@hallenstein Do you use "All Tracks & Cars" as Series? And if yes, is it the original one, with the original Safety Car?
So it works with the original Safety Car? If yes, i will check what the Problem between my Safety Car and this Mod is, later.
yes, it works however, I then installed individual helmets for each driver and now I have the problem again, the new helmets are transparent these helmets work fine with all other cars eg s397 cars, urd mods, asm mods etc. - hmmm
Great update, all the new visuals are looking wonderful as well as driving feeling, thanks for your hard work!
@Chris Lesperance (and also @hallenstein) The Problem is the following: Both, your Helmet and my Helmet are using the Texture HELMET2014_TEMPLATE.DDS for the WCHELMET Material. Yours doesn't have an Alpha Channel, but mine has one. My Material is set without Transparency, but yours is set with Alpha Chroma Transparency. Now the following happens. Because the Safety Car gets loaded before all other Cars, my HELMET2014_TEMPLATE.DDS Texture gets loaded first. And because you don't have any Helmet Textures for each Team, your Helmet (with the Alpha Chroma Material), also uses my HELMET2014_TEMPLATE.DDS, because a Material Texture gets loaded only 1 Time. But because the Alpha Channel of my Texture is very dark in most Areas and your WCHELMET Material has set Alpha Chroma Transparency, the Helmets appear almost Transparent in that Combination. I would suggest, that you change your Material to "no Transparency" too, to also avoid, that painted Helmet Textures, with dark Alpha Channels will also make the Helmet appearing transparent, as @hallenstein has reported above. And @hallenstein, if you now want to use customized Helmet Textures, give them a complete white Alpha Channel. Or wait until @Chris Lesperance will fix it.
@redapg Got it! That one I can fix! Thanks for searching that one out. That one should be doable as well. I think I remember the spot for that One more bug coming from the Steam comments. I'm not sure where or how the default set up comes from. Anybody have any idea? If I'm able to resolve that, I'll get the update prepped.
The Question is, does he mean fixed Upgrades or fixed Setups. In the 2nd Post he talks about to change the default Setup, so i suppose that he means to put that as the first Option in the Upgrades File, to get it taken from the AI as default then. I have not tested it, but "a while" ago, fixed Upgrades didn't work anymore and i don't know if it was fixed by S397 in the Meantime. If you don't want to swap the Upgrade Options, you could try it with including a TrackConfigsBase.ini, as a kind of Workaround, bit i also don't know (not tested) if that still works.
I was reading it as either fixed set ups or default set ups. I haven't looked into the TrackConfigsBase.ini. To me it did seem like the fixed Upgrades was working. Example: Setting the Oval upgrade for a specific oval track. I will double check that out though. The default AI set up for a track is something that I think would be useful if it can be done. As the Steam post says, to be able to add taller gears to a super speedway. It would help me out a lot with my Panoz DP01 update. The AI has a different ride height than the player car. It bottoms out too much. If I know how to adjust and then default the AI set up, that would resolve that issue. That sort of modding/editing isn't something I'm too familiar with.
Normally, the default Setup is the one from the HDV. BUT, if you use an Upgrades.ini, that uses different Physics Configurations, like in your Case, they ovverride the HDV and the AI uses the first Option from every Upgrade as the default. So in this Case it is an Upgrade and a Setup at the same Time that gets used, but to assign a specific Upgrade Configuration to the AI, fixed Upgrades must be used. But you should also be able, to force the AI to use one of your saved Setups with "fixed Setups". That should work. And if you need some Help with the Panoz, feel free to contact me by private Conversation.
@Chris Lesperance Would it be a big effort to make the seat adjustment up and down a little bit wider?[/QUOTE] Got it! This should give you a bit more adjustability both rear and vertically. Orig Info: SeatRangeLongitudinal=(-0.4,0.2) SeatRangeVertical=(-0.04,0.04) New Info: SeatRangeLongitudinal=(-0.4,0.4) SeatRangeVertical=(-0.2,0.2) I think I noticed something with the helmet. hallenstein, I'll send you a test file, and let me know if that works
Been trying the car lately, it seems fun to drive but I found some things that could improve the car behaviour even more 1. Minimum tyre pressures on the mod are set to 62 kPa, apparently in real life the minimum value is recommended by the manufacturer but I couldn't find anything from Cooper Tires about this, anyways, we have 2 cars already in game using tyres from the same manufacturer, at least visually (USF2000 and Pro Mazda from Tatuus), and this ones have around 120 kPa at the front and 110 at the back as minimum values 2. Brakes seem to be way to powerful, usually even causing 4-wheel lockups under braking (even with the default brake pressure being far from being the max value) Oval upgrade: 1. Car is rather slow compared to real life Freedom 100 pole laps (Around 10 seconds off the pace (~160 mph avg) on default setup, 4 (~180 mph avg) with minumum wings and Largest gear ratios, while fastest Freedom 100 pole lap was close to 200 mph avg (Actually checked the car in CarStat after this one, seems that the engine lacks some hp, so I guess it's related to this) Hope this can be sorted out, car feels incredibly fun to drive at his current state, wonder how it does after tweaking it
Admittedly, physics work is not my strong suit. I would probably break the car if I started popping in numbers. I was keeping things close to Piero asr mangano original conversion. That said, I can maybe look into it a little bit, but I wouldn't get your hopes up on it. I do know what you mean by the brakes being very touchy. The rulebook does have a lot of good information. I think I have the 2019 version as well. They did not race at Indy or use the low downforce oval wings this year. I'll have to dive into it and see if I know how to convert the rulebook numbers into HDV numbers. It was something I did not do when I did this initial release. https://epaddock.indycar.com/rulebo...Home/action/Index?folder=Documents/RuleBooks/ If someone more knowledgeable is able to take a look, I would be willing to accept any assistance on that side of things.
@Chris Lesperance - same helmet with your last version of Indy light and as comparison with Formula pro
This sort of thing is "how long is a piece of string?" as far as what it will take to work on the physics. At very simple level: adjusting tyre pressure range - easy. adjusting overall engine power - easy, with some sort of target. Adjusting engine curve: fairly easy. But at some point: what's accurate? Any reference material? adjusting tyre grip - quite easy in a simple manner. This may or may not help the braking. brake strength - easy to just scale up or down as seems appropriate, cooling will need some adjustment and testing after that. adjusting aero drag/downforce - easy enough, there's only a handful of figures you need to change. Need some targets, or at least a basic performance/laptime example (or three!) to aim for. Gear ratios - the rulebook seems to have the available ones, can be corrected fairly easily if they're currently wrong. Are there rules regarding availability? At how many days/months/years do you want to spend, level: tyres are probably old stock ones or S397 tyre database. Might be ok, probably need some grip/wear/deg adjustment (fairly easy), handling tweaks (er... getting tougher), perhaps complete reconstruction (ouch). Aero behaviour might need to be entirely retweaked, from wings through to diffuser, and setup ranges redone. Suspension - is it accurately modelled? Roll centres about right? Camber gain? Ride heights correct? Spring ranges? ARB ranges? etc... Engine behaviour? Any material/videos/sources to work against? Fuel usage correction? Cooling ranges adequate and realistic? ...