[REL] EnduranceRacingX EGT by URD Update V2 July 2016!

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by UnitedRacingDesign, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. gneffio

    gneffio Registered

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Thank you Ales and URD for the update. Unfortunately it's really, really slow. Not your fault, I know. I also rebooted my router, to avoid any IP throttling, but was unluky.... with 100mb to go I dropped to 20kbps :(
  2. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    it seems to be a front downforce thing. The Feruccio has so much more grip in high speed corner than the AM or Bayro, toe and diff are only a drop of water on a hot stone.
  3. Savage

    Savage Registered

    May 20, 2015
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    Thank you for a great work Alless. Received the link to the updated mod and tested all the cars. What I can say, my opinion is:

    - FFB in all the cars is more predictable now, I don't know if you did any tweaks but it is much better than in previous version;
    - light ray effects are much better;
    - exhaust flames have more intensive color;

    BTW sounds weren't updated, URD_sound stays at version 1.8, is that right? I have deleted the old file and installed the new one but the sound version is 1.8.
  4. RNeves

    RNeves Registered

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Well.... I tried to offer some help.... But if you say so...
  5. McFlex

    McFlex Registered

    Feb 23, 2012
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    I am very dissapointed by the update. Ferruccio still has too low engine temps. Nearly all engine modells are pretty bad done. All engines rev way too much and you can't adjust the rev limiter enough. The Ferruccio can rev up to about 9000 1/min but when i look at the torque/power curve it doesn't make any sense to rev over 7200 1/min. I thought that at least the engines got updated to the new engine modell and that the curves got a little rework.

    This is just not like an engine curve should look like.

  6. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Well its nice that you tried to help me but i made a setup seminar with a real race engineer and know all setings and their effects and the lost of grip in high speed corner is a question of downforce. The mechanical grip is a thing for lowspeed corners and the toe works only for the short moment of turning in but not the whole phase of passing a corner.

    You can do what you want, but you will never get such a high front grip level with the AM like with the Feruccio and the difference is to massive.
  7. TVR_Guy

    TVR_Guy Registered

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Big frame rate hit

    Tried the 1.95 updates and I'm back to 1.80. I saw a decrease of 20 - 30 fps at Lime Rock (day time). C'vette 1.90 does not impact the frame rates.
    Clearer window view and maybe better night lighting (haven't tried it) but the performance hit isn't worth it.
  8. Pelukas

    Pelukas Registered

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Gracias Alex ,buen trabajó
  9. Miro

    Miro Registered

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Drop the rear wing a few clicks. Fine tune then and if still understeers try not to overdrive entry or at all. Be aware of the tire temps.
  10. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Reducing the rear wing does Not have the same effect like increasing the downforce in Front because the whole downforce level is lower than. Its a good Plan to Not overdrive the car but it doesn't help to compete with a car with more Grip and higher corner speed. The physics are Not well balanced and no setup can change the fact
  11. Migiagi

    Migiagi Registered

    May 19, 2014
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    I bought the game through VEC. How do i update the mod?

    Thanks in advance.
  12. fohdeesha

    fohdeesha Registered

    Dec 20, 2014
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    I hate to be negative and a complainer because the previous version of this mod is my very favorite rf2 mod. but there are a couple serious issues with this update, at least that I and a racing buddy online are experiencing.

    First thing is what the heck happened to the cars? They feel like forza cars now, they have insane amounts of grip. I cannot get the ferrari to oversteer in SECOND gear slamming on the throttle and turning. That is insane for a RWD endurance car, at speeds where downforce is negligible. Even in first gear around a turn slamming on the gas makes it barely wiggle. I see a couple other people in this thread have mentioned this. Worth mentioning, this is even with "low downforce wing" selected and rear downforce dropped to 15 from 20. It still is incredibly easy to drive and will not ever try to slide or oversteer, even driving extremely sloppy and slamming on the throttle in the turns. Nearly any video of this class of endurance cars will show them stepping out even in 4th and 5th gear 80mph+ with sloppy throttle input, so please don't tell me glue levels of grip in first and second are "realistic". Most of the cars in the update seem to be this way now but the ferrari seems the worst. I played with the setup, increased toe out, springs, everything, nothing gets rid of it, it feels baked into the tires :( As someone else said, it's like a drop of water onto a hot rock

    Secondly this might just be on my end but I've tried on two different computers, the sound is extremely loud and distorted. This mod is now twice as loud as any other mod in my game, I had to turn my overall volume down to 40% and it's still almost clipping on my sound cards output. Even with the master volume turned down you can tell the samples in the mod are clipping and they sound extremely distorted and crackly, nowhere near as clean and smooth as they sounded in the previous version. This is with a clean install on two separate systems, a friend jumped online with me and said the same thing. To test, try to load another mod like BES then this mod, and see how much louder the darche is for instance. It's clipping even with the volume at half way :( The c7r doesn't seem to be affected by this (haven't tested the c6)

    Please help! I love this mod
  13. jimcarrel

    jimcarrel Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Have you bought the Mod? If so, you will get an email with links.
  14. yusupov

    yusupov Registered

    May 22, 2014
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    this is what i felt about last year's so not sure its actually different? supposedly w/ setup adjustments you could get the cars to be a little less nailed down. but i thought the C7R was an improvement, it felt a little more alive than i remember last years models, so i assume thats the case throughout?

    are you using default setups for both, or did you tweak the setups on the older cars? try comparing back to back & see if you notice a difference..
  15. fohdeesha

    fohdeesha Registered

    Dec 20, 2014
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    I started off with stock setups on both, I'll admit stock setups on last years were a little more nailed down than what I've felt on the track in real life but it was easily tweaked out with some small adjustments, mainly wings. However this new version, it's much, much worse. So much worse that I can't find any setup that remedies it, and I've played with everything. Even cutting the downforce in half, still nothing. The corvette was like this stock too, even in low gears under full power it would just plow straight ahead understeering with the rear end totally planted. However on the c7r I was at least able to remedy that and get 3 full seconds back at watkins and road america just by changing sprint rates, camber, and a degree of splitter.

    I'm starting to think it's the new tires they've made, they just have way too much grip. That's the only handling related change I can see for this new version, they're now using "tires like corvette". I gained 2 seconds without doing anything with this new version at lime rock park, before this version I had tried for months to break a second off and couldn't do it. Now I can just hold down the throttle more than half the time and the thing is just sucked to the ground. Perhaps the added chassis flex is a potential cause as well, it could be drastically changing how the car is behaving if nothing else was changed to account for it?

    also worth mentioning this is all on totally green tracks with no real road worn in. I can't even imagine how bad it is with a rubbered in track. Just watch some youtube videos of this endurance series to see how touchy these cars are under power in real life and you'll start to see how silly this is. You can lose the end in 4th gear on turn exit, vs this mod being able to literally swerve back and forth while slamming on the gas and nothing happens. I say this all with nothing but love for this mod :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2015
  16. Promag

    Promag Registered

    Aug 2, 2014
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    Gettin' about a 40 fps drop with any AI on the track. Few fps drop in private hot lop compared to the ISI Vette. Add 9 AI with the URD and and I go from 60 fps to 19 fps. That is race or practice, somethings not right.
  17. traind

    traind Registered

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Re Fohdeesha's comment.... Forza cars actually don't have tons of grip.... They oversteer quite easily with aids off.... At least in Forza 5 :)

    Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2
  18. fohdeesha

    fohdeesha Registered

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Sorry, insert any racing game you don't like :p
  19. yusupov

    yusupov Registered

    May 22, 2014
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    interesting, i have to go from memory, but i really feel like the tires are whats improved this year? (yes i know CPM isnt implemented yet)

    youre right that its difficult to get the car loose w/ default setup but it doesnt actually feel that way, the tires seem much less sterile than i remember (ie they dont feel like every other sim), compared to what i expect from rf2 though, (and i hate when ppl say this so sincere apologies in advance) did feel like it had a bit of stability control or something...(need to make sure i didnt activate it accidentally infact).

    also, whatever the default tire set is, a few laps at silverstone from me and the fronts were chewed thru...thats what i expect from rf2, brutal and unique :D. dont remember it being like that at all before.

    maybe the default tires are a softer compound than was available previous, or its something to do w/ setup? id be curious to hear more, properly informed opinions about this batch relative to the last one...
  20. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit Registered

    Feb 7, 2015
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    Thank You Very Much Alless!

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