Yes! (I re-downloaded both sections to be sure.) And the joined file has a size of 4,398,223,882 bytes. Still doesn't show in the Launcher, though But the upgrade does if I put it in. Very odd...have never had an issue like this before with rF2 in 5 years.
My joined File has a Size of 4.398.222.882 Bytes or 4.398.223.360 Bytes on the Harddrive. Maybe that's the Problem, that something goes wrong while extracting the Files?
Interesting...I was using .rfmod, too, because that's the extension on the update file. Changing it to .rfcmp allowed it to work as expected. !?!?!
Fear not... I've dissected away the tracks (I already have the racerfactor ones(they're the ones used from what I could tell! (same horrible FPS around Abu Dhabi))). And look... Instead of 4 gb's it's now 400 mb!AxwQkS5D!u_6q8QYEtylnBjeB1BCXBJXWR5WyU3mNnxdI2m8OXok