Hello, I'm converting Dijon79 made by MotorFX... DIJON79 V0.51 I 'm releasing it for testing and optimisation... Still have to FIX AIW and Wet Reflection... Bush and TREEs have to be rework (colour and maybe Density)
Is Anyone Know How to solve that pbs with my Billboard trees ??? Is it just texture or UVW map to adjust ??? [EDIT]: OK I 've rescale texture to 0.99 instead of 1 and it has corrected it I've already corrected AIW. I've increased nod on Pit path so no AI don't slow down when some pitout...(thanks Tosh)
Hi, the track is already good fun to drive, though you're right in that the AIW needs work, the AI slow down on the main straight and don't enter the pits even when heavily damaged (may be a build issue, too). I've added the track to rF2 Rank at http://rf2.gplrank.info. Cheers, Uwe
The next version fixes the AI slowing issue. Things are moving along, there's just some graphical issues to iron out now. Reflections are done, shadows are almost there, there's a couple other minor issues too. Stay tuned, folks!
Hi, I did an update with AIW fix plus added billboard Bush and certainly more... I need testers to report if install is ok and if it load in game without any issues... Please report here any bug or whatever that I need to FIX... IT S JUST A TEST UPDATE LINK if no major ISSUES I will link it on first post and Third party download THANKS
As soon as I put the 0.5 file in my packages directory, the Mod Manager will not run. Gives an out of memory error. Tried several variations, but all end with the same result. 0.4 works no problem. Just added Panoz and a different track this morning with no issues. Remove the file and all is back to normal.
Salut Hi, Sorry to all of you that test 0.5 release it has an Error when packaging it... Here the new one for testing.... Dijon79_V0.51.rfcmp... -AI are now OK (no excessive slow down..) -Bush and Trees are now all bilboarded... Still to DO -FIXing wet reflexions, -Fixing Color (specular ???) for vegetation (trees, bush) and maybe fiding better textures.. -stripes are not correctly reflecting maybe I 've to change material to something that is not RealRoad shader... -Etc etc If you find some bugs are anything to fix I will be really please to... If no pbs with this one I will link it in first post and third party download... THanks
I make vmod (Pixsim Lola) today and put this version online. You find more info here:www.Fun2Race.net
It's looking and driving good! Can't wait for future updates. One suggestion is that the tufts of grass/whatever they are at the side of the track need to be a much lighter/dustier colour and tone. They are so dark and look like cow patties on a snow-covered field right now In some of the shots above, they come out a light green (too green and fresh looking) on top of a brownish trackside, but I am seeing them as dark on top of a light beige trackside (only one shot shows this). Look at the difference in the two 17-3-14 shots...which is the "correct" one?
Awesome work mr Arnao!! Fell in love with the track istantly. Keep up the good work, and i hope you keep on working with the GP79 conversion too since you have talent for sure. Thanks a lot for your effort to the community!