I bought the Q1 pack when it released, however, I noticed that the Dallara IR-18 will not update to the current v1.43, it is stuck on 1.25. I tried deleting the dallara folder out of the "installed" directory, but when I start back up rF2, it installs 1.25 again. In my folder, I see DallaraIR18_2020 (v1.25) and DallaraIR18_TEST_2020 (v0.93), and in my friends folder they have DallaraIR18_2020 (v1.43) and no TEST version. I'm wondering how I get my version to update correctly. Thanks in advance!
i had to uninstall all mods that have got the "old" 1.25 dallara-version - i have done it with modmanager under: c:\steam\SteamApps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64ModMgr.exe then click mods and check if dallara 1.25 is listed anywhere and uninstall these mods. after this i*ve also uninstalled the dallara 1.25 there under components.