How do I import a track created in Bob's Track Builder into Rfactor?

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by davef, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. davef

    davef Registered

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Hey folks, I could use some help. I've created a track in BTB and woudl like to begin the process of refining it in Rfactor - But I'm confused. I'm using Steam to launch R-factor - you need to right? I found the location in my local drive (I think) where the tracks are installed and I copied all the files that exported from BTB into there (see attached file 1). But when I go to Rfactor I don't see the track in my list of tracks (see #2) . And I don't see any option in Rfactor to install tracks. Frankly the interface in Rfactor looks different than any of the online "how to install a track" tutorials.

    What am I missing? Any other information I can provide that woudl help you debug this?

    Thank you so very much!

    Attached Files:

  2. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    You have to put the Files into the a new Subfolder for them, into the Folder
    ..\rFactor 2\ModDev\Locations
    and it needs some more Files that you can load it.
    Check the Joesville Track Files as an Example.
    And when you start the Game, click on "start rFactor 2 DevMode", to use the Track.
    The DevMode is where you can edit and test everything.
    If you can not get it shown up and loading, i can offer to build a loadable Version, when you load up all Files and send me the Link by a private Conversation.
  3. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    If the track files are in rF2 format you'll be able to put them straight in dev mode (The rf2\moddev\locations folder) to test in devmode, and package for the main game as required.

    What I think is more likely is the files are in rFactor (1) format, or still in BTB format.

    rF2 can't just load up tracks from rF1 or editors - they need converting.

    *sigh* ninja'd :p
  4. davef

    davef Registered

    Jul 27, 2016
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    OK! I guess that counts as some progress. I can now see the track in developer mode but it doesn't load. To be clear I'm a total newby - I have a real (not sim) race coming up at a new track - Ozark International - so far there's no sim so I thought I'd try to create a crude one to try to get the turns down (the track is a monster). I downloaded a program I found online - Bob's Track Builder and overlayed the track and altitudes as downloaded from Google Earth. It's not perfect but it's probably a start:

    Bob's Track Builder outputted the following files. Any way to see if these are suitable for Rfactor2? The program looks old and not well exceptionally well supported but if I can get this to work it will make race day a lot less terrifying.


  5. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @davef Now i have a Problem.
    Because you did put the Link here into the Public, instead of sending it to me by a private Conversation, i don't know if anybody else is trying to get it into the DevMode already.
    So when that is the Case and i also start to do it, it is only wasted Time for me.
    Do you understand that?
    So let's wait a While, to see if somebody else is doing it.
  6. davef

    davef Registered

    Jul 27, 2016
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    I'm sorry... I'm new to the forum and didn't realize this was the case - certainly don't intend to waste your time. If you have the time to assist me I would be grateful but if not then I understand as well. I apologize again for my oversite
  7. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @davef No reason to apologize, i should have written the Reason, why you should send the Link by a private Conversation, in my first Reply.
    I would say that i wait 1 Week and if nobody did create it then, i will give it a go.
  8. davef

    davef Registered

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Thanks very much but I fear I would be wasting your time. As I mentioned I have a road race coming up in late April at a new track (Ozark International - ) and so far nobody seems to have built a sim in either Rfactor or Iracing. I was hoping to build my own crude simulation of the track and turn some laps to practice before actually racing but I didn't realize that importing tracks from Bobs Track Builder was as much of a process as it appears to be. I built that track very quickly - basically I just plotted the course on Google earth and downloaded a KLM into Bobs Track Builder and laid out the track based on that. Had it incorporated smoothly into Rfactor I would have undoubtedly gone back and refined the track to add in additional details and worked iteratively between the two software packages - but if getting the track into rFactor is more of a process and requires outside assistance I fear I would simply waste your time and effort on a Sim that wasn't sufficiently detailed.

    I guess for the race in April I'll just rely on youtube videos to learn the track which is what I think most of the other drivers will do. Eventually I believe someone will build a proper simulation of this track. It's brand new but could really benefit from a Sim - It's a monster and the drivers who have raced on it report it to be quite intimidating!

    Thanks for your help and I wish you all the best. Sorry again to waste your time.

  9. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I don't think the google earth data the BTB uses(I think that's what it uses) is accurate anyway. It doesn't even look close. I actually tried to build the track ~1 year ago, but all the LIDAR data and satellite images are not up to date. It would probably be a pretty straight forward track to make, since there's really only the road you need to make.
  10. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Done. This file is for dev mode.

