formula pro pack

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tsurugi, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. Tsurugi

    Tsurugi Registered

    May 20, 2014
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    since you bought the game from the ISI you have not done a serious update, a graphics painfully transformed into dx11, a ridiculous rain that sends even the most modern PCs to slow motion, now you come out with a pack with a mod and 3 circuits and ask for 25 euros !!! ... but aren't you ashamed? wasn't it better to rewrite the graphic code in dx12 so as to justify the new outlay of money by users?
  2. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    as far as I know the dx12 has been a failure
    In another vein, it is not necessary to buy anything, ... it is true that priorities could have done other things, repaired many errors, ... but the boss is the boss ...:cool:;)

    That is if the quality of the products is very good, despite some interface failures
  3. Tsurugi

    Tsurugi Registered

    May 20, 2014
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    for 3 track and the mod need 25 euros, the dx 12 are a failure for whom? perhaps for study 397 because other software houses bring out graphically amazing games, in 2021 such graphics are unwatchable
  4. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    Look on the internet and you will see that it has been a failure dx12, but remember that you are not obliged to buy

    I am not a studio 397 it is obvious, many things have been done well, others not, but it is not mandatory to buy, that is optional
  5. AMillward

    AMillward Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    I mean, when you look at the 'other' simulator's pricing:

    Formula Pro car would be E10
    Tracks: 3x E12.61= E37.83

    Total: 47.83

    rf2 saving per the pack compared to iRacing= Around 48%

    But, like has already been said: You're not obligated to buy.
    Remco Majoor and juanchioooo like this.
  6. EricW

    EricW Registered

    Jun 2, 2017
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    And many won't
    Which is a natural result of only listening to a small portion of the community who are constantly defending or downplaying obvious flaws.
    Btw, imo from your perspective you can't have a neutral opinion.
  7. Luis Barata

    Luis Barata Registered

    Jul 15, 2020
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    The main thing isn't the price of the tracks and quality, I believe many don't know the load of work that a track takes, the hours it takes. Indeed for a game that was done long ago, with some improvements, these DLC tracks shouldn't be an option, they should be focused in a rFactor 3, and I don't think they will not have sponsors, they for sure have it the moment they open they mouth. rFactor 2 had a relative success the motive for stopping the production for a new game could be the weak improvements they did trying to please the clients. They should look ahead and not behind and not trying to extend the life of a game more than it would. We have some bad examples like the fantastic pCars2 with fantastic improvements in relation to Pcars1 (or all games in 2017 in general), then the going back in PCars3 where SMS slept and returned to Arcade games.
    In general I would like to see a rFactor 3 but with more improvements than we have in rFactor 2, that would go through a new gmotor (3) together with better physics and synchronization with controls, better atmospheric environment and graphics in general.
  8. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    ISI created all the gmotor stuff. The folks who coded that are long gone from the rF2 scene. Trying to create a gmotor3, for example, would be more daunting than trying to fix up 2. If you could entice the ISI boys to rent themselves out for a couple of years, we might see an advancement.....but remember.....the ISI pace is very similar to S397. Stopping all work on rF2 and devoting any resources to rF3 might mean 4 or 5 years before anything surfaced.
  9. Luis Barata

    Luis Barata Registered

    Jul 15, 2020
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    It's not the point the time to create improvments, they will not be focused in improvments if they have to make DLC's they need sponsors to get focused in what is important. I have worked for SMS in several games before when they were Blimey and when they were in SIMBIN, but the point is the example they gave from PCARS 1 to PCARS 2 they continued improving it for PCars3 but the inside policy made them return to ARCADE. After PCARS1 they started working in improving engine and after a few years there was the PCARS2, which was the best game simulation with a lot of improvments (maybe some people don't agree and I respect it). The ISI after rFactor 1 made a good effort for rFactor 2 and the result was visible, (I know studio 397 got it after some years) but instead of trying to improve the rFactor 2 (they could have worked in a few DLC for it without improvments) but should start working in rFactor 3 with all the improvments they got and they would not been in trouble to find money in these DLC's because there would have been sponsors.
    Being succeed in a game and sleep on it it's not the best way, even the clients won't buy a game with 10 years. This was the wrong way to go.
  10. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I'm sure AMS2 is more an EPIC fail than Project cars 3, I think PC3 has a lot of more copies sold.....
  11. Luis Barata

    Luis Barata Registered

    Jul 15, 2020
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    AMS2 is an integral copy of PCars2, they bought the rights to SMS. It was a surprise to me and I was curious and making a complete revision on AMS2 I found that the complete structure was the same of PCars2. AMS2 physics are not better as many claims they are the same, some tracks are the copy of the tracks in PCars2, only one thing seems different but in the end is not, the AI seems to be faster but in fact they only increased the AI capacity like giving AI more percentage. If I do an AIW it gets normally 3 percentage values: 80%;100% and 120%. If I change the values to 95%;110%;130% the AI would be more faster but definitly not more clever and gets more accidents, but that is what they did.
    About PCars3 SMS didn't loose anything they did in PCars2 they only changed the policy to Arcade instead of pure simulation, in my case I hate Arcade, but the policy was to do something different with what they had, and to get money with it. And for the record PCars3 sold 86% less copies than PCars2. I believe PCars3 was a missing shot and they'll return to the correct path in the next title.
  12. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    the GT3 are far better in Project cars 2, in AMS2, they are simply awfull...and the road cars too are better....

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