Was with Niki - as my car - had Clay as AI visible without error and my car only as the yellow placeholder. Tried few times. Beeing in VR here.
new Version, the Ferrari should work now (I hope so ), the Copersucar is also in the Package now, please delete old Version first https://workupload.com/file/Ex6cjNGPDwt
Holy Crap! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Ferrari looks amazing and with great cockpit detail and driver detail in car. Awesome, thank you. Racing with the Brabham and looking at all the beautiful detail of that car is incredible. Great work. Please, Please finish out the grid! Thank you so much for your work!
Просьба не могли бы вы изменить положение зеркал MirrorPos=(0.00, 0.60, -0.70) MirrorPos=(0.00, 0.70, -0.70) Мне кажется в первом смотрится реальнее
tested for just half an hour. Am thrilled. Really well done. What struck me is that with this mod you cannot use the arrow keys slow motion, stop, faster, backward in the box menu. Not possible, only with this mod. Other loaded everything works normally. Just as a hint.
I did experience a couple of times in replay where some of the Brabham AI cars had the copersucar livery/skin ill fittedly placed on them. Anyone else experienced this?
Lol, yeah I know, 8 ish ?, only you and another seemingly can get it right, looks great on the 70's sportscars.
ok Jymp, extra for you I will look how I can do it, but it is not so easy, the mod is very old and it is hard with all this different parts and textures.
What a fantastic mod. I am not a friend of F1 but this cars are pure fun and enjoyment. Congrats I found this issue. Looks like the stripes/lines are over the windshield. Tried only Brabham and Ferrari at Kyalamy and Brianza. Saw also that the LODMultiplier in the cam-files are very high. 100 for the Brabham. Is this because of RF1 conversion? Afair this value should be at 1 for better performance.