    - Converted .gmt files from rfactor 1 to rfactor 2 format
    - Removed Skybox code from .scn file. Was stopping track from loading.
    - Recoloured textures (everything was too bright).
    - Saved textures with Mip mapping (everything was shimmering).
    20230323004512_1.jpg 20230323004536_1.jpg

    Download Here

    Happy driving.
  11. davef

    davef Registered

    Jul 27, 2016
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    THAT'S INSANE! Thanks so very much. Wow. What can I say?

  12. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @davef As you can see, my Suspicion, that someone else would build a working DevMode Version, was right. :)
    So the Work is done and i didn't waste any Time with also doing it at the same Time, thank's to @DJCruicky. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
    ThomasJohansen and Corti like this.
  13. davef

    davef Registered

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Thanks so much for the help with Ozarks, The result is cool - but of course has left me greedy. Don't need or want you to do any more work - you've been super kind already - but if you have a few minutes to nudge me in the right direction I'd be really grateful. Again, I have a road race in late April at this course and I've never driven it so I'm hoping for a good enough sim to get some muscle memory dialed in. A) the course is currently set up backwards, is there an easy way to reverse direction from the files i have? B) I'd love to add a few more details to help me identify the various corners better. It could be a simple as billboards with the corner numbers. that would be a good start. But if not then I could actually paste in some trees using some overhead photography or youtube videos as a guide. Are these modifications I'm possibly able to make myself? I'm reasonably technically competent - just not at track building sims :) Do you mind if I ask what software you use for your own work? Curious - do you race outside of Sim racing? What sort of cars? Thanks again! Dave
  14. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @davef Adding new Objects, like Markers for Corners, Trees... can be done in BTB too.
    I don't use/know that Software, but i know some Users, that create all their Tracks with it.
    And if you can only export rF1 Format Meshes from BTB, you'll also need 3DSimEd for Example, to convert them into rF2 Format, like @DJCruicky did it.
    To reverse the driving Direction can be made with a new AIW File.
    And yes, everything can be done by yourself, you just have to learn it. ;)
  15. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    I design all my circuits in BTB. Basically the process I do is:

    Google earth - Screenshot for the background and route of the track.
    On the web I recover the heights that kmz does not have.
    In BTB I capture the aerial photo as background to have all the references, and route.
    Edit as much as possible and create the AIW (later you can reverse the direction of the race and reassign box, etc.).
    When you are satisfied export to rF1.
    At this point you need 3dsimed both to convert to rF2 and to include other objects with animations (cornerworkers, flags, etc that BTB does not handle).
    Once converted you finish the shader work in the rF2 editor.

    I hope it gets you on your way.
    Corti likes this.
  16. davef

    davef Registered

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Thanks @Brutten - I'll work on that. For what it's worth, the web version of google earth outputs KLM files with elevations now - the desktop application does not for some reason. That's how I got the elevations for the Ozark track I'm working on.
  17. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    I convert klm to tcx and update heights with GPS routes web, then convert back to klm and import to BTB.
    With that and 800 hours of work there are times that I get a good result, haha.
  18. davef

    davef Registered

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Folks, I feel like I'm getting closer but still stuck. I'm trying convert my revised track created in Bob's track builder into Rfactor2 format. I'm using Spaski's tutorial and trying to follow what DJCruicky said he did:

    - Converted .gmt files from rfactor 1 to rfactor 2 format
    - Removed Skybox code from .scn file. Was stopping track from loading.
    - Recoloured textures (everything was too bright).
    - Saved textures with Mip mapping (everything was shimmering).

    Is there a utility that converts the GMT files from RF1 to RF2?

    When I open the scn file in 3DSimED3 I get nothing...


    Is there anyone on here would would be willing to help in exchange for payment? I don't have a huge budget but I'd be willing to pay for someone to help turn this track into something a bit more realistic in fairly short order. Let me know if you're interested.

  19. Mitch9

    Mitch9 Registered

    Jul 26, 2020
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    Yes... 3DSimEd

    Going over the basics, you need use the "import as objects" option and import all your gmt files into a single 3dsimed tab.
    I dont think you need to import the scn at all; 3dsimed will ask you if you want to make a new scn file (or just make one, dont remeber exactly) when you export your objects as rf2 gmts. You can use it as the new scn file - rename it first - or copy the changes back to the old one.
  20. Goanna

    Goanna Registered

    Jan 19, 2012
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    When you export the gmt’s there is also any _output.scn file created in the same folder as the gmt’s. I usually open it with a text editor and copy/paste to the track’s scn file. That screen you have posted suggests to me that the paths at the top of the scn file may be missing/incorrect, check that they are there and are correct.It should look similar to this;

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