I bought rf2 a few weeks ago and I never managed to play the game. Whenever I open the game it opens up command prompt, then it shows the rf2 logo thing, then I just have a black screen for 3 minutes until rf2 custom mouse cursor appears and then it closes. i have tried removing the Bin 64 and other files , validating installed files in steam and i have also tried repairing runtimes. My pc also meets the requirements for the game. The only reason i think could be an issue is that I installed a dlc (KartSim Esports Pack) before i bought the game, is that a known issue?
Can you enable trace, launch the game, then upload the trace.txt file here? https://docs.studio-397.com/users-guide/diagnosing-issues-using-logging
Have you made sure everything from rFactor 2\Support\Runtimes is installed? Just run them all again, and see if it starts.
I can see from the trace that the intro video is corrupted so can't be played, that's why the screen is black. My suggestion is to reinstall the game from scratch.
Sorry to stay on the runtimes theme, can you please do the additional 2 I've linked to in this post (and just to be sure, that you've installed the 4 usual ones as I describe) https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?posts/1134682/ Can't see anything wrong in the trace, those error messages are normal.
Still doesnt work, but im not sure if i did everything right. I downloaded both files and installed them, is that it?
Yes, that's all you need to do with all the runtimes: run each one and click Install, or Repair if it's already installed.
@Ben L-P I may have overlooked something very fundamental in the trace - it appears you don't have any content installed. Go onto the workshop and subscribe to a track and car, at least. I think there's a S397 collection somewhere with everything.
Can you please post Screenshots of the Content of the Folders: ..\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\365960 ..\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Installed\Locations ..\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Installed\Vehicles If they all have Content, rename the Folder ..\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData before you start the Game and start it afterwards.
Both Files ? It is 4 files. IMHO don''t use runtimes form rF2 as 2013 is OLD VERSION ( so is Le Mans Ultimate ) You tell these people 100 times they dont listen ? Yet, the first thing they will tell you is to properly update all windows, drivers and tools... but runtime ? Nah ! https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/ If you download this pack you get all the LATEST VERSIONS of runtimes for all apps all games from oldest to newest. You install this pack it will not get overwritten ( well only by S397 because they just not with it ) So I recommend you uninstalling any runtimes in add/remove program/features and instead use this ONE CLICK PACK. So you don't have to click 12 times turn off UAC in control panel, turn it back when finished. As well make sure you have Direct X June 2010 which is in the link above as well. REINSTALL: I will bet any money you did wrong FIRST !!! Log into Steam, open rFactor 2 window and click on workshop. On menu Hover your mouse on BROWSE then click on SUBSCRIBED CONTENT This is the simplest way to see if you have anything subscribed. Simply checking the rFactor 2 folder does not confirm this. If you have nothing subscribed click on one car and track you want, click subscribe ( now when you install rFactor 2 again it will auto download and install the content you picked ) 1. Open Steam and uninstall rFactor 2 2. Open [DRIVE]:\STEAM\steamapps\common 3. Check there is no rFactor 2 folder if there is manually delete it 4. Reboot your PC so it clears any rFactor 2 registry, If you have a registry tool like AVG Tuneup or others run it and clean registryy. 5. Start Steam, reinstall rFactor 2 6. Start rFactor 2 you will notice at bottom of screen it will be downloading the items you selected. So that's my advice, take it or leave it
@8Ball Sorry that i contradict, but to uninstall and reinstall the Game is not necessary in 95 % of such Cases. I also think, that @Ben L-P is not painstakingly enough in what he is doing.
There is also a chance that some UI files (or UI cache files) are missing/corrupted, which can also cause startup crash. Try verify game integrity again, then before starting game, go to steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin folder and delete Cache folder (this folder will be regenerated on next startup). Also it is a good idea to add game folder to anti-virus white list if you have any anti-virus program, because the game uses "Java" based web UI that sometimes Java UI files are falsely tagged as malware and gets deleted/blocked by anti-virus, which can also lead to startup crash (a common cause of crash as seen in LMU too).
It works! I just had to add the game's folder into the antivirus whitelist. Thanks to everyone who helped and @svictor for suggesting this.