hi, sorry but I'm a beginner with 3dsmax I'm trying to rotate a palm with the billboard technique(T1 stamp vertex) , I have the four vertices but I can't get the menu of the properties of the vertices where to set alpha to 90, the palm appears perfectly in devmode but it doesn't rotate because I can't put the alpha parameter at 90. I also attach the 3dmax 2017 file of the palm tree if someone expert has the will to give it a look and make me understand where I'm wrong.in the hope that a solution will be found and that it can also serve many modders who are starting with 3dsmax like me. thanks in advance https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h5PWGYNHMUO_MxGunk-HMV54sOaGYEAX/view?usp=sharing
I was unable to enter editpoly because something on the mesh imported from blender was wrong, I redid the plan with one face and 4 vertices with 3ds now I can have the alpha parameter to be changed from 100 to 90 but despite this and having set everything as https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/billboard-trees-dont-turn.30713/ still does not rotate Is it normal that objects exported from 3ds are not loaded by 3dsim and giving building geometry error?
I reinsert a new link of the correct 3dsmax file in the mesh and that seems to be all right but it doesn't rotate if someone can calmly view it and tell me where the problem is, thanks for your patience. https://drive.google.com/file/d/153c3kaxazPATodFE6jVkqSD03cFYa0ri/view?usp=sharing
ok, now by setting the alpha value to 99.9 instead of 90 the palm rotates, but it has overturned and enlarged, if I try to turn or climb the object the situation does not change, any advice?
here we are guys, playing with the triangulation on the editpoly section elements I managed to put the tree upright, for the dimensions it was a problem of unit of measure settings on 3dsmax, it was necessary to set 1 unit = 1meter. all this info I collected them on the forum, excellent help, thanks to everyone, now it will take a little more detailed tests and try a nice Bump Specular Map T1 stamp vertex
I am carrying out tests applying this technique on Kyalami, it is very useful and convenient to group several objects into a single object so once you have entered editpoly "element" you can select each individual tree and scale or move it.
Here is an easy method to do billboards tree without using expensive 3dsmax (using 3dsimed+Gjedit instead). Important note: All following steps MUST be done in correct order, and do not skip any steps, else it will not work or resulting broken object. Stamp Vertex shader MUST be assigned in 3dsimed because gJED needs it to properly convert object to billboards. In 3dsimed (must done this 1st): 1. Isolate all trees from other objects, then explode all objects into one piece. Then use Purge vertices & Purge faces function to make sure no broken vertices left in file. 2. Batch edit all material and set shader to any of the Stamp Vertex, such as T1 Stamp Vertex or Bump Specular Map T1 Stamp Vertex. 3. Press hotkey Ctrl+A and select Faces > Vertices RGBA, change Alpha value to 254 then click OK. 4. Select Save rFactor2 model to export GMT. In Gjedit: 1. Select Open FBX/SCN from menu, click Open and find the tree GMT file you saved (you maybe also need to set Path to texture folder). Then click Load at bottom. 2. On the tool bar, click 6th button "Pick instance from list", click the instance name (there should be only one in this example) and hit OK. 3. On the tool bar, click 5th button "Open instance editor", find the section "Screen-Aligned Quads", and select "BB" box, then choose one of the 5 align methods button (they have different effects). You will see the tree rotating and facing you right way (if not, there must be something wrong with vertice alpha or shader setting, or the mesh is not a triangulated quad). 4. Last, on the tool bar, click 3rd button "Export meshes and mats to .gmt/.scn file", choose a folder, then hit Export All or Export Selected. ------------------------ gJED download: https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/download-gjed-build-1108-dx9-shaders.23333/
fantastic, a very fast method to obtain rapid conversions of many objects, the paths with this technique take a whole different style, slowly I have to update my tracks. thanks Svictor as always excellent advice for the whole modder community, do not leave us alone when the new documentation on materials and new techniques arrives, thanks
I beg for some hints in this case @svictor I am trying to generate billboard trees with blender. I think i have, thanks to the above advise of svictor, understand the priciple. I get working billboard trees but without shadows. So i think i am doing something wrong. I first generate a simple mesh with the correct dimensions of the tree in blender, rotate the mesh so the tree stands upright and then uv map the texture Exporting to fbx then doing all the steps as written above in 3Dsimed so it looks in gJED an so they look in 3dsimed after importing the gJED generated gmts (right is align quad top. middle is allign quad center, left is allign quad bottom - for center and bottom i had to change the z-value to put the trees to the surface). Shadow setting for textured shadow is done. So what i am doing wrong (i suppose something in blender)?
Hi, do you have this line in SCN file: ShadowCaster=(Static, Texture) Such as: Instance=Tree_001 { MeshFile=Tree_001.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=false ShadowCaster=(Static, Texture) }
yes Instance=baumtop { VisGroups=(32) MeshFile=baumtop.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False ShadowCaster=(Static,Texture) }
How big the dimension is the object (all billboard trees of baumtop.gmt)? If the dimension is too big, some shadow will not be able to cast on the terrain mesh. And are those trees rotate correctly?
no reason it can not cast shadow, which material shader does it use? Edit: There is a Shadow Out setting in Gjed, according DEV guide, it will affect draw distance, maybe check the value: https://docs.studio-397.com/develop...cks/scene-optimisation/shadow-groups-settings
edit: in devmode it works. Trees are billboarding and are casting shadows Time to do some planting work at the Isle
Sorry to bump up the subject but I do have somedifficulties to undertand the process about the trees with blender and gjed. Especially the alignement option and the shadow in game 1) In blender, when the origin of the mesh is at the bottom. I snapped my tree mesh to the surface. In gjed I choose the option "bottom". The tree rotated in gjed but the shadows in game were wrong. The shadow didn't start at the bottom of the tree. Instead the tree was in the middle of the shadow 2) In blender I set the origin of the mesh in the center (as it is usually the case when putting a new object in blender). I snapped the tree to the surface (bottom of the mesh touching the surface). In gjed when I choose the option center, the tree "jumped" up. In game the shadows were correct, they started from the bottom of the tree as you expect in real life but the tree were too far up. Not even touching the surface. After moving the tree back to the surface everything was OK What does we mean by align in gjed ? Why in gjed objects are translated with the center option ? So If I guessed right for the tree I have to put them with the origin at the center in blender. Put the origin to the surface. And in gjed choosing center. This would have the shadow with the correct aspect and on the ground. Is that correct ?