Hello Guys, this is a complete reworked Version of the F1 1975 Mod, there are new Cockpits (Car and Cockpit is one Part now, this is much better for VR), Tires, Textures, Shaders and many Parts. We have not finished the complete Mod, we will work on the other Cars and will release the other Cars Step by Step. Basic Mod Team CREW Physic by Postipate if you like the Work...... Hello Guys, this is a complete reworked Version of the F1 1975 Mod, there are new Cockpits (Car and Cockpit is one Part now, this is much better for VR), Tires, Textures, Shaders and many Parts. We have not finished the complete Mod, we will work on the other Cars and will release the other Cars Step by Step. Basic Mod Team CREW Physic by Postipate if you like the Work......
Good job !, cars handle much better than the rFactor version of this mod, question, is there a way to decrease the chassis lurching upward in cockpit view after each shift ?
Yes there is, but I have to do it. Could you give video of your problem so i know it's not bigger than on my rFactor2. do you use automatic shifting or manual?
Don't think its a problem, I assume it's designed to to that, thought it may be a personal adjustment I could make
I dont know if can you adjust it. You could try to reduce "head movement" from settings. Most likely it wont help. I will look into this thanks for feedback
Do you have a time frame for when this mod will be uploaded to Workshop? My internet is incredibly slow and while I'd love to get my mitts on this I'd rather not have to download it twice (I will if I must though ). Awesome work btw. Many thanks.
Download it now. Workshop wont come for long time (if never) FIA seems to have problem with those F1 mods on steam (just google what happend to automobiista
If you ever want to convert any other mod just ask my help Ps. There is permission on gp79 mod with updated graphics
FOM has rights to the F1 name and from seasons 1982-present, and only since very recently they have begun the cracking down (likely driven by current license holder). 1975 should not have a single shadow of problem. Even modern wouldn't necessarily have legal grounds, but it's all about court litigation fees.
Okey wow! Do you have source for this info? Would love to read about this more. Then I will most likely upload this to steam when my next release comes
Forgot to add to first post Use full graphic settings on cars. These cars are very good for FPS + Cars looks way better like that!