I'll take an initial stab at it. Honestly, don't expect the best. From what I looked at in ModDev, it seemed like the chassis.ini seemed accurate. Based on what I did with the Panoz DP01, that was a big thing I had issues with. The other things, I'll see what numbers I can do. I did have the 2018, 2019 and 2022 rulebooks. I did find this on the Cooper Tires site. A few other tire options. With in that, it seems like 20 psi/1.4 bar is around the range. https://xtremetm.net/store/contract/indy-lights/ FYI, I have the helmet issue fixed. There is one new driver starting this weekend. I'm planning on getting that car painted up, and then release an update through steam. Once I get that out, I'm thinking I'll release an update on here. So if people want to try it they can, if not that is ok too. If anybody has experience and wants to take a look, I'm willing to accept the assistance Is there any engine editors or HDV editors out there?
New update getting uploaded V.0.995 - Added new driver - Flinn Lazier - New to Portland round - Mirror bug fixed - Thanks Manfredk2 for mentioning - Made the seat be more adjustable - Thanks Manfredk2 for mentioning - Fixed bug with helmet being transparent with 3rd party pace car - Thanks @hallenstein for reporting - Fixed bug with helmet being transparent with 3rd party pace car - Thanks @redapg for reporting how to fix it - Made mirrors independently adjustable - .rcd added for 2019 and 2022. Hopefully that makes the AI a bit better I think from here, graphically everything is complete for what I am able to do. If any body has 3d modeling knowledge, I have two small requests. 1. I would love to see the left side vent in 3d. Currently it is just added to the texture 2. Rockyrule on RD - Who just completed the AC skin pack for this car - Brought up there is a side intake blocker used on ovals. I never noticed. I'm starting to look into the physics. The plan would be to add beta versions to this thread as an independent update from the Steam upload. That way if some one wants to try, they can. Initial results have been luke warm. But hopefully we'll get there Thanks again for the comments and support! It means a lot to be able to contribute to the community!
Sorry to be nitpicking here, but Thanks hallenstein must be Thanks @redapg Or - Fixed bug with helmet being transparent with 3rd party pace car - Thanks @hallenstein for reporting - Fixed bug with helmet being transparent with 3rd party pace car - Thanks @redapg for reporting how to fix it
A glaring omission from me . I did have you added on the Steam page in the main credits section, as I used your UI Icon creator as well. I'll get this changed My sincerest apologies
Thank you Chris for your efforts. Lookin' like another fun mod from you talented folks. Love following the cooperation in this thread. Have a relaxing weekend y'all.
I'm starting to go through the physics. Getting information on part numbers and anything I can find. I stumbled upon this. https://www.avontyres.com/en-gb/tyr...al-data/technical-data-resources/indy-lights/ Anybody know how to get that info into rF2 format
I'm going to be away for a week starting in a couple of days. I figured I would upload what I have. What was going to be just a simple physics upgrade, ended up being a lot more than what I expected. I didn't find all information, but I found a lot of very surprising things out there. Hopefully these things feel pretty close. I'm probably going to miss several things but this should be a good list of the highlights Graphics: - Solid radiator exits for short oval config - Removed brake ducts for oval version Physics: - Gears: -- Gear ratios as dictated by the rules - Engine: -- Adjusted power. Should be closer now according to CarStat -- Fixed bug where water temp would drop to about 80F degrees after moving -- Adjust fuel effency - Should make the full 100%% race. - Aero: -- Thank you @Slow Motion for allowing use of some aero data -- Adjusted body drag both cars. 2022 cars should be slightly slower than the 2019 -- Adjusted speedway wing aero. Speedway wings should match ruleset. Downforce and drag have car in the performance window I was looking at -- Adjusted road course wing aero. Number of adjustments and angles match my photographs. Downforce and drag have car in the performance window I was looking at -- Interpretation: I can't find proof, but I believe that the short oval config, they ran a fixed rear wing at max angle. This seems to closely match laptimes -Suspension: -- 3rd Spring removed per rulebook -- Added in onboard adjustable rear ARB per rulebook -- 6 position ARB adjuster - Tires: -- Tire sizes should match what is proved by the Cooper/Avon Tire website data -- Tire pressures should match what is proved by the Cooper/Avon Tire website data -- Tires used should match the track type - Misc: -- Weights adjusted to match rulebook -- Brakes adjusted. Should be harder to lock up. Braking distance has increased -- P2P adjusted. TV broadcast had 150 sec total, 15 sec per push Things that could be improved: - I did not find any information on fuel capacity. Weight rules state car is weight with fuel vs. rF2 the car is with out. This may adjust the weight - Convert Cooper/Avon tire slip angle and spring rate data to rF2 format - Rulebook mentions the "IL15 aero manual". Haven't been able to find it but would be helpful - I found brake disk data but not caliper data. PFC ZR81. This data can be entered into the rF2 spreadsheet to get closer performance numbers - .rcd was created, but actually made the AI slower. So this is not added - The car still seems very fast on the short oval. 1s per lap faster than real in my testing. - AI is very slow on ovals Thank you again @Slow Motion for allowing me to borrow some aero data @redapg for the rF2 Tools site. Came in handy again! @L0P3X for some beta testing
rcd files filter the raw performance of the car, they do not enhance the car's performance so much as degrade it a teeny tiny amount. That would explain why the cars were slower with a RCD file klugding up the works.
Thanks to you for contacting me as a test driver for the mod/update, feel free to contact me again in the future if needed
Anybody know what this error might mean for uploading to steam? KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file workshopitem [offset: 2438] workshopitem, src\tier1\KeyValues.cpp (3007) : Assertion Failed: Error while parsing text KeyValues for resource workshopitem ERROR! Failed to parse build config file "*****\SteamUpload\steamupload\MOD\dev\workshop\DallaraIL15_2015\metadata.vdf". Thank you @Chet for bringing up the rain issues. I adjusted those settings. If I can get this uploaded, here is a quick change log: V2022.2 - Rain on the car updated - Thank you Chet for bringing up - AI Tire grip multiplier increased - Provided closer to real lap times - Minor default set up numbers - Body drag increased slightly
Perfect! After waking up this morning, I noticed I missed a quotation mark. New update live. I'll be away for the next week. So hopefully nothing pops up
@Chris Lesperance I want to use the IL15 for some AIW recordings in DevMode as its a great driving car. Car loads fine but there is something wrong with the gears. 1st and 2nd gear seem to be normal but 3rd/4th aso only give me a few kph more than 2nd gear. Max speed is around 170 kph. Do you have may an idea how to get the car work in DevMode as it works in normal game mode?
Interesting. Have no idea. I did a vast majority of my testing from Dev mode and do not recall that issue. Did you extract the files or just use the packaged .mas files? The first thing that comes to mind is if there is a controller mapping issue which might have push to pass on. I know the controller mapping isn't the same between Dev and Real game mode.
I really liked the content, and I would like to do a championship with it, where can I find the templates?