Released GT3 Update and (v1) BOP

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. Adolfo Bisi

    Adolfo Bisi Registered

    Dec 29, 2022
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    you guys complain as if shift protection was something created by the devs to mess up with players, when in reality shift protection is a copy of what the real cars have. It's not because someones personal opinion.
    The worst case is with the 992 porsche cup and guess what, it is exactly what the cars do IRL
    This is the table directly from our guidebook:


    You CAN totally do that in the real car, but is a very deliberate action. As you can see on the table, there's no RPM nor Speed limit to engage 1st from neutral, but it won't let you do so unless theres pressure on the clutch line, meaning that it is depressed.

    Also, there is another logic that runs on top of the shift protection. When it detects a shift command out of the envelope that was negated, it holds that information as "intent to shift". If in the next 500ms the car enters the shifting zone, that command is sent to the gearbox and the car shifts. If it doesen't enter the shifting zone, the command is cancelled. This is not reproduced in rFactor2.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2024
  2. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Don't the Cup cars use the Porsche dual-clutch gearbox? These have completely different load and durability requirements than the sequential racing gearboxes of the GT3. And even if it is the sequential racing gearbox, we don't know whether it is an electronic throttle input, where the engine control overrides the actual throttle pedal position, so that in the end it may still be possible to downshift with 50% throttle pedal and correspondingly low revs.
  3. Adolfo Bisi

    Adolfo Bisi Registered

    Dec 29, 2022
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    The 992 uses the G92/70 gearbox, it was specifically developed for motorsports. Uses a single clutch with multiple discs ZF Sachs 5 1/2" sintered clutch. The EDK (throttle body) is controlled by the Bosch MS 6.6 control unit, and has 4 throttle maps, so it has total control over the throttle pedal input.
    It doesen't allow any shift outside the window from that table.
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @Adolfo Bisi but gosh Adolfo, how do the drivers cope? That surely isn't sensible...
  5. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Unfortunately, this does not answer the question. If the electronic control unit has control over the throttle input, it can only allow 1% even with the throttle pedal at 50%. Is it possible to downshift if the rpm of the engine allows it or not?
  6. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    The FOOT has control over the throttle input, the Electronic shift protection does not allow a shift that falls outside the parameters as shown in the chart above. I suspect there might be slightly different values for each manufacturer. So if the driver has the throttle at 50% and the driver clicks the downshift paddle, the transmission it will not downshift. Instead it will hold it's current state until the safe parameters are achieved. The driver has to release pressure on the throttle UNTIL it reaches 1%. So, it may be possible to request a downshift when the driver has the throttle depressed 50%, but the car will not allow that downshift until the driver releases the throttle to <1%.
  7. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    That 500ms window would be a good addition, to make it a bit more forgiving. I know from driving with tight tolerances for H-shifting it's easy to occasionally get it slightly wrong, which is part of the fun (for me) in that scenario but would be annoying in this one.
    Marcel Offermans likes this.
  8. Emilian Huminiuc

    Emilian Huminiuc Registered

    Jul 31, 2022
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    Those conditions are AND on a column, not OR. I.e. you have to meet all the conditions set in a column for a shift to be accepted. Throttle in that column refers to throttle pedal position.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2024
  9. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    So how does the clutch pressure fit into the picture, because nobody steps on the clutch when changing gear. This is also controlled electronically and is not driver-dependent.
  10. Adolfo Bisi

    Adolfo Bisi Registered

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Well, I don't see them complaining in forums lol

    Not quite sure I understand the question.
    The shift logic checks for throttle pedal position and not for the EDK position, so you can't have anything above 3% pedal imput for the car to allow a downshift. EDK will always be equal or less % than pedal position (except after the car accepts a downshift, is the only moment the EDK is higher than pedal to sync RPM with gearbox). Also the 3% is just a window for pedal sensor misread, like a deadzone, because if you are on the throttle asking for a downshift you are doing, or did, something wrong.

    @davehenrie Exactly, but I have no idea how GT3 works, I was just talking about porsche cups.

    @Emilian Huminiuc 100% correct

    Correct, but if you check on the table, clutch pressure is only needed between reverse-neutral-1st. All shifts between 1st and 6th do not require any pressure.

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