SOLVED Getting the "Get Mod" feature to work on my servers.

Discussion in 'Hosting Help' started by Bryan Birtwell, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. Bryan Birtwell

    Bryan Birtwell Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    I'm renting an entire box from

    I can't, for the life of me, get the "Get Mod" feature to work on my dedicated server.

    Can anyone help?

    Attached are two files;

    One is the server end of my "multiplayer.ini" file and the second one is my "data.path" file.

    NRT has my file structure set up completely different from how the game is normally setup.

    However, the data.path file does direct to the root folder where the packages folder is.


    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2014
  2. Sam Moss

    Sam Moss Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I'm the same Brian can't get the Get Mod feature to work from my Dedi server.

    My Data.Path File is different to yours though, yours is the same as what an offline install would be not a server install.

    My Servers Dedi.Path
    It must work cause a few people have it working but with no documentation its a real trial and error and very frustrating. One reason I couldn't get it working was because of a showroom mismatch on a vmod! vmods have because more hassle than needed, all because ISI doesn't have the right track filter line..

    Think I may have progressed a little. On your root server folder where Installed, UserData etc folders are create a folder called Packages and upload your vmod into the Packages folder.

    Get Mod Server 1.jpg

    Get Mod Server 2.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2012
  3. Max Angelo

    Max Angelo Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I cant try by myself, but perhaps the multiplayer.ini port

    HTTP Server Port="64297" // range is 1025 - 65535. Used for file sharing

    has to be be open in the router?
  4. Sam Moss

    Sam Moss Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    We are trying this from a dedicated server host not our own connection so the port issues shouldn't exist. Problem is lack of documentation on hosted servers even in rF1 it was poor.

    By placing my custom rfmod into a packages folder on the server it got Get Mod feature working for vmods.

    First Brian I'd make sure that your server works with a default mod. Then create a vmod and upload that to the server (the rfm file and its manifest file).

    Once thats running uninstall the vmod on your pc, make sure the server enables downloads, upload the packages folder then try downloading it from the server.
  5. Bryan Birtwell

    Bryan Birtwell Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Thanks for the ideas... I'll give them a shot later.

    To answer the port forwarding question, my server has NO firewall and ALL the ports are wide open!

    Thanks again!

    BrYan : )
  6. Bryan Birtwell

    Bryan Birtwell Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    IsI... Can't you help?

    I don't really know how to change my Data.Path file... I have no idea how I would abbreviate the Program Files (86) folder.

    I got this to work on my server at my computer shop... all I had to do was change a 0 or two into 1s in my multiplayer.ini file. Took one minute...

    Seems to me that if the Data.Path file points to the correct folder it should work?

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2012
  7. Bryan Birtwell

    Bryan Birtwell Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    If the "Data.Path" file just points to where the "Packages" folder is... Then putting a "Packages" folder c:\Packages, shouldn't a Data.Path file that says C:\ work??? Well... it doesn't.

    I've tried everything that can be tried... I have put packages folders everywhere... changed the Data.Path file the best I could, using other files as examples... It won't/don't work.

    I've been at this for hours... too many.

    I think I'll try setting up my NRT box and having the game installed the same way the rest of the world does, until IsI figures out how to just make it so you only need the correct car and track combo to enter a race...

    Microsoft had it figured out 15 years ago with "Monster Truck Madness", in their "Gaming Zone"...

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2012
  8. Sam Moss

    Sam Moss Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    It probably worked on your PC at the shop because that is an offline install and not installed directly onto a server. The offline install splits between ProgramFiles\rFactor 2 and the MyDocuments folder.

    The Data.Path basically tells the Core Files where the rest of the game data is installed to. So on a server because everything is in the Core folder the Data.Path is C: or whatever drive the server is installed to. My Dedicated server was on D: drive so my Data.Path is simply D:\rFactor2\

    Try contacting your server host asking for the drive its installed on and make sure your server folders show like my screen shot above.

    I agree with you it took a few days contacting my server host regularly to get the server properly up and running because of the split install rF2 uses and by that time I was ready to just throw it in the bin.
  9. Dave-NRT

    Dave-NRT Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    We follow the forums...I check them a couple of times a day. We are always on our TS3 support server, and we respond within an hour on every support ticket generated.

    Bryan will agree I would think, that we are very active in making sure his rF2 server gives him what he requires.
    As a matter of fact after reading the posts before this, Our techs are exploring why the download will not work as I type this.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2012
  10. MJP

    MJP Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I'm confused by your use of 'offline' and 'server' install. Why are you creating 'package' folders and editing the data.path file, you shouldn't need to, the installer should have this covered already. Why does the 'Program Files (86)' need abbreviating, tbh this all looks a bit messy.

    I'll admit I've never run a dedi server before, seems to be a lot of hassle for some reason, what sort of access do you have to it, pretty restricted I'm guessing hence the problems.

    One tip I'll throw out there, don't use the 'Change Data Path' on the Advanced tab in the Launcher as it buggers up the 'data.path' file, well it does on my installs.
  11. Sam Moss

    Sam Moss Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Offline install is one thats done on your pc. Server install is when the game is installed on an actual dedicated server from a hosting company.

    The packages folder is created to allow people with a Dedicated Server to use the Get Mod function. It isn't needed with a typical offline PC Install. The Data.Path file is edited to suit how rFactor 2 is installed on a server.

    With the company I use (hostile contact) they install the game onto the server for you and you have full access to all the files just as you would on your pc install. All you need is a simple FTP program to upload/download files to and from the server.
  12. Jeremy Miller

    Jeremy Miller Former ISI Senior Programmer

    Oct 5, 2010
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    There are a couple more options that need to correct. Note the limitation in file size. Given the how and files are downloaded right now I added this to reduce the problem of a dedicated server becoming a file server for 2 GB files. Note that currently the mod download traffic is NOT part of any throttling or other congestion control measures (out side of normal TCP) that the real time simulation data is.

    HTTP Server Enabled="1" // Whether the dedicated server starts a HTTP server
    HTTP Server Max File Size="100" // Maximum file size, in MB, that the HTTP server will provide
    HTTP Server Document Root="Packages" // Document root for HTTP server. This path is relative to path stored in data.path. data.path located in root install path
  13. Dave-NRT

    Dave-NRT Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    When you do your testing phase with the dedicated, What O/S system do you use?

    We have everything set as above, No firewall enabled, and no closed ports.

    All our servers run on Server 2003 SP1

    Below is a snip from one and some updated info:

    The reason I ask what O/S system, One of our clients uses Win 7 on his own dedicated server at his home, it allows the D/L feature to work.

    Thanks in Advance


    packages folder:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\rFactor2

    Core files are: C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor2server1\Core

    And Multiplayer has these values:

    HTTP Server Port="64297" // range is 1025 - 65535. Used for file sharing

    HTTP Server Enabled="1" // Whether the dedicated server starts a HTTP server

    HTTP Server Max File Size="100" // Maximum file size, in MB, that the HTTP server will provide

    HTTP Server Document Root="Packages" // Document root for HTTP server. This path is relative to path stored in data.path. data.path located in root install path
  14. Bryan Birtwell

    Bryan Birtwell Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    F.Y.I., I truly can vouch for what Dave says. I can get them on TS3 at all kinds of crazy hours... And the support tickets I have filed have always been promptly answered. I know that they are working very hard on the "Get Mod" feature to work... I've been helping as a guinea pig with my server, comparing notes and such. I am proud to announce that if you don't have the 1960s World Class Racing All Tracks mod v1.01 and you go to my server "F3 Fanatics! With Weather", you'll see that the "Get Mod" feature now works perfectly well on my server! Hats off to the NRT team!

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
  15. Bryan Birtwell

    Bryan Birtwell Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    On the server I rent from NRT, I have complete control of the computer so I don't need to ask them to change things... That being said, Dave from NRT played with some multiplayer.ini settings and it may be as simple as changing the max download size to 1000MB. I'm sure that was it, cuz my server's "Get Mod" feature now works like a charm! Thanks Dave-NRT! If it would help anyone, I would be happy to post my new multiplayer.ini file here, or email it to them.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
  16. Jeremy Miller

    Jeremy Miller Former ISI Senior Programmer

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I use Windows 2008 R2, Windows 7 Pro and Enterprise. I also have a Win XP 64 bit (which is basically Windows Server 2003) but I have not tested on that in a while.

    Note the file size setting you can only host mods that are less than 100 MB. What mod are you trying to share?
  17. hoser70

    hoser70 Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Is it possible to host a dedicated server on a box at home (well yes duh, I'm doing it), but host the actual mod download on another remote server?

    I can't allow downloads from the box hosting the dedicated server, because that would put me over stupid ComCraps monthly bandwith limit.

    I could host them on my web site remote server though, but not sure if or how that would work with the Get Mod feature.
  18. Jeremy Miller

    Jeremy Miller Former ISI Senior Programmer

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Right now -- that is not possible.
  19. hoser70

    hoser70 Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Thanks Jeremy... I saw in another thread it's something on their "to-do" list. Hopefully it will be implemented.
  20. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    So on my "off line " home PC i have the line >HTTP Server Port="64297" // range is 1025 - 65535. Used for file sharing.. Now is this needed for the set up im on ??? home PC ?

    .. sry for my confusion but i cant test it my self atm with only 1 install ..the mod is installed already (or i couldent launch it in ded) so it dosent show if my "Get Mod" feature is working as I already have the mod but I have done everything else as stated above ..

    thanks !!
    I have added rf2 to the router with the range set at 1025 - 65535 .
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2012

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