying, "hey, we used to put all your documents neatly in one room, but from now on we're going to put half of your documents in one room, and the other half in another room on the other side of the house." LOL! What the hell is the point of that? Why would anyone in their right mind do that? It's ridiculous not only having 2 different simultaneous install locations for your games with some files installed in one location and the other half installed in the other, but sometimes you even have the same named folders in both locations (although the files inside those folders are different). What in the??....
Usually games split off like that to hold config files and savegames separately from the main install. There may be a proper programming reason for it, but for me it makes it easy to grab all my game save data's and stuff in one go. Or I can delete the main core and keep my saves for a reinstall. It may be something to do with Windows writing to certain areas, dunno.
ya, I don't know, it just makes uneccessary complications, especially when there are certain folders with identical names in each, you sometimes don't know which one you're supposed to deal with and which is the "true" folder that's affecting your game. Do you know how to install mod-mode? I installed it to my regular rF2 install, and I installed the settings etc. files (the second install screen) to the regular "my documents" rF2 folder. Seems like everything is in the right place...
Yeah, I find it makes it easier with the multitude of games I have installed. There's 2 folders that the games like to put those savegames or config files into. Would suck to have to enter each game install and try and find them. Hmm, I'm really not sure ai, I've only installed it once a long time ago sorry XD
True, it can make some things more organized, I guess you got a point. Anyways, I reinstalled dev-mod again and now it works, weird.