Ok. I am trying it with 30 cars round FSR Melbourne, but for some reason, the back six cars miss their grid locations when lining up on the grid and just continue on for another lap? What's the reason for this?
it's like this on other tracks as well, what I'm asking is how do I go about sorting the issue myself in AIW Editor?
What tracks? what cars? have you played with Dev Mode before? If you want to look for yourself then follow the AIW Tutorial in the Dev Corner of the RF2 website
Sounds like they only have 24 grid spots properly added in the AIW. I'd even hazard a guess and say they most likely only have garage spots for 24 cars without running into issues. I haven't seen that version of the track though so I'm only guessing
I've seen it happen at Mills Metropark with the Brabhams before, just a few days ago in fact. Worse, the guy who missed his slot crashed in to everyone as he left.
Yes you said Melbourne in your first post but "tracks" in your second post...What other tracks? You're being very vague, what have you tried in dev move exactly? Is it just this mod or do other mods have the same issue?
I have added more garage positions and tried adding more grid positions, doesn't resolve the issue, the back 6 cars still miss their grid position. I know other tracks have this issue as well but this is the only one I've come across with the issue.
I've realised that you have to create special waypoints for the grid slots for this. How do I go about doing that?
Solved! What I did was went to unsupported/test options and clicked Reset special waypoints. Now is it possible to increase formation lap pace?