It was philosophical. If ISI had been better received they most likely would have moved on to 3.0 if they had not already started. ..we never know now ! I quoted that..... In other words I think they should have been able to make a living doing engines without resorting to rFactor. I am glad they did but sad at same time. All I was trying to do is build a complete picture for people unaware how much ISI contributed to our passion and why oh why did passionate people let them be swallowed up.
AMS, ARCA, SRW and Project CARS are all based on rF1. The only titles that ever licensed the rF2 engine are TGTG and N21. Unless of course you count F1 Arcade, but they basically use rF2 with a totally customized UI on top (and it's not a game you can buy).
It seems it is right to say that the majority of the players in RF2 are not playing the race control races. It seems a shame that for so many years all we heard was players wanting something like race control then when they get it, its deserted. Perhaps if s397 had continued to support it, it would been more successful.
Probably because they're a bit repetitive or the lack of support by S397! If you see rFactor2 steam charts, the number of players didn't change a bit, which means that attention should still be given to this simulation..
Exactly, LMU continues to be a mistake, no matter how much they say they depend on it, I believe that the WEC series is not a category that would attract many people to the simulator, I support the Studio buying the game, however it would be much better to have made the cars in rF2 just like AMS and iRacing did.
I agree with that, it was about not having all the content and race control, then they did it and no one plays it. Meanwhile, the Simulator continues without a decent hybrid model.
I personally never play online, and a significant amount of people who do are in leagues. I think the other issue is, with no updates about rF2s future by S397, most people assume (correctly?) the game has been abandoned by the devs hence dont want to sink time into it
I started using Race Control almost every weekday when it came out, until the day they decided to repeat the same races at the same time every day of the week. They used to rotate the race times. At the same time, on different days, you had different races. Now it's the same the whole week. That's when I lost interest, as I use rF2 at the same time every day. I rarely use Race Control now.
I don´t know about the timings, but LMU has three races rotating the whole week on beginners, and two on advanced IIRC. Some are also complaining on that end too, unless they have changed It recently. Among different content, that´s why I try to alternate between both.
But it would also be better if you didn't need to switch these simulators, and now they even want to charge you for that.
This is true, I also play at the same time and at the beginning you had a different combo everyday, now for the whole week is the same track/car at the same time... I thought they had a pretty great online experience finally, but...
How do you mean "switch these simulators"? A great example of "caught between a rock and a hard place". If you look at a combination you think you'd like to race and then find that it's different the next day when you can race that could put you off. It also allows you to race several times on the same combination in succession gaining experience and allows you to compare your performances.
Yes, exactly. What´s good for some, Is not for other´s. For example, those who are new to sim racing will have the need to learn those tracks If the want to race online. So It´s a way to learn a track that you might had skipped to learn for what ever reason, same goes with the car/track combo. For those who are vets, then yeah one can understand their discontent. It could be that MSG has shifted their focus (attention) to LMU and trying to get those on rFactor 2 over to LMU´s online races. But some still complain that the Silver and Gold tiers are quite empty In the LMU lobbies so really don´t know how this Is going. Personally I enjoy racing no matter what platform.
Don't get me wrong, I know that what's good for some people just doesn't work for others, and I enjoy rf2 even offline. I can just put lap after lap in the same circuit with the same car without real people or IA. But I think -specially beginners series- should be a place for quick races in easy tracks/cars, and for that reason variety is better. But I get the point of having same circuit and same car for a whole week and practice for longer sessions, it wasn't a complain, just a personal preference
No worries on my end, everyone has their own preferences, needs, and point of view. My experience with online rFactor 2 has been recently, so I can´t say I have many races under my belt within the online ecosystem of rFactor 2. Actually I have had only 4 races and one of them was not accounted for. In these four races I didn´t know the track, so before hand I just jumped In a practice session and tried to learn the track. They are not difficult tracks to learn, In my case 30-40min. was enough to be proficient on the track/car combo. Maybe the closed tracks (Harbor) can be a bit more tricky to get down but then you just spend more time In the practice session to get It down. As they say, then rinse and repeat for every new track combo. Personally I am comfortable with that, so a wider (diverse) rotation Is ok with me. Are other´s comfortable with that, or take a similar approach as mine, I have no Idea.
The fact that if I want to race with a car that is in RF2 I go there, if I want to race with another that should be in RF2 but is in LMU I have to go to LMU, that is switching simulators.
That's what I thought you meant. But in reality, rF2 and LMU have been created by completely separate businesses. It's a bit like swapping from rF2 to ACC to race a particular combination of car and track. S397 are the design team behind both but really rF2 was the Luminis product and LMU is the MSG product. There's no reason to assume that the two should be in any way compatible or share common features. Undoubtedly they do but that's because the design team are the same and MSG didn't want to "reinvent the wheel".