To all Turbo Fanatics and Offline Players. I have here a list of working routes for the F1 1986 Mod. Road Atlanta (with Marks AIW Patch) Palm Beach Sebring VIR FC CTMP Donigton Park GP Ibarra Mugello
Hi @ChiefWiggum I’d be happy to create paths for these cars, if you add this .rcd file to your F186_SR_main.mas I've set the DrivingLine = F186_FAST .!o9g11TxJ!pg6zVgZ3RwgxORTEas1vO0zHkgyBEfQHc0avmuEhYMY I'll start to add this line to my AIWs from now on starting with Adelaide.
ok, mod is updated, you can choose different Compounds on front and rear, there was also a problem with the tires in qualy, this is also fixed, and I have added the .rcd file from t0p5ecret, many thx for that.
This is the start of a new Master Championship by Simracers Revival. Brand new cars, new faces but the old rules. The Simracers Revivals stands for Gentlemen-Drivers, the fast and the slower ones are respected. We are looking forward to new drivers. There are some Cars and waiting for a Driver, Race is on Monday in Mosport.
I'm loving the '86 mod. It feels like proper driving - I have had to step up the physio exercises to my weaker shoulder to get myself through a race distance. One minor issue spotted that I don't know if it is on a list - when the Benetton drops down to a lower LOD in the distance, the right rear tyre gets swapped for a space saver spare!
yeah, you are right, there is a wrong entry in the gen file for the right rear tire, I will fix this, thank you
Fabulous mod for 5 lap races if I keep it under 11K. Still have the LE version for longer stints. Nice story on the 1986 Williams here: And some race replays from 1986:
More descriptions in Videos thread but again, Thanks for this mod @ChiefWiggum and @Postipate Have Fun and keep safe!
That's me to thank you. This mod is pure driving and fun. (As their real counterparts i guess lol) The fact is that i was unable to use it offline because of aiw path. So i learned how to make it and after so many time and help from different moders on devmode, i think i have find the good way to nail it Now, i really think RF2 has the best IA so far. The only weakest parts that still is pit strategy and blue flags behavior. But i don't think it's the hardest part for Studio 397, just not their main focus for now I use the f1 1988 tracks from carrera4 and i mod the cameras as the whole AIW path. I will finish the season for the next week i guess. That would be nice that you create a HE. Simracers tyres version are very good by the way. They nearly smell If you want and if i have authorisation of Carrera4, i could make the work for a complete season AIW and tracks based on your mod. That would be nice to have a working f1 86 and 88 season no? Some tracks are missing but who knows, some track creators or even Carrera4 himself would be interested? Tell me what you think Cheers Oli
wow, very nice, this would be great, very funny is I'm always was thinking that the 1988 tracks need new cams, the tracks are really good, but I don't like the cams