Perhaps a 'tinkerer' could put together the rfmod, show folks where to get the required cars & tracks. Can that be done where the framework is completed and all the end user would need would be the proper content?
ol, the poor bastards working their fingers to the bone to put out the myriad of bugs and missing features in LMU, im not surprised its quiet here, id be surprised if it wasnt. More LMU fixes and release == more LMU sales == more employed s397 devs == future for rf2. Im sure no one is blind enough not to realise the advancements and fixes being deployed in LMU can be backported for a Rf3 release to fleece us a bit more. (and id pay happily)
It has been stated in several articles and by devs that LMU has code that is not compatible with rF2. If they brought the new stuff in LMU into rF2 it would break the older cars/mods. So more $$ does NOT equal more development of rF2. I'm sure we might see ripped models and perhaps ripped tracks, but actually getting working Hypercars in rF2??? Doubtful. And seeing another allinone sandbox like the two rF's advanced to rF3 is rather doubtful as well. At best we will see the Reiza products finally released to the store/workshop, more as a gift to users who purchased it in the past rather than more new content that will generate much in the way of sales. Anything else???? (anyone remember that 'free' track that was going to replace Silverstone???)
The last few days there's been 1000 or so rF2 players and about 1500 lmu players. Be interesting to see how that trend goes in the next few weeks
Yes exactly. Or allow the same flexibility that servers have to the single player game. rF2 is such a mishmash of bits and pieces. How about just finishing something like BOPing the Touring Cars? Currently have to exclude RWD, 1/4 of the cars, because they race in another category essentially. Some stuff is so incredibly well done, but it just feels like it was chucked into the bucket of other things by the ADD kid who just got bored of doing one thing and moved on to something else.
Maybe a refined up to date (car tech) F1 championship DLC for all the F1 fans out there since we now have LMU. F1 and BTCC at It´s best In rF2 (Including online) would really bump up rF2 for everyone. From there, work on the old classics to todays standards (992).
I think we might as well consider LMU as rF3. They, at least in what has been said so far, have stated LMU code would break much of the older content in rF2. So no simple upgrade. I used to think that rF2 would be the testing ground for LMU but from what I've seen, the entire focus is now on LMU. rF2, for all intents and purposes, appears dead, retired, abandoned, etc ... choose your word.
It does seem like the 'plan' was to throw all the eggs in the LMU basket, but not 2 weeks out from release rF2 is holding steady player numbers and LMU already starting to slowly drop off. Seems like it would be a mistake to abandon rF2 entirely, there's money to be made there still
LMU code would break rF2 simply because rF2 doesn't support things like hybrid engines, so obviously if you would try to run the hypercar in rF2 it would break. The solution is to backport code like bringing Windows 11 features to Windows 10. To what degree they are willing to do this remains a question, but it can technically be done.
That has already happened in the past (for example with the change to DX11) It is necessary for rF2 to evolve, otherwise it will die. And the mods will have to adapt to new features.
a LOT of the existing mod stuff is janky AF and should'nt be in rf2 much less rf3, so im all in support of a new engine and forcing higher minumum standards on older mods to let them be imported. We all anticipate there will be growing pains and some of the older stuff may not cut the mustard so to speak, but growth is painful.
Making content unusable is a sure fire way for people to abandon the platform altogether. We know many well used mods won't be updated and left on the scrap heap because the people that made them have already moved on.
On the other hand, stopping evolve rF2 will mean that other users will go to other sims that improve. To stop, in long term means to be outdated.
It is clear that rF2 must continue to remain in development, the online attracted old simracers who were waiting for this and I think the experience was very rewarding. By organizing a couple of split tournaments with weekly dates of some good cars on legendary tracks, you could give the online a very powerful boost. Competitiveness and challenge! It would be a very serious mistake to abandon when the turn that was given a few months ago was so well accepted.
I believe that this story about the engine not accepting hybrid engines is just another excuse, because in the past there weren't even kers, and when it was made for the btcc kers were included in the FISI, the LMDH is nothing more than a ker with automatic activation with the accelerator, maybe there isn't the NRG issue, I just think what they're doing with rF2 is ridiculous.
Where have i wrote that the sim is not played anymore? I've said "other users will go to other sims" Hahaha?
Sorry to say, but reading all this Is like watching The Titanic (or was It The Bridges of Madison County ) with a older girlfriend, a sad and romantic drama! I mean how long has LMU been out, a few weeks and some are already sinking the ship? LMU needs some time In the cooking still, and rF2 Is still here. Most will still be doing their regular sim rotation but with LMU added, provided they don´t break anything. Last (today) LMU update has removed car specific FFB and there´s already some who are having a s*** fit, so don´t hold you´re breath yet! Theirs still a long way to go on both ends. keep the faith!