You can still create a championship using Log analyzer tool. There is a wonderful tutorial made by a guy from here explaining how to do so. Steam guide Is In the link, that´s all I could find. Will be trying this out too, thanks!
I did a little tutorial:
It would even be possible to integrate such a tool into the user interface of rFactor 2 so all of these things end up being accessible directly in the game. Like many things, the user interface is modular and you can actually plug in bits of code that run alongside the game. These would allow you to intercept pages before they get send to the screen, add new buttons, and have those redirect to completely new pages.
I agree this for all current sims. Since about GTR2 days I started to question aids, unrealistic tools and features that had wholesale become integrated Call it brainwashing, indoctrination, or what you will but the path lead us all to one behaviour. Accepting things are not reality we explain away as necessity. This led me to ponder why do we really need any of these things. Wouldn't this free up huge amounts of code, UI and settings. The fact you must twist your mind to even think of a sim displaying this behaviour says it all. Clicking PRO is not the same thing as never having aids or help or unrealistic things we have come to dependent on. It is not about being better or dividing good and bad drivers. It is over time the total lack of huge range ancillary things available at your fingertips will become normal. Sims have never been without help or aids the closest thing is iRacing but it still has it's fantasy components. Even GPL has basic help so we have never been without it, that is all you learn and feel. Yes again you can stop using all aids/help/fantasy features in todays sims anyway ? If you think this way you would never understand. For mine, best example, having 100% damage set is not the same thing as having no slider. Anyhow I would like at least one sim like this.
well, I have a hate-love relationship with rfactor 2. In my opinion, there is nothing equivalent that represents the behavior of a car in the way that rfactor 2 does. Rfactor 2 was abandoned by the owners of the title. I don't foresee anything good in the future of rfactor 2. I honestly hope they are forced to sell the rights of rfactor 2 to some group like Reiza. ell
Reiza tried the rF2 engine and decided to use the Madness one. Also, I think it's a little early to say that S397 has abandoned rF2. They are 100% focused in LMU. We'll see what happens next year.
Yes mate but what would be the point now ? You think even a totally re-released rF2 with many fixes would actually sell enough to go close to paying for itself ? I very much doubt it If ISI said they back and releasing ISIMotor4.0 ( whatever) people would laugh now. That is how ingrained the negativity. Simply can't keep pouring resources into something the average Joe don't want to buy. Sorry just facts the way I see it.
I believe that MSG weren't really interested in rFactor2 as it was or as currently is, and it was only acquired as they needed something that could be used as the base for the BTCC game and LMU. Whether they let rF2 die off or use LMU as a jumping off point for rF3 ill remain to be seen. The current income from rf2 isn't going to be huge - apart from perhaps any DLC. I can't see they would want to be maintaining and introducing enhancements unless they will be able to generate extra income. I bought the base game roughly four years ago and although I have purchased lots of DLC, there's been no additional costs for new features that have been introduced. That becomes a problem as people have become used to having stuff for free and will clearly get upset if they are asked to pay some sort of "subscription" or for "upgrades".
I would just like to understand why rF2 rolling resistance is canned fakery, I know there must be a very good reason. Despite asking 100 times over 12 years including the very first few weeks of EA I got not so much as a peep, like ever, not even to shut me up. lol I had to conclude in my own flawed way it was done to make physics feel more alive off throttle as the decreased rolling resistance promotes push ( which for the uninitiated then quickly turns into oversteer ) and other car behaviour like rotation in slow corners. Must have effect on Realtime physics calculations ? Surely many of you here have come across the situation where you ran out of fuel and could roll half a lap to pits. Never wondered why ? More ironic is the fact no one is asking same question in LMU.
This goes in pair of what I personally would like to understand: why S397 being de facto small studio has such a poor communication with its user base. Since years I've been here its impossible to get a solid response on anything. It boggles my mind how such a small studio can have such a poor communication layer with its fans. It feels like @Marcel Offermans made more posts in a month he's been out of S397 than he made during his whole tenure in the studio. Not to mention community managers that always did piss poor job on communicating with community (like it's in the title: Community Manager). They always felt more like PR reps than Community Managers (looking at you @Paul Jeffrey). And the sad thing is they make the same mistake in LMU now. First month we had some interactions with Dan W and Cameron. Now they are few and far between.
I also feel rF2 and LMU gravity is lower then Earth. ( crazy man on loose ! ) lol Just a micro amount barely noticeable unless you think about it. Again my silly mind tells me it was to make the cars feel slightly more alive over bumps and such. If that is possible then it succeeded I will bet if you make same AMS dirt track and car in rF2 and hit same jump same speed that it will go higher. Take same car to same track in AC ACC AMS2 rF2 ( Monza is good test ) Go across finish line at 100kph then hit neutral and roll as smooth as you can to get max distance. I can tell you right now whatever car rF2 will coast further. " WHY IS IT SO ......."
The numbers, and what´s forth... PR´s HA! Reporting Is none existing, or what some would educationally call foolish or a sh** show.
Yes by jumping various cars in all sims seems exceedingly obvious to me that ISIMotor exhibits this anomaly. So how would you test rolling resistance you so eloquently forgot to include ?
Do you want me to cure cancer too? You judge gravity by jumping cars (and no doubt if push comes to shove you'll say you think it's wrong by 10 or 15%, some amount so small you can plausibly deny a mistake later but still claim to notice now), then want me to defend an entirely different issue like they're one and the same? This "disagree with me at all, disagree with me on all counts" mentality is typical of idiotic internet discussions. Eloquent enough